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@AP: RT @APWestRegion: #APNewsBreak: The union for Las Vegas hotel workers wants casinos to outfit every housekeeper with a panic button amid the movement against sexual misconduct.

@AP: RT @APWestRegion: #APNewsBreak: The union for Las Vegas hotel workers wants casinos to outfit every housekeeper with a panic button amid the movement against sexual misconduct. submitted by -en- to newsbotbot [link] [comments]

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Do you really like your beer, or are you just a victim of Capitalist Propaganda? How you can learn how the free market works while you guzzle some suds, and how beer can help you to understand the vast conspiracy that is slowly degrading America.

TL;DR - I use the craft beer industry as a way to understand Capitalist Propaganda, how Capitalism and Socialism are inextricably linked to each other, and how through the use of propaganda, companies use the "illusion of choice" to coerce you into believing that you prefer the products that are most favorable to them. In order to change this into the consumer's favor, you need to be an informed consumer in the free market, and raise class consciousness to overthrow the tyranny of Capitalist Propaganda, that is called "Marketing".
You can't understand Capitalist Propaganda unless you have a solid understanding of what Capitalism is beyond the literal definition of the word, which is just an abstract ideal. Propaganda plays off of the discrepancies between the ideals of Capitalism, like the free market, which is another abstract ideal, and the reality of Capitalism in practice in America, which can be characterized as Trickle Down Economics. Capitalism sought to be a pragmatic alternative to its economic predecessors, a fact which drives Capitalist Propaganda. However, through layers of abstraction throughout the years, it has become more of a religion, as critics refer to the increasingly ideological concept as "Supply Side Jesus", meaning you give all the money to the rich, it'll trickle down to the poor, and they can "vote" on the actions of the capitalists through monetary interactions in the free market.
Capitalist Propaganda is engrained in America, because at the time of our founding, Adam Smith wrote "Wealth of Nations", which is considered the Bible of the Free Market. This groundbreaking work utilized Newton's Laws of Physics, which were en vogue at the time, to describe how interactions in the marketplace would balance each other out, just as the laws of Newtonian Physics do.
The very noble purpose of Wealth of Nations was not create the oligarchy we have today, but to do the opposite. He wanted to describe a system that would protect individual freedoms and be truly democratic. Just as Lenin and Stalin bastardized the works of Marx, so too have capitalists in America bastardized the intentions of Adam Smith.
Capitalism and Socialism are best learned side by side, in my opinion, to avoid falling into the trappings of either ideology that our brains like to do. Which one is better? It depends on the market, but the answer is almost always somewhere in between.
Through learning how Socialist concepts can be applied to problems in Capitalism, you can cut through the propaganda and will see for yourself that these problems can be solved if we just drop the labels and do what's best for society and the individual. The problem is always finding the proper balance.
Yep. You can never live in a pure economic system. Purity is always an illusion. If you want something to be pure, you have to put a lot of energy into making it that way. Nature likes to mix stuff up. This is why ideologies around racial purity and fascism always fail. There are people who want a "pure" economic system, but they are usually the people at the top and would only get richer from more purity while the rest of society loses freedom and slowly starves.
In a nutshell, Capitalism promotes laws that benefit those with money, while Socialism promotes a safety net that benefits everyone. Every single human is born into Socialism. As a baby, you need food, someone else works for it and gives it to you, but then at some point, you are expected to exchange labor for capital, and buy your own food. See? The two are forever bound as the yin and yang. You can also grow your own food, but for that you need land, which is capital.
These interactions are very tricky. I only want to tell you enough so that you can start to see Capitalist Propaganda, because right now, you're like a fish in water that can't see water. I often use this line to describe a person who can't see their own homegrown propaganda. The best way I found to study Capitalism is by relating it Socialism, the "air" above the "water" of Capitalism, if that makes sense.
I always find it best to look at a microcosm to understand these concepts. And today, that microcosm is beer.
Before I poison your mind with my own propaganda, picture you're on vacation and you walk into a bar and want to order a beer. If you really want to understand the power of propaganda in your own life, really think of this before we break this all down. Really think, what makes you decide which beer to order? Do you like to look at the labels on the tap or bottle? That's obvious propaganda. It has absolutely nothing to do with the taste or quality of the beer itself, but sways your opinion toward logos you've seen before, which is why you see so many beer advertisements, which means that money that could've gone into quality is instead going into propaganda, and you're already biased towards an inferior product. Interesting. You really can't help being swayed by marketing, but at least you can be conscious of that fact, and that's important in order to be an informed consumer.
Do you ask the bartender for a recommendation? Why would you do that? You don't know the bartender any better than the beers in front of you. How do you know they aren't paid more to offer you a beer that sucks and is 12 years old and the owner wants to get rid of it? Do you ask for a certain style of beer? Do you ask for a local beer? And once you finally narrow it down to a few choices, do you ask for samples so you can make up your own mind? You should always do this. Then we get into "flavor propaganda", which we'll discuss later. Jeez. Did you every realize there was so much complexity behind being an informed consumer and just ordering a simple beer? Maybe you'll give in and just tell the bartender to pour whatever. Choice is difficult sometimes.
If you really visualize this and take a minute to let this sink in, you'll start to understand how external forces hijack the processor in your mind to manufacture desire through the illusion of choice. However, your health and enjoyment of the beer is not the goal for these external forces, they only want you to purchase. The perfect example is fast food. They know their product sucks, but they know you'll keep buying it, but that doesn't keep them from lying about how delicious it is in their ads. There is far more at play behind the curtain. There is a science behind addicting you to things, this is reinforced by a corporate tax and subsidy system that contorts the free market pushing centralization of production through homogenization and use of chemicals to hide the homogenization, and simply because there is more than one option, they make you feel like you have choice. This, in a nutshell, is how the illusion of choice works in the free market. It's not about what YOU want. The producer manipulates you to think you want what they have. Through this, they deceive Americans into buying products with a list of ingredients that a person would never freely choose to consume. So if you want to order a beer with no shit in it, then you're shit out of luck in America. You could in Germany, but we'll discuss that later.
While you're standing at that bar, you aren't conscious of the fact that your interests are in direct opposition to those of the bar owner's. Capitalists hide this fact with their perfect smiles, but Marx described this in detail. You want the best beer for the cheapest price, and the bar owner wants to sell you the cheapest beer at the highest price you'll pay. It doesn't stop there. The bar owner flips roles in the same situation with the beer distributor, who does the same with maybe another level of distribution, and continues to the brewer, then goes to the brewer versus supplier, supplier to farmer, and even though you'd think it stops there, the farmer has to deal with suppliers of equipment and seeds, and on and on.
Add to this list their auxiliary staff of HR, drivers, managers, brewers, bottle/keg makers, and of course owners, none of them care whether you actually like the beer you're drinking as long as you keep buying more. That's the big driver here.
Did you ever realize that every time you buy a beer, your own capital is partially responsible for creating and sustaining all of these jobs involved? You, my dear beer drinker, are the true job creator. Budweiser can brew all they want, it means nothing without buyers, who are the true engines of capitalism. Instead, you're treated as a rube by suits in a boardroom somewhere.
Capitalist Propaganda tells us the billionaires are job creators, but this is a lie. Jeff Bezos can't drink enough beer to sustain all these jobs. So why do we let him hoard all the money? Wouldn't the economy do better if we spread out Jeff's money so more people could buy more beers and more jobs would be created? According to Socