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The timeshare presentations in Nevada are gettimg out of hand...

“...and walk away with a trip to beautiful Las Vegas Nevada! Enjoy a complimentary 5 day 4 night stay at any MGM casino resort all on us! No nonsense, no gimmicks. Just a bit of your precious time! Call today!”
Yes. A vacation extravaganza all on the arm. Courtesy of the Hibou Timeshare Corporation. All it cost was your time and cooperation for a timeshare presentation. Simple enough yes? I wish I would have realized how much better a couple of overtimes would have served me, than taking myself to that horrid building.
I was living in Phoenix AZ with my parents. Still half way bullshitting my final semester at college. I’ve got to be honest, I was checked out. It was summer..I was going to graduate and I had these final two classes in the bag. I could have failed my finals and still walked out with a C. Yes but that kind of luxury came at a price. My social life was the casualty in all of this. While I did have a tight knit of pals, my attendance to social gatherings were...well..less than punctual. I was usually doing work for one of my advanced classes. If not that, then I was pulling a shift at either of my jobs. could say I gave up the glamour of late night pizzas, puking in my friends car and hooking up with a random ASU frat sluts for a heavier wallet...except I was paying everything out of my own pocket. My gas, insurance, cell, college. I wasn't exactly hiding cash in the walls. My parents worked hard but..never did make a living to give me and my siblings an extravagant lifestyle. We were grateful though.
So when I heard that AD of how I could get a long needed vacation to party central Las Vegas, all for watching some BS timeshare I knew I wasn’t going to buy into, you bet your ass off I made that call. The phone only rang once before I got an answer,
“Thank you for calling the Hibou Timeshare Corporation, how can we help you?” a voice rang through the phone. The voice sounded shrill and sickly.
“Hi, I'm calling about the vacation in Vegas? Says that you need people for a presen..”
“Yeessss.” the voice interrupted “The timeshare presentation, well...we would be so honored to have you”
“Uhh..yeah...anyway I’d like to sign up? Is there a form online or do you take the information here?” I feeling a bit tense.
“Well I'll tell you what...pack your things for the vacation. When we are finished presenting..we can send you on our way to Vegas. We just need..a bit of your time.”
That was that. He gave me the address, date and time of the meeting. The area was in a place called Amargosa Valley in Nevada. Luckily it was just about an hour away from Vegas. Before we parted ways on the phone, the operator said something...he said something that should have been a MAJOR red flag.
“Okay then, you’re all set...we will see you July 28th at 4:30pm. Not a moment later” he laughed
“ more thing, if you have some more specimens like yourself that might be interested in the free vacation...bring them along. They’ll all receive the same prize and you will receive $100 cash for every person you bring. We look forward to presenting you, Austin. Good day.”
I never gave him my name.
Still, my young dumb brain didn’t hear anything past $100 dollars. So I rounded up a few of my best pals and we were set to meet the reps over at the timeshare. The days leading up to the trip I couldn't get a hold of myself. It was so exciting. My first real vacation in...i couldn't remember how long. I longed for this type of adventure with my friends. We packed a truck full and set off to Amargosa Valley.
I brought Luke, Larry and Adam. We’d been friends since the 3rd grade. We all moved to AZ from different parts of the country that summer, so being new kids we naturally ganged up together. Luke was from Texas..we called him Tex. Real big guy. Loved to work out but definitely was a bit of a boozebag. Larry was from Ohio. Quiet in public but probably the loudest of us all. Always had some political conspiracy to talk about. Then Adam..Adam was interesting. He was from Florida...or Georgia...or Nebraska. Adam never could keep it straight about where he was from. He always had some sort of story and backtrack about where he’d come from. I personally thought he was probably from another part of AZ and just wanted to fit we humor him and let him be the nomad of our group. I myself was originally from California...things got pricey so we made the move to blistering AZ.
That was my crew. No matter how long it had been, we were always as tight as ever. The ride was filled with laughing and gags. Stops at fast food joints and all around bullshitting. Yes it was an amazing time just driving there, we couldn't wait to get on with the meeting and head down to Boozeville USA. As we approached our destination...something felt off. Amargosa Valley had been a bit of a ghost town the whole drive. A gas station here. A small outlet there...but otherwise unpopulated. When we hit our destination we were met by a Chrome building. Smack center in the middle of the highway. As we parked at the only stall..we all took a look at each other.
“Well this is...odd.” Luke said plainly.
“Yeah man...are we really going there?” Adam shook out. Barely containing his fear.
“Look guys, I know it looks weird. This place is really clean and bright in the middle of a dusty desert but c’mon. It's like hour of our time? Within 2 hours we’ll be on our way to the dopest guys trip ever.” I said...selfishly.
The guys all agreed. We got out, locked the car up and walked in through the sliding glass doors. The cool air hit us like a wave. Each of us breathing in the refreshingly cold air. The inside of this lobby..was also immaculate. Chrome everywhere. Right down to the sofas and chairs. A woman came from around the front desk.
“You must be here to be presented. I see you brought more specimens! What a joy! Will you gentlemen please follow me?” She said.
Specimens. Ugh. Her tone. That word still makes me shutter.
Me and the boys looked at each other..all with the same should we do it look on our faces. Maybe it was the cold air enticing our sweaty brows. We’d been a poorly AC’D truck for a couple hours. Or maybe it was the ice cold drinks she presented in front of us. Whatever the case we followed her through a door behind the front desk and were met with a grand auditorium. It looked as if it could hold maybe 50 people. And all they had was me and my knucklehead friends. As we sat down, sucking down sodas and waters, a mans voice came over the intercom.
“Welcome my friends to the Hibou Timeshare Corporation presentation. Today you will be examining the lifetime of these vessels. Determine whether or not you think they are a smart investment and make a choice if you would like to partake!” I recognized the voice. It was the same shrill tone that I set up the appointment with.
“Now my dear friends, it's time to sit back with your favorite drink...and listen..”
With that, a large projector screen came down from the celine. An old timey countdown began winding down.
From what I can remember, I heard the screams of something...unnatural. A scream so high tone that I felt as if my ears would burst with blood. I tried clasping my hands over my ears but to no avail. The screams were too overpowering. As soon as it started, I passed out.
I awoke looking at the lights on the celine. Unable to sit up. I could tell I was bareass naked on a metal table. I moved my head, the little that i could to see Adam next to me on another table. Naked as the day we were born. He was encased in what looked like a light purple energy field. Looking more in depth, I too had this field in front of me. Before I could speak the tables raised up. Bringing me upright. Bringing me face to face with Tex. To the left of me..Larry. “My friends, I present to you: Terramite 99-0 specimens.” a voice rang out. The same voice from the auditorium.
“They are..of the male species. Strong. Cunning and above all loyal...if raised properly.”
“HEY, you bastards. WTF is this! LET US GO!” Tex cried out. Before he could continue, the energy field tightened around him. Tex let out a scream that will haunt me for the rest of my life. The smell of burned flesh and hair filled the area. I would have puked had the horror of seeing my best friend being burned alive wasn't keeping my attention away from the smell. When the field lifted, Tex was stripped down to the muscle fibers. Hair burned down to the scalp. Tex convulsed until he finally relaxed into a hanging position on the table.
“Now see..specimen is now sedated. Reduced to a weaker position. With the energy field keeping him contained and the Auto-Reversal Time Warp engaging, we can have this specimen back into working shape immediately.”
There was an electrical hum in the air. As before my eyes, Tex’s skin began to heal. His hair growing back. And all burns subsiding. It was as if nothing had happened to him. He still hung in limbo, but we could see the breath return to his chest.The rest of us let out bits of gasps of horror and astonishment.
I could see Adam crying a bit in the corner of my eyes.
A figure appeared from behind me. A tentacle graced my shoulder, not even phased by the force field. I caught sight of the creature. It stood around 7foot tall. Skin that looked human but a head that was elongated. No nose. And eyes that were black as coal. It had two tentacles for hands. I could not see its feet, as it was covered by a long gown.
Larry screamed in anger. “Your...your...a...a…” he managed to get out before the creature silenced him.
“Shhhh….I am...a salesman is all. Now my friends I will demonstrate the life cycle of the Terramite 99-0’s.”
With that, Larry's forcefield began to hum. Right before my eyes Larry began to get...smaller. Not in stature necessarily, no, but in age. He went from being a young a that kid i met in 3rd an infant. His cries were extremely loud. Unaware of the horrors around him. At that moment I could hear Adam's field begin to hum.
“Please no! Please!” Adam begged.
“If you will direct your attention to our third pod:”
Adam then began to scream as he went from a young middle aged retirement age and a decrepit old man. Hair as white as snow. Wrinkled beyond recognition. Each breath looking to nearly be his last.
“From birth to the declining ages of 70 and beyond the Auto-Reversal Time Warp pods are the perfect tool to use when training your armys, your children, your slaves. Imagine...never having to replace workers. Never worrying if your training methods or punishments might go too far. Never losing a prisoner to death. And though the Terramites look to be difficult to control, I can guarantee their cooperation once put through the proper training.” The creature said. Full of glee in his dead eyes.
Between the crying of baby larry and incoherent babbling of old man adam, the room felt like it was spinning. Just when I thought things couldn't get any stranger, the rest of the lights came to life. The room we were in were surrounded by seats, similar to the ones we sat in. However, sitting in these seats were ghastly creatures of different varieties. Some looked like the salesman creature. Others were ogreish. Large bodied creatures covered in a film of slime. Some of them even looked human. It was the eyes though...their eyes were a teal color with white pupils. Many many creatures looked up me and my friends. All of them began clapping their hands and cheering in unison. The claps were deafening. The cries of the baby felt as if a baseball bat was ramming my head. Adams babbling was terrifyingly disturbing. And Tex...hanging there. Eyes rolled back into his skull. I couldnt imagine the hell he began to feel. At this point I wondered what awaited my fate. The clapping stopped abruptly.
“Oh...Austin...yes, well if you want to know what fate awaits you just shut your eyes. Shut your eyes and quietly count back from 3.” the creature said...was he reading my mind?
Suddenly the urge to close my eyes overtook me. Almost as if I had no choice, I began counting down. 3….2….1….
Everything went black. I wasn't sure if i was alive or dead...or somewhere in between. I saw nothing but black for what felt like a lifetime. And in an instant...I heard that same shrill scream. Only this time I could not cover my ears. I couldn’t feel my body but I felt an unimaginable amount of pain. As the scream grew to its peak, I slammed my eyes open. Trying to catch my breath.
I was back in the car...we were all back in the car. The engine was on. Shitty ac blasting. The others were still out. I sat up in my seat. Not wanting to move too suddenly. The sun was beating down on us. I looked over at the time on the dash…July 28th 4:34 pm. I reached into my shirt pocket and I found several vouchers for the MGM hotels in Vegas along with $300 dollars. I also found a card that simply read “Hibou Timeshare Corp. would like to thank you for a bit of your time”
The boys came too. All feeling rather groggy.
“We all fell asleep huh?” Adam laughed. “We here?”
They didn't remember a thing. Not one thing. Not going in...not the reception area...not the freaky timeshare presentation...not one bit. I lied...i told them that while they were sound asleep, we arrived a little earlier than expected. The presenter had an emergency and left our vouchers at the front desk and apologized profusely.
“Wow, what a gentleman!” Tex laughed. “We definitely owe it to him to sit through another timeshare, probono.” Larry added.
I think it's safe to say that I will not be returning to this or any other timeshare. As I drove away I could see the building disappear in the rear view mirror.
So if you’re traveling deep within the southwest of the United States and hear an ad for a free vacation that's too good to be yourself a favor..turn off the radio, call into work and ask for some overtime..because nothing is ever given for free.
submitted by G_A93 to DrCreepensVault [link] [comments]

The timeshare presentations in Nevada are getting out of control

“...and walk away with a trip to beautiful Las Vegas Nevada! Enjoy a complimentary 5 day 4 night stay at any MGM casino resort all on us! No nonsense, no gimmicks. Just a bit of your precious time! Call today!”
Yes. A vacation extravaganza all on the arm. Courtesy of the Hibou Timeshare Corporation. All it cost was your time and cooperation for a timeshare presentation. Simple enough yes? I wish I would have realized how much better a couple of overtimes would have served me, than taking myself to that horrid building.
I was living in Phoenix AZ with my parents. Still half way bullshitting my final semester at college. I’ve got to be honest, I was checked out. It was summer..I was going to graduate and I had these final two classes in the bag. I could have failed my finals and still walked out with a C. Yes but that kind of luxury came at a price. My social life was the casualty in all of this. While I did have a tight knit of pals, my attendance to social gatherings were...well..less than punctual. I was usually doing work for one of my advanced classes. If not that, then I was pulling a shift at either of my jobs. could say I gave up the glamour of late night pizzas, puking in my friends car and hooking up with a random ASU frat sluts for a heavier wallet...except I was paying everything out of my own pocket. My gas, insurance, cell, college. I wasn't exactly hiding cash in the walls. My parents worked hard but..never did make a living to give me and my siblings an extravagant lifestyle. We were grateful though.
So when I heard that AD of how I could get a long needed vacation to party central Las Vegas, all for watching some BS timeshare I knew I wasn’t going to buy into, you bet your ass off I made that call. The phone only rang once before I got an answer,
“Thank you for calling the Hibou Timeshare Corporation, how can we help you?” a voice rang through the phone. The voice sounded shrill and sickly.
“Hi, I'm calling about the vacation in Vegas? Says that you need people for a presen..”
“Yeessss.” the voice interrupted “The timeshare presentation, well...we would be so honored to have you”
“Uhh..yeah...anyway I’d like to sign up? Is there a form online or do you take the information here?” I feeling a bit tense.
“Well I'll tell you what...pack your things for the vacation. When we are finished presenting..we can send you on our way to Vegas. We just need..a bit of your time.”
That was that. He gave me the address, date and time of the meeting. The area was in a place called Amargosa Valley in Nevada. Luckily it was just about an hour away from Vegas. Before we parted ways on the phone, the operator said something...he said something that should have been a MAJOR red flag.
“Okay then, you’re all set...we will see you July 28th at 4:30pm. Not a moment later” he laughed
“ more thing, if you have some more specimens like yourself that might be interested in the free vacation...bring them along. They’ll all receive the same prize and you will receive $100 cash for every person you bring. We look forward to presenting you, Austin. Good day.”
I never gave him my name.
Still, my young dumb brain didn’t hear anything past $100 dollars. So I rounded up a few of my best pals and we were set to meet the reps over at the timeshare. The days leading up to the trip I couldn't get a hold of myself. It was so exciting. My first real vacation in...i couldn't remember how long. I longed for this type of adventure with my friends. We packed a truck full and set off to Amargosa Valley.
I brought Luke, Larry and Adam. We’d been friends since the 3rd grade. We all moved to AZ from different parts of the country that summer, so being new kids we naturally ganged up together. Luke was from Texas..we called him Tex. Real big guy. Loved to work out but definitely was a bit of a boozebag. Larry was from Ohio. Quiet in public but probably the loudest of us all. Always had some political conspiracy to talk about. Then Adam..Adam was interesting. He was from Florida...or Georgia...or Nebraska. Adam never could keep it straight about where he was from. He always had some sort of story and backtrack about where he’d come from. I personally thought he was probably from another part of AZ and just wanted to fit we humor him and let him be the nomad of our group. I myself was originally from California...things got pricey so we made the move to blistering AZ.
That was my crew. No matter how long it had been, we were always as tight as ever. The ride was filled with laughing and gags. Stops at fast food joints and all around bullshitting. Yes it was an amazing time just driving there, we couldn't wait to get on with the meeting and head down to Boozeville USA. As we approached our destination...something felt off. Amargosa Valley had been a bit of a ghost town the whole drive. A gas station here. A small outlet there...but otherwise unpopulated. When we hit our destination we were met by a Chrome building. Smack center in the middle of the highway. As we parked at the only stall..we all took a look at each other.
“Well this is...odd.” Luke said plainly.
“Yeah man...are we really going there?” Adam shook out. Barely containing his fear.
“Look guys, I know it looks weird. This place is really clean and bright in the middle of a dusty desert but c’mon. It's like hour of our time? Within 2 hours we’ll be on our way to the dopest guys trip ever.” I said...selfishly.
The guys all agreed. We got out, locked the car up and walked in through the sliding glass doors. The cool air hit us like a wave. Each of us breathing in the refreshingly cold air. The inside of this lobby..was also immaculate. Chrome everywhere. Right down to the sofas and chairs. A woman came from around the front desk.
“You must be here to be presented. I see you brought more specimens! What a joy! Will you gentlemen please follow me?” She said.
Specimens. Ugh. Her tone. That word still makes me shutter.
Me and the boys looked at each other..all with the same should we do it look on our faces. Maybe it was the cold air enticing our sweaty brows. We’d been a poorly AC’D truck for a couple hours. Or maybe it was the ice cold drinks she presented in front of us. Whatever the case we followed her through a door behind the front desk and were met with a grand auditorium. It looked as if it could hold maybe 50 people. And all they had was me and my knucklehead friends. As we sat down, sucking down sodas and waters, a mans voice came over the intercom.
“Welcome my friends to the Hibou Timeshare Corporation presentation. Today you will be examining the lifetime of these vessels. Determine whether or not you think they are a smart investment and make a choice if you would like to partake!” I recognized the voice. It was the same shrill tone that I set up the appointment with.
“Now my dear friends, it's time to sit back with your favorite drink...and listen..”
With that, a large projector screen came down from the celine. An old timey countdown began winding down.
From what I can remember, I heard the screams of something...unnatural. A scream so high tone that I felt as if my ears would burst with blood. I tried clasping my hands over my ears but to no avail. The screams were too overpowering. As soon as it started, I passed out.
I awoke looking at the lights on the celine. Unable to sit up. I could tell I was bareass naked on a metal table. I moved my head, the little that i could to see Adam next to me on another table. Naked as the day we were born. He was encased in what looked like a light purple energy field. Looking more in depth, I too had this field in front of me. Before I could speak the tables raised up. Bringing me upright. Bringing me face to face with Tex. To the left of me..Larry. “My friends, I present to you: Terramite 99-0 specimens.” a voice rang out. The same voice from the auditorium.
“They are..of the male species. Strong. Cunning and above all loyal...if raised properly.”
“HEY, you bastards. WTF is this! LET US GO!” Tex cried out. Before he could continue, the energy field tightened around him. Tex let out a scream that will haunt me for the rest of my life. The smell of burned flesh and hair filled the area. I would have puked had the horror of seeing my best friend being burned alive wasn't keeping my attention away from the smell. When the field lifted, Tex was stripped down to the muscle fibers. Hair burned down to the scalp. Tex convulsed until he finally relaxed into a hanging position on the table.
“Now see..specimen is now sedated. Relaxed into a weaker position. With the energy field keeping him contained and the Auto-Reversal Time Warp engaging, we can have this specimen back into working shape immediately.”
There was an electrical hum in the air. As before my eyes, Tex’s skin began to heal. His hair growing back. And all burns subsiding. It was as if nothing had happened to him. He still hung in limbo, but we could see the breath return to his chest.The rest of us let out bits of gasps of horror and astonishment.
I could see Adam crying a bit in the corner of my eyes.
A figure appeared from behind me. A tentacle graced my shoulder, not even phased by the force field. I caught sight of the creature. It stood around 7foot tall. Skin that looked human but a head that was elongated. No nose. And eyes that were black as coal. It had two tentacles for hands. I could not see its feet, as it was covered by a long gown.
Larry screamed in anger. “Your...your...a...a…” he managed to get out before the creature silenced him.
“Shhhh….I am...a salesman is all. Now my friends I will demonstrate the life cycle of the Terramite 99-0’s.”
With that, Larry's forcefield began to hum. Right before my eyes Larry began to get...smaller. Not in stature necessarily, no, but in age. He went from being a young a that kid i met in 3rd an infant. His cries were extremely loud. Unaware of the horrors around him. At that moment I could hear Adam's field begin to hum.
“Please no! Please!” Adam begged.
“If you will direct your attention to our third pod:”
Adam then began to scream as he went from a young middle aged retirement age and a decrepit old man. Hair as white as snow. Wrinkled beyond recognition. Each breath looking to nearly be his last.
“From birth to the declining ages of 70 to 100 Terran years…the Auto-Reversal Time Warp pods are the perfect tool to use when training your armys, your children, your slaves. Imagine...never having to replace workers. Never worrying if your training methods or punishments might go too far. Never losing a prisoner to death.” The creature said. Full of glee in his dead eyes.
Between the crying of baby larry and incoherent babbling of old man adam, the room felt like it was spinning. Just when I thought things couldn't get any stranger, the rest of the lights came to life. The room we were in were surrounded by seats, similar to the ones we sat in. However, sitting in these seats were ghastly creatures of different varieties. Some looked like the salesman creature. Others were ogreish. Large bodied creatures covered in a film of slime. Some of them even looked human. It was the eyes though...their eyes were a teal color with white pupils. Many many creatures looked up me and my friends. All of them began clapping their hands in unison. The claps were deafening. The cries of the baby felt as if a baseball bat was connecting with my head every second. Adams babbling was terrifyingly disturbing. And Tex...hanging there. Eyes rolled back into his skull. I couldnt imagine the hell he began to feel. At this point I wondered what awaited my fate. The clapping stopped abruptly.
“Oh...Austin...yes, well if you want to know what fate awaits you just shut your eyes. Shut your eyes and quietly count back from 3.” the creature said...was he reading my mind?
Suddenly the urge to close my eyes overtook me. Almost as if I had no choice, I began counting down. 3….2….1….
Everything went black. I wasn't sure if i was alive or dead...or somewhere in between. I saw nothing but black for what felt like a lifetime. And in an instant...I heard that same shrill scream. Only this time I could not cover my ears. I couldn’t feel my body but I felt an unimaginable amount of pain. As the scream grew to its peak, I slammed my eyes open. Trying to catch my breath.
I was back in the car...we were all back in the car. The engine was on. Shitty ac blasting. The others were still out. I sat up in my seat. Not wanting to move too suddenly. The sun was beating down on us. I looked over at the time on the dash…July 28th 4:34 pm. I reached into my shirt pocket and I found several vouchers for the MGM hotels in Vegas along with $300 dollars. I also found a card that simply read “Hibou Timeshare Corp. would like to thank you for a bit of your time”
The boys came too. All feeling rather groggy.
“We all fell asleep huh?” Adam laughed. “We here?”
They didn't remember a thing. Not one thing. Not going in...not the reception area...not the freaky timeshare presentation...not one bit. I lied...i told them that while they were sound asleep, we arrived a little earlier than expected. The presenter had an emergency and left our vouchers at the front desk and apologized profusely.
“Wow, what a gentleman!” Tex laughed. “We definitely owe it to him to sit through another timeshare, probono.” Larry added.
I think it's safe to say that I will not be returning to this or any other timeshare. As I drove away I could see the building disappear in the rear view mirror.
So if you’re traveling deep within the southwest of the United States and hear an ad for a free vacation that's too good to be yourself a favor..turn off the radio, call into work and ask for some overtime..because nothing is ever given for free.
submitted by G_A93 to nosleep [link] [comments]

WWE Network Updates: 11/06/2017

The following shows have been added to the WWE Network today:

Hover over links for descriptions



See what new shows are coming up on the schedule
Follow me on Twitter!
The wiki pages with all WWE Network content has also been updated.
I am a bot. I will edit this post if more content is added today. Please contact tonyg623 with any bugs or suggestions. Thanks!
submitted by WWE_Network_Bot to wwe_network [link] [comments]

Stuff To Do in Tucson: November 2016

Greetings, /Tucson! It's the NOVEMBER 2016 edition of the Stuff to Do thread!
Use this sticky to collect general stuff going on around town (including Tucson's surrounding areas) in November. You can still start new posts about an event, especially if you need help planning something. This will just serve as an easy reference. (PLEASE NOTE: You CANNOT start a new post if you are self-promoting a business, or if you are somehow related to the person(s) that stand to profit from said event. This is considered spam. Don't do it.)
Comment with the details (date, time, location, admission fee, age restrictions, etc.) about any event/gathering/get-together that you think people may be interested in and I'll update the text of the main post so people can easily see what's going on.
Examples of good stuff to tell us about include:
And more!
Anything advertising any specific product or anything illegal will be removed.
Halloween Night Dance Party at Club Congress - $8/$10 - 8PM
Tuesday Night Classics: Big Trouble In Little China - Harkins Theatre - 5455 S Calle Santa Cruz - 7PM - $5
Loft Film Fest 2016 - $10/$8 members for individual tix - see website for full details
Open Studio Tours (Downtown/South) - various locations - 11AM-5PM - free - see link for info
GABA Fall Bike Swap Meet - 7th Street Between 4th Avenue and 6th Avenue
Sweet Charity Dessert Challenge - at Loews Ventana Canyon Resort - 6PM - $45/person - all ages
31st Annual Holiday Artisans Market - at the Tucson Museum of Art - 10AM-5PM - free admission to market and museum
Tucson Bonsai Society's Monthly Meeting: Annual potluck lunch - Catalina United Methodist Church, Building H, Room 230 - 12PM-4PM - see website for more info
Tuesday Night Classics: Planes, Trains and Automobiles - Harkins Theatre - 5455 S Calle Santa Cruz - 7PM - $5
Lightwire Theatre: A Very Electric Christmas - at Fox Theatre - 6PM - $17-$50
Tucson Symphony Orchestra SuperPops! Holiday Special: Home Alone in Concert - at the Tucson Music Hall - $15-$90 - see site for times and tix
Tuesday Night Classics: Polar Express - Harkins Theatre - 5455 S Calle Santa Cruz - 7PM - $5
SkyNights at UA Mt. Lemmon SkyCenter - 9800 East Ski Run Rd. - starts around 3PM - $65 Adults , $40 Youth (7-17 yrs) includes a light dinner
Geeks Who Drink - different venues every day
  • Monday - Dante's Fire - 8:00 PM / Public Brewhouse - 7:30 PM / Sir Veza's Taco Garage - 7:00 PM
  • Tuesday - Hotel Congress - 8:00 PM / Frog and Firkin - 8:00 PM / Brew of A Sports Grill (Formerly Schrier's Sports Grill) - 7:00 PM
  • Wednesday - The Auld Dubliner - 8:00 PM / Trident Grill - 8:00 PM / Playground Bar & Lounge - 7:30 PM
  • Thursday - Aloft Tucson University - 7:30 PM (Starts Sept 4th) / Bumsted's - 8:00 PM / The Canyon's Crown Restaurant & Pub - 8:00 PM
  • Sunday - Trident Grill II - 7:00 PM (Starts Sunday, May 15th)
Laughs and Draughts (Open mic comedy & draught beer specials) - at The Flycatcher - 10PM - 21+
  • Board Game Meetup - at Tucson Games & Gadget - 1PM
  • Saturday Night Clay Parties - at The Tucson Clay Co-op - 3326 N. Dodge Blvd. - 6:30-8PM - $20/person (+$5 to fire pieces to keep) - see website for more details and to make reservations
  • Live Jazz at Pastiche - at Pastiche restaurant - 7PM-10PM - see website for more info and events
  • Juggling Club - at Himmel Park, behind the library - 4PM
submitted by CompletelyLurker to Tucson [link] [comments]

"Out-of-towners" Guide: Other Attractions/Gameday

First off, if you haven't seen the original post yet, check it out here. This will detail the project, as well as explain why this will be useful.
So, I need help with the following portions of the guide:
Topics that fall under gameday are ones such as: ticketing/security/finding your seats, seat advice, food in the stadium, etc. This is the largest part of the guide, and I can't write this alone because I have never been to UoP Stadium myself.
Also, this is what I have so far, let me know what you think and if I should make any edits:
If you’re reading, you’re probably traveling to Phoenix (actually Glendale) to watch your team play the Cardinals. Well, i’ve got bad news for you: sold out. Not really, but use this guide to help you plan your trip and get the most out of your trip to the desert.
So, how do I get to the city in the middle of the desert that somebody named Phoenix?
There are a variety of ways to get into Phoenix:
Major Highways: I-10, I-17, US-60
Las Vegas to Stadium: 4 Hours, 22 Minutes
Los Angeles to Stadium: 5 Hours, 25 Minutes
Flagstaff to Stadium: 2 Hours, 5 Minutes
Albuquerque to Stadium: 6 Hours, 45 Minutes
San Diego to Stadium- 5 Hours, 8 Minutes
Where should I stay during my visit?
Renaissance Phoenix Glendale Hotel & Spa
Staybridge Suites Phoenix-Glendale
Holiday Inn Express & Suites Phoenix-Glendale
Hampton Inn & Suites Phoenix Glendale-Westgate
Springhill Suites Phoenix Glendale Sports & Entertainment District
For those of you on a tight budget, you have options as well:
Motel 6 Glendale
Days Inn Peoria Glendale Area
What is there to eat around the Glendale area?
I’ll turn this one over to u/Deets327:
Food near the stadium: Westgate Entertainment District is just north of University of Phoenix Stadium (easy walking distance), and holds several restaurants and places to have a drink.
The good: Yard House. A touch on the pricey side, but great above-average quality pub food and classier entrees. Huge selection of beer. Tough to get a table on gameday.
Whiskey Rose. Sports bar atmosphere with slightly country aesthetic. Not much in the way of beer choices, but good gameday specials and solid appetizers. Really cute waitresses.
Saddle Ranch. Lots of soccer moms cutting loose on the weekends. Decent food, okay beers and highly-country atmosphere. Decent enough if you can ignore the music.
Hell's Half Acre. Good selection of beer, waitresses dance on poles, good gameday specials on shots and beers. Busy on gameday. Country/Metal atmosphere.
Bar Louie. Pretty standard fare. Decent back-up if the wait for Yard House is too long.
Mama Gina's. Decent pizza and Italian fare. A little too heavy for gameday in my opinion, but a decent enough, family-friendly atmosphere if you're bringing the kids.
Salt Taco y Tequila. More upper-class than Calico Jacks (see below), with solid margarita selection. Less a place to grab a quick bite and more of a sit-down atmosphere. Good food.
The bad: Calico Jacks. Shitty beer selection, rushed wait staff and average-at-best Mexican food. Avoid it on the weekends, as it turns into a loud, crowded dance club.
McFadden's. Faux-Irish "pub" that also turns into a dance club on the weekends. Okay beer selection, but overpriced. Caters very strongly to away fans on gameday.
u/smashingpimp01 also strongly recommended Carolina's
I'm just going to add, last year I flew to Arizona and asked in this subbreddit what places to check out. Someone recommended Carolinas for Mexican food. It was life changing. Me and my cousin still talk about it. So much so that we actually added an extra day to this years trip just to go there since they are closed on Sunday.
Also, according to u/cardinals1996, McFadden's has been known to steal their customer's credit card information.
Alright, I know how to get there, where to stay, and where to eat. So, where can I buy my tickets?
Hint: Buy them in advance.
Stadium Website
Seating Chart
Make sure to buy your tickets well in advance of the season so you can have them ready, and use caution when buying from a separate dealer and/or an individual. People may be trying to scam you.
Well, the logistics of my trip are set, but I have a few extra days in the area set aside to explore. What should I do?
u/cwdBeebs had some ideas:
It kind of depends on how long you are staying for and how you are getting here. If you are making a road trip out, a lot of people love Sedona. It's between here and Flagstaff. I'm on mobile and can't link but just do an image search on it. If you like outdoors stuff, you'll probably live it. The Indian Casinos are pretty nice too. A few of them are quite a bit more than just a casino. Talking Stick Resort and Wildhorse Resort are my favorites. Talking Stick also has a pretty good golf course. I've lived in Arizona my whole life so if anyone has any questions or wants travel tips, feel free to PM me or ask here.
Gameday! How to I get to the stadium so I can watch my team get demolished by the clearly better team, and leave disappointed?
For anyone that hasn't been to a game before, please PLEASE know that they will not allow any purses inside the stadium. The only ones they allow are clear ones. My girlfriend basically uses what I call a big wallet when we go. Anyway, you will have to walk back to your car (odds are that'll be a long ass walk btw) and leave it there.
If you are traveling to the stadium, make sure to read this guide to get some basic rules/tips/etiquette for your visit to the stadium.
Some important parts of the guide include:
  • Aisle Policy- Policy that states fans returning from food area, restrooms, etc., should wait for on-field play to end before returning to their seats to maximize the enjoyment for all fans. this policy is also referred to as "Wait For The Whistle."
  • No Pets- Only service/guide/signal animals will be allowed to enter the stadium
  • Bag Policy (READ THIS): In accordance with the NFL’s Public Safety Policy, fans can bring one of the following approved bags inside University of Phoenix Stadium: 12” x 6” x 12” clear plastic bag, or; 1-Gallon Plastic Freezer Bag, or; Small Clutch bad no larger than 4.5” x 6.5” in size. Fans should be prepared to open their bags for inspection and may be asked by security staff to shift and possibly remove the contents. Non-approved bags will be denied entry into the stadium and fans will be asked to return the bag to their vehicle or dispose of it. There are no lockers outside of the stadium to store items nor can any items be held by staff members.
  • Restrooms- There are 50 restrooms in the stadium, and most are clearly marked
  • Smoking- In accordance with the Smoke-Free Arizona Act, University of Phoenix Stadium is a non-smoking facility. There are three designated smoking locations on the main concourse located beyond the Gate 2 exterior gate and outside the exit doors at Sections 102 and 137. Fans on the Club level, Loft corridor and terrace level can proceed to the designated smoking locations on the north ramp. Please remember to the keep the north ramp walk aisles clear for other fans and smoke only in the designated areas. Fans outside the stadium are reminded that they must be at least 20 feet away from any stadium entrance to smoke. E-cigarettes are not permitted inside University of Phoenix Stadium. Fans that do not comply with the smoking policy inside the stadium are subject to ejection.
Make sure to read the guide for more information on basic rules for the stadium.
Where do I tailgate before the game?
The Great Lawn is a great place to tailgate pre-game.
Also, if you have more questions, post a thread in this subreddit and i'm sure people will be more than happy to assist you wih your trip.
submitted by sssl3 to AZCardinals [link] [comments]

"Out of Towners" Guide: Completed guide

First off, if you haven't seen the original post yet, check it out here. This will detail the project, as well as explain why this will be useful.
So, i've created the whole guide, along with input from you all, and the guide is finished and copied in below. Please alert me to any misinformation, grammar errors, formatting issues, or information that could be added.
If you’re reading, you’re probably traveling to Phoenix (actually Glendale) to watch your team play the Cardinals. Well, i’ve got bad news for you: sold out. Not really, but use this guide to help you plan your trip and get the most out of your trip to the desert.
So, how do I get to the city in the middle of the desert that somebody named Phoenix?
There are a variety of ways to get into Phoenix:
Major Highways: I-10, I-17, US-60
Las Vegas to Stadium: 4 Hours, 22 Minutes
Los Angeles to Stadium: 5 Hours, 25 Minutes
Flagstaff to Stadium: 2 Hours, 5 Minutes
Albuquerque to Stadium: 6 Hours, 45 Minutes
San Diego to Stadium- 5 Hours, 8 Minutes
Where should I stay during my visit?
Renaissance Phoenix Glendale Hotel & Spa
Staybridge Suites Phoenix-Glendale
Holiday Inn Express & Suites Phoenix-Glendale
Hampton Inn & Suites Phoenix Glendale-Westgate
Springhill Suites Phoenix Glendale Sports & Entertainment District
For those of you on a tight budget, you have options as well:
Motel 6 Glendale
Days Inn Peoria Glendale Area
What is there to eat around the Glendale area?
I’ll turn this one over to u/Deets327:
Food near the stadium: Westgate Entertainment District is just north of University of Phoenix Stadium (easy walking distance), and holds several restaurants and places to have a drink.
The good: Yard House. A touch on the pricey side, but great above-average quality pub food and classier entrees. Huge selection of beer. Tough to get a table on gameday.
Whiskey Rose. Sports bar atmosphere with slightly country aesthetic. Not much in the way of beer choices, but good gameday specials and solid appetizers. Really cute waitresses.
Saddle Ranch. Lots of soccer moms cutting loose on the weekends. Decent food, okay beers and highly-country atmosphere. Decent enough if you can ignore the music.
Hell's Half Acre. Good selection of beer, waitresses dance on poles, good gameday specials on shots and beers. Busy on gameday. Country/Metal atmosphere.
Bar Louie. Pretty standard fare. Decent back-up if the wait for Yard House is too long.
Mama Gina's. Decent pizza and Italian fare. A little too heavy for gameday in my opinion, but a decent enough, family-friendly atmosphere if you're bringing the kids.
Salt Taco y Tequila. More upper-class than Calico Jacks (see below), with solid margarita selection. Less a place to grab a quick bite and more of a sit-down atmosphere. Good food.
The bad: Calico Jacks. Shitty beer selection, rushed wait staff and average-at-best Mexican food. Avoid it on the weekends, as it turns into a loud, crowded dance club.
McFadden's. Faux-Irish "pub" that also turns into a dance club on the weekends. Okay beer selection, but overpriced. Caters very strongly to away fans on gameday.
u/smashingpimp01 also strongly recommended Carolina's
I'm just going to add, last year I flew to Arizona and asked in this subbreddit what places to check out. Someone recommended Carolinas for Mexican food. It was life changing. Me and my cousin still talk about it. So much so that we actually added an extra day to this years trip just to go there since they are closed on Sunday.
Also, according to u/cardinals1996, McFadden's has been known to steal their customer's credit card information.
Alright, I know how to get there, where to stay, and where to eat. So, where can I buy my tickets?
Hint: Buy them in advance.
Stadium Website
Seating Chart
Make sure to buy your tickets well in advance of the season so you can have them ready, and use caution when buying from a separate dealer and/or an individual. People may be trying to scam you.
Well, the logistics of my trip are set, but I have a few extra days in the area set aside to explore. What should I do?
u/cwdBeebs had some ideas:
It kind of depends on how long you are staying for and how you are getting here. If you are making a road trip out, a lot of people love Sedona. It's between here and Flagstaff. I'm on mobile and can't link but just do an image search on it. If you like outdoors stuff, you'll probably live it. The Indian Casinos are pretty nice too. A few of them are quite a bit more than just a casino. Talking Stick Resort and Wildhorse Resort are my favorites. Talking Stick also has a pretty good golf course. I've lived in Arizona my whole life so if anyone has any questions or wants travel tips, feel free to PM me or ask here.
Gameday! How do I get to the stadium so I can watch my team get demolished by the clearly better team, and leave disappointed?
For anyone that hasn't been to a game before, please PLEASE know that they will not allow any purses inside the stadium. The only ones they allow are clear ones. My girlfriend basically uses what I call a big wallet when we go. Anyway, you will have to walk back to your car (odds are that'll be a long ass walk btw) and leave it there.
If you are traveling to the stadium, make sure to read this guide to get some basic rules/tips/etiquette for your visit to the stadium.
Some important parts of the guide include:
  • Aisle Policy- Policy that states fans returning from food area, restrooms, etc., should wait for on-field play to end before returning to their seats to maximize the enjoyment for all fans. this policy is also referred to as "Wait For The Whistle."
  • No Pets- Only service/guide/signal animals will be allowed to enter the stadium
  • Bag Policy (READ THIS): In accordance with the NFL’s Public Safety Policy, fans can bring one of the following approved bags inside University of Phoenix Stadium: 12” x 6” x 12” clear plastic bag, or; 1-Gallon Plastic Freezer Bag, or; Small Clutch bad no larger than 4.5” x 6.5” in size. Fans should be prepared to open their bags for inspection and may be asked by security staff to shift and possibly remove the contents. Non-approved bags will be denied entry into the stadium and fans will be asked to return the bag to their vehicle or dispose of it. There are no lockers outside of the stadium to store items nor can any items be held by staff members.
  • Restrooms- There are 50 restrooms in the stadium, and most are clearly marked
  • Smoking- In accordance with the Smoke-Free Arizona Act, University of Phoenix Stadium is a non-smoking facility. There are three designated smoking locations on the main concourse located beyond the Gate 2 exterior gate and outside the exit doors at Sections 102 and 137. Fans on the Club level, Loft corridor and terrace level can proceed to the designated smoking locations on the north ramp. Please remember to the keep the north ramp walk aisles clear for other fans and smoke only in the designated areas. Fans outside the stadium are reminded that they must be at least 20 feet away from any stadium entrance to smoke. E-cigarettes are not permitted inside University of Phoenix Stadium. Fans that do not comply with the smoking policy inside the stadium are subject to ejection.
Make sure to read the guide for more information on basic rules for the stadium.
Where do I tailgate before the game?
The Great Lawn is a great place to tailgate pre-game.
Also, if you have more questions, post a thread in this subreddit and i'm sure people will be more than happy to assist you with your trip.
submitted by sssl3 to AZCardinals [link] [comments]

Geekvolution Road Ends Here & Now, For Me...

Here is MY story:
It was the year 2010: -2nd half of Senior Year of H-S (My best time socially & academically)
4th and final year in AVID... 
-Choosing a college and applying (Columbia College Hollywood - private film school - B.A. in Screenwriting & acting for fun)
-Planning for big trip to Europe & more during this time...
-(May) Iron Man 2 & NOES Remake in theaters, Eagles Concert (Long Road Out of Eden Tour)
-(June) Class trip to Six Flags, Graduation at baseball stadium, Grad Nite at Disneyland...
-Leaving on trip to Europe, turning 18 during first Red Eye flight (Ontario CA to Atlanta), followed by ATL to New York JFK, JFK to Washington Dulles, Red Eye flight - Wash DC to London Heathrow...
-Europe Trip (London, Stoke-on-Trent, Paris, Frankfurt, Munich, Castle that inspired Disney, Zermatt/Swiss Alps, Matterhorn Mountain, Barcelona, Marseilles, Nice, Monaco, Genova, Rome, Napoli...
-Continuation of trip (Return to New York/Long Island to see family there, Hershey-park, Pittsburgh for 4th of July, Detroit, Windsor, Toronto, Niagara Falls, down thru Ohio, Kings Island, Louisville, South Indiana to see family there, Return home to SoCal...
-(August) Road trip to AZ and back, seeing family there (Mesa, Phoenix, Show Low, Meteor Crater, Winslow)
-Packing/preparing to move for college, moving into apartment in Tarzana/northwest of Hollywood
-(September thru December) Start of Smallville season 10, Getting comfortable, CCH orientation, class trip to Warner Bros/VIP Tour, first quarter of classes (pretty good academically, not so good socially)
-So it begins (My journey into the world of YouTube FULL time, as a viewer and career with my own channel)
-During this time, I discovered FilmMasterAdam, Erod the Blockbuster Buster, Doug WalkeNostalgia Critic, Blowshimselfupdude (this guy named Eric, talks about comics & movies)
-AANNNDD....of course.....GEEKVOLUTION!! (Superhero Rewind of Batman Forever. Hmmm, what's this?? Who are these guys, "Captain Logan" & his friend "Vince", talking on camera together about superheroes?? I think I really like this, I want to see more!! Subscribed!!) Plus these other guys, by association: the Real Manos, Dan Torrey, Shades at Knight...
(2011 and beyond) - Finding lots of interesting stuff and posting it on Geekvolution Facebook page...
-Counting Kryptofreaks begins...
-Charlie Sheen's mental breakdown and ranting on camera & "Friday" by Rebecca Black...
My YouTube exploration also includes politics, news, real events at this time, but interest dies down by the end of the year... 
-Series Finale of Smallville, ends 10 year run...
(Summer) - MCU kicks into high gear with Thor & CA F-A...
(December '11) Bob Seger Concert at Staples Center in L.A. 
(Summer 2012) -Thunderbird's Air Show...
^ Avengers, Amazing Spider-Man, Dark Knight Rises, Prometheus in theaters...
Trip up to San Francisco, includes Alcatraz Island & Six Flags Discovery Kingdom...
(March 2013) - Befriended by Cap (Jaymes Logan Williamson) on Facebook...
(June) -21st birthday!! -Man of Steel arrives, the big "Superman doesn't kill" arguments/in-fighting begin...
(SummeFall 2013) - Anti-social, nearly depressed, My attendance and work input at CCH severely declined. Both roommates in a row were pot smokers and made a mess, made me sick. Needed a change, had no choice but to drop out and move back home to Lake Elsinore.
(January 2014) - Start attending MSJC (Mt San Jacinto Community College in Menifee)
(Summer 2014 & Summer 2015) - Support Captain Logan and Co on their documentary 'Midwest In Panels', receive my Kickstarter package in mail, open it on camera...
(2016) - B v S happens, the big "Superman & DCEU vs MCU" arguments/in-fighting begin...
A Wikipedia page for Geekvolution is created, I join and add to it. I have become the only person who edits and updates the page. I've tried to share it often and make people aware.
(October '16) Alice Cooper Halloween Concert at Fantasy Springs Resort Casino in Indio... (November & beyond) Interest in politics, news, real events peaks again. More than ever before, in fact. In time for the brutal, contentious presidential election and aftermath. Voted for Trump, not a decision I took lightly. Had to stop Clinton at any cost. Proud of that! 
(2017) - Final class/semester (Intermediate Acting) at MSJC. I'm so done, so don't care anymore! -(June) Moody Blues Concert at Pala Casino Starlight Theater, 25th Birthday!!
-(Today) That's all folks!! Geekvolution Road ends here and now for me. I will make final updates to the Wiki page, watch a few more things and maybe share them around, for the final time. I'm stepping back, and unplugging from everything. I'm to the point of total exhaustion, intolerance, and annoyance with the whole scene. -Entertainment and fake news alike, all politicized garbage & propaganda. It's so hard to escape from it. But I did, I awoke to reality, completely. I will no longer be indoctrinated or engulfed in the mass brainwashing of Cultural Marxism & Fascist censorship.
No more financial support or attention paid to the Hollywood system, Comic Industry, Video Games, and celebrities. Nor the retarded, zombified audiences married to their electronic devises, living in virtual world's, who would never survive a day in nature. I can't be associated with all the sheep still asleep. Instead, I must join the population with which I can have an intelligent conversation about what is really going on. Yes!! I was NEVER a "card carrying Geek", just had mild interests in certain areas. Now, I'm Out!! Thanks everyone, it was okay yet frustrating while it lasted!!
-Major Transition In Progress (2018 & Beyond): Finally move the hell out of COMMIE-Fornia, over to Arizona. To live much happier and healthier. I'll prepare and train for the coming crisis (Economic Crash, Civil War, World War 3) and aftermath. -Stock up on Guns & Ammo, Gold, Food, Medicine, Communications. Learn to stand up for myself, take control, fight to support our President and the agenda. I'm stronger than ever, a patriot, about to help take our country back. If the empire falls, then it can be remade great again.
Goodbye!! End Transmission....
submitted by TheRealSlimJoker to nerds [link] [comments]

"Geekvolution Road Ends Here & Now" (For Me)

Here is MY story:
It was the year 2010: -2nd half of Senior Year of H-S (My best time socially & academically)
-Choosing a college and applying (Columbia College Hollywood - private film school - B.A. in Screenwriting & acting for fun)
-Planning for big trip to Europe & more during this time...
-(May) Iron Man 2 & NOES Remake in theaters, Eagles Concert (Long Road Out of Eden Tour)
-(June) Class trip to Six Flags, Graduation at baseball stadium, Grad Nite at Disneyland...
-Leaving on trip to Europe, turning 18 during first Red Eye flight (Ontario CA to Atlanta), followed by ATL to New York JFK, JFK to Washington Dulles, Red Eye flight - Wash DC to London Heathrow...
-Europe Trip (London, Stoke-on-Trent, Paris, Frankfurt, Munich, Castle that inspired Disney, Zermatt/Swiss Alps, Matterhorn Mountain, Barcelona, Marseilles, Nice, Monaco, Genova, Rome, Napoli...
-Continuation of trip (Return to New York/Long Island to see family there, Hershey-park, Pittsburgh for 4th of July, Detroit, Windsor, Toronto, Niagara Falls, down thru Ohio, Kings Island, Louisville, South Indiana to see family there, Return home to SoCal...
-(August) Road trip to AZ and back, seeing family there (Mesa, Phoenix, Show Low, Meteor Crater, Winslow)
-Packing/preparing to move for college, moving into apartment in Tarzana/northwest of Hollywood
-(September thru December) Start of Smallville season 10, Getting comfortable, CCH orientation, class trip to Warner Bros/VIP Tour, first quarter of classes (pretty good academically, not so good socially)
-So it begins (My journey into the world of YouTube FULL time, as a viewer and career with my own channel)
-During this time, I discovered FilmMasterAdam, Erod the Blockbuster Buster, Doug WalkeNostalgia Critic, Blowshimselfupdude (this guy named Eric, talks about comics & movies)
-AANNNDD....of course.....GEEKVOLUTION!! (Superhero Rewind of Batman Forever. Hmmm, what's this?? Who are these guys, "Captain Logan" & his friend "Vince", talking on camera together about superheroes?? I think I really like this, I want to see more!! Subscribed!!) Plus these other guys, by association: the Real Manos, Dan Torrey, Shades at Knight...
(2011 and beyond) - Finding lots of interesting stuff and posting it on Geekvolution Facebook page...
-Counting Kryptofreaks begins...
-Charlie Sheen's mental breakdown and ranting on camera & "Friday" by Rebecca Black...
-Series Finale of Smallville, ends 10 year run...
(Summer) - MCU kicks into high gear with Thor & CA F-A...
(Summer 2012) -Thunderbird's Air Show...
^ Avengers, Amazing Spider-Man, Dark Knight Rises, Prometheus in theaters...
Trip up to San Francisco, includes Alcatraz Island & Six Flags Discovery Kingdom...
(March 2013) - Befriended by Cap (Jaymes Logan Williamson) on Facebook...
(June) -21st birthday!! -Man of Steel arrives, the big "Superman doesn't kill" arguments/in-fighting begin...
(SummeFall 2013) - Anti-social, nearly depressed, My attendance and work input at CCH severely declined. Both roommates in a row were pot smokers and made a mess, made me sick. Needed a change, had no choice but to drop out and move back home to Lake Elsinore.
(January 2014) - Start attending MSJC (Mt San Jacinto Community College in Menifee)
(Summer 2014 & Summer 2015) - Support Captain Logan and Co on their documentary 'Midwest In Panels', receive my Kickstarter package in mail, open it on camera...
(2016) - B v S happens, the big "Superman & DCEU vs MCU" arguments/in-fighting begin...
A Wikipedia page for Geekvolution is created, I join and add to it. I have become the only person who edits and updates the page. I've tried to share it often and make people aware.
(2017) - Final class/semester (Intermediate Acting) at MSJC. I'm so done, so don't care anymore! -(June) Moody Blues Concert at Pala Casino Starlight Theater, 25th Birthday!!
-(Today) That's all folks!! Geekvolution Road ends here and now for me. I will make final updates to the Wiki page, watch a few more things and maybe share them around, for the final time. I'm stepping back, and unplugging from everything. I'm to the point of total exhaustion, intolerance, and annoyance with the whole scene. -Entertainment and fake news alike, all politicized garbage & propaganda. It's so hard to escape from it. But I did, I awoke to reality, completely. I will no longer be indoctrinated or engulfed in the mass brainwashing of Cultural Marxism & Fascist censorship.
No more financial support or attention paid to the Hollywood system, Comic Industry, Video Games, and celebrities. Nor the retarded, zombified audiences married to their electronic devises, living in virtual world's, who would never survive a day in nature. I can't be associated with all the sheep still asleep. Instead, I must join the population with which I can have an intelligent conversation about what is really going on. Yes!! I was NEVER a "card carrying Geek", just had mild interests in certain areas. Now, I'm Out!! Thanks everyone, it was okay yet frustrating while it lasted!!
-Major Transition In Progress (2018 & Beyond): Finally move the hell out of COMMIE-Fornia, over to Arizona. To live much happier and healthier. I'll prepare and train for the coming crisis (Economic Crash, Civil War, World War 3) and aftermath. -Stock up on Guns & Ammo, Gold, Food, Medicine, Communications. Learn to stand up for myself, take control, fight to support our President and the agenda. I'm stronger than ever, a patriot, about to help take our country back. If the empire falls, then it can be remade great again.
Goodbye!! End Transmission....
submitted by TheRealSlimJoker to geeks [link] [comments]

Geekvolution Road Ends Here & Now, For Me...

Here is MY story:
It was the year 2010: -2nd half of Senior Year of H-S (My best time socially & academically)
4th and final year in AVID... 
-Choosing a college and applying (Columbia College Hollywood - private film school - B.A. in Screenwriting & acting for fun)
-Planning for big trip to Europe & more during this time...
-(May) Iron Man 2 & NOES Remake in theaters, Eagles Concert (Long Road Out of Eden Tour)
-(June) Class trip to Six Flags, Graduation at baseball stadium, Grad Nite at Disneyland...
-Leaving on trip to Europe, turning 18 during first Red Eye flight (Ontario CA to Atlanta), followed by ATL to New York JFK, JFK to Washington Dulles, Red Eye flight - Wash DC to London Heathrow...
-Europe Trip (London, Stoke-on-Trent, Paris, Frankfurt, Munich, Castle that inspired Disney, Zermatt/Swiss Alps, Matterhorn Mountain, Barcelona, Marseilles, Nice, Monaco, Genova, Rome, Napoli...
-Continuation of trip (Return to New York/Long Island to see family there, Hershey-park, Pittsburgh for 4th of July, Detroit, Windsor, Toronto, Niagara Falls, down thru Ohio, Kings Island, Louisville, South Indiana to see family there, Return home to SoCal...
-(August) Road trip to AZ and back, seeing family there (Mesa, Phoenix, Show Low, Meteor Crater, Winslow)
-Packing/preparing to move for college, moving into apartment in Tarzana/northwest of Hollywood
-(September thru December) Start of Smallville season 10, Getting comfortable, CCH orientation, class trip to Warner Bros/VIP Tour, first quarter of classes (pretty good academically, not so good socially)
-So it begins (My journey into the world of YouTube FULL time, as a viewer and career with my own channel)
-During this time, I discovered FilmMasterAdam, Erod the Blockbuster Buster, Doug WalkeNostalgia Critic, Blowshimselfupdude (this guy named Eric, talks about comics & movies)
-AANNNDD....of course.....GEEKVOLUTION!! (Superhero Rewind of Batman Forever. Hmmm, what's this?? Who are these guys, "Captain Logan" & his friend "Vince", talking on camera together about superheroes?? I think I really like this, I want to see more!! Subscribed!!) Plus these other guys, by association: the Real Manos, Dan Torrey, Shades at Knight...
(2011 and beyond) - Finding lots of interesting stuff and posting it on Geekvolution Facebook page...
-Counting Kryptofreaks begins...
-Charlie Sheen's mental breakdown and ranting on camera & "Friday" by Rebecca Black...
My YouTube exploration also includes politics, news, real events at this time, but interest dies down by the end of the year... 
-Series Finale of Smallville, ends 10 year run...
(Summer) - MCU kicks into high gear with Thor & CA F-A...
(December '11) Bob Seger Concert at Staples Center in L.A. 
(Summer 2012) -Thunderbird's Air Show...
^ Avengers, Amazing Spider-Man, Dark Knight Rises, Prometheus in theaters...
Trip up to San Francisco, includes Alcatraz Island & Six Flags Discovery Kingdom...
(March 2013) - Befriended by Cap (Jaymes Logan Williamson) on Facebook...
(June) -21st birthday!! -Man of Steel arrives, the big "Superman doesn't kill" arguments/in-fighting begin...
(SummeFall 2013) - Anti-social, nearly depressed, My attendance and work input at CCH severely declined. Both roommates in a row were pot smokers and made a mess, made me sick. Needed a change, had no choice but to drop out and move back home to Lake Elsinore.
(January 2014) - Start attending MSJC (Mt San Jacinto Community College in Menifee)
(Summer 2014 & Summer 2015) - Support Captain Logan and Co on their documentary 'Midwest In Panels', receive my Kickstarter package in mail, open it on camera...
(2016) - B v S happens, the big "Superman & DCEU vs MCU" arguments/in-fighting begin...
A Wikipedia page for Geekvolution is created, I join and add to it. I have become the only person who edits and updates the page. I've tried to share it often and make people aware.
(October '16) Alice Cooper Halloween Concert at Fantasy Springs Resort Casino in Indio... (November & beyond) Interest in politics, news, real events peaks again. More than ever before, in fact. In time for the brutal, contentious presidential election and aftermath. Voted for Trump, not a decision I took lightly. Had to stop Clinton at any cost. Proud of that! 
(2017) - Final class/semester (Intermediate Acting) at MSJC. I'm so done, so don't care anymore! -(June) Moody Blues Concert at Pala Casino Starlight Theater, 25th Birthday!!
-(Today) That's all folks!! Geekvolution Road ends here and now for me. I will make final updates to the Wiki page, watch a few more things and maybe share them around, for the final time. I'm stepping back, and unplugging from everything. I'm to the point of total exhaustion, intolerance, and annoyance with the whole scene. -Entertainment and fake news alike, all politicized garbage & propaganda. It's so hard to escape from it. But I did, I awoke to reality, completely. I will no longer be indoctrinated or engulfed in the mass brainwashing of Cultural Marxism & Fascist censorship.
No more financial support or attention paid to the Hollywood system, Comic Industry, Video Games, and celebrities. Nor the retarded, zombified audiences married to their electronic devises, living in virtual world's, who would never survive a day in nature. I can't be associated with all the sheep still asleep. Instead, I must join the population with which I can have an intelligent conversation about what is really going on. Yes!! I was NEVER a "card carrying Geek", just had mild interests in certain areas. Now, I'm Out!! Thanks everyone, it was okay yet frustrating while it lasted!!
-Major Transition In Progress (2018 & Beyond): Finally move the hell out of COMMIE-Fornia, over to Arizona. To live much happier and healthier. I'll prepare and train for the coming crisis (Economic Crash, Civil War, World War 3) and aftermath. -Stock up on Guns & Ammo, Gold, Food, Medicine, Communications. Learn to stand up for myself, take control, fight to support our President and the agenda. I'm stronger than ever, a patriot, about to help take our country back. If the empire falls, then it can be remade great again.
Goodbye!! End Transmission....
submitted by TheRealSlimJoker to Nerd_Corner [link] [comments]

Geekvolution Road Ends Here & Now, For Me...

Here is MY story:
It was the year 2010: -2nd half of Senior Year of H-S (My best time socially & academically)
4th and final year in AVID... 
-Choosing a college and applying (Columbia College Hollywood - private film school - B.A. in Screenwriting & acting for fun)
-Planning for big trip to Europe & more during this time...
-(May) Iron Man 2 & NOES Remake in theaters, Eagles Concert (Long Road Out of Eden Tour)
-(June) Class trip to Six Flags, Graduation at baseball stadium, Grad Nite at Disneyland...
-Leaving on trip to Europe, turning 18 during first Red Eye flight (Ontario CA to Atlanta), followed by ATL to New York JFK, JFK to Washington Dulles, Red Eye flight - Wash DC to London Heathrow...
-Europe Trip (London, Stoke-on-Trent, Paris, Frankfurt, Munich, Castle that inspired Disney, Zermatt/Swiss Alps, Matterhorn Mountain, Barcelona, Marseilles, Nice, Monaco, Genova, Rome, Napoli...
-Continuation of trip (Return to New York/Long Island to see family there, Hershey-park, Pittsburgh for 4th of July, Detroit, Windsor, Toronto, Niagara Falls, down thru Ohio, Kings Island, Louisville, South Indiana to see family there, Return home to SoCal...
-(August) Road trip to AZ and back, seeing family there (Mesa, Phoenix, Show Low, Meteor Crater, Winslow)
-Packing/preparing to move for college, moving into apartment in Tarzana/northwest of Hollywood
-(September thru December) Start of Smallville season 10, Getting comfortable, CCH orientation, class trip to Warner Bros/VIP Tour, first quarter of classes (pretty good academically, not so good socially)
-So it begins (My journey into the world of YouTube FULL time, as a viewer and career with my own channel)
-During this time, I discovered FilmMasterAdam, Erod the Blockbuster Buster, Doug WalkeNostalgia Critic, Blowshimselfupdude (this guy named Eric, talks about comics & movies)
-AANNNDD....of course.....GEEKVOLUTION!! (Superhero Rewind of Batman Forever. Hmmm, what's this?? Who are these guys, "Captain Logan" & his friend "Vince", talking on camera together about superheroes?? I think I really like this, I want to see more!! Subscribed!!) Plus these other guys, by association: the Real Manos, Dan Torrey, Shades at Knight...
(2011 and beyond) - Finding lots of interesting stuff and posting it on Geekvolution Facebook page...
-Counting Kryptofreaks begins...
-Charlie Sheen's mental breakdown and ranting on camera & "Friday" by Rebecca Black...
My YouTube exploration also includes politics, news, real events at this time, but interest dies down by the end of the year... 
-Series Finale of Smallville, ends 10 year run...
(Summer) - MCU kicks into high gear with Thor & CA F-A...
(December '11) Bob Seger Concert at Staples Center in L.A. 
(Summer 2012) -Thunderbird's Air Show...
^ Avengers, Amazing Spider-Man, Dark Knight Rises, Prometheus in theaters...
Trip up to San Francisco, includes Alcatraz Island & Six Flags Discovery Kingdom...
(March 2013) - Befriended by Cap (Jaymes Logan Williamson) on Facebook...
(June) -21st birthday!! -Man of Steel arrives, the big "Superman doesn't kill" arguments/in-fighting begin...
(SummeFall 2013) - Anti-social, nearly depressed, My attendance and work input at CCH severely declined. Both roommates in a row were pot smokers and made a mess, made me sick. Needed a change, had no choice but to drop out and move back home to Lake Elsinore.
(January 2014) - Start attending MSJC (Mt San Jacinto Community College in Menifee)
(Summer 2014 & Summer 2015) - Support Captain Logan and Co on their documentary 'Midwest In Panels', receive my Kickstarter package in mail, open it on camera...
(2016) - B v S happens, the big "Superman & DCEU vs MCU" arguments/in-fighting begin...
A Wikipedia page for Geekvolution is created, I join and add to it. I have become the only person who edits and updates the page. I've tried to share it often and make people aware.
(October '16) Alice Cooper Halloween Concert at Fantasy Springs Resort Casino in Indio... (November & beyond) Interest in politics, news, real events peaks again. More than ever before, in fact. In time for the brutal, contentious presidential election and aftermath. Voted for Trump, not a decision I took lightly. Had to stop Clinton at any cost. Proud of that! 
(2017) - Final class/semester (Intermediate Acting) at MSJC. I'm so done, so don't care anymore! -(June) Moody Blues Concert at Pala Casino Starlight Theater, 25th Birthday!!
-(Today) That's all folks!! Geekvolution Road ends here and now for me. I will make final updates to the Wiki page, watch a few more things and maybe share them around, for the final time. I'm stepping back, and unplugging from everything. I'm to the point of total exhaustion, intolerance, and annoyance with the whole scene. -Entertainment and fake news alike, all politicized garbage & propaganda. It's so hard to escape from it. But I did, I awoke to reality, completely. I will no longer be indoctrinated or engulfed in the mass brainwashing of Cultural Marxism & Fascist censorship.
No more financial support or attention paid to the Hollywood system, Comic Industry, Video Games, and celebrities. Nor the retarded, zombified audiences married to their electronic devises, living in virtual world's, who would never survive a day in nature. I can't be associated with all the sheep still asleep. Instead, I must join the population with which I can have an intelligent conversation about what is really going on. Yes!! I was NEVER a "card carrying Geek", just had mild interests in certain areas. Now, I'm Out!! Thanks everyone, it was okay yet frustrating while it lasted!!
-Major Transition In Progress (2018 & Beyond): Finally move the hell out of COMMIE-Fornia, over to Arizona. To live much happier and healthier. I'll prepare and train for the coming crisis (Economic Crash, Civil War, World War 3) and aftermath. -Stock up on Guns & Ammo, Gold, Food, Medicine, Communications. Learn to stand up for myself, take control, fight to support our President and the agenda. I'm stronger than ever, a patriot, about to help take our country back. If the empire falls, then it can be remade great again.
Goodbye!! End Transmission....
submitted by TheRealSlimJoker to r4nerds [link] [comments]

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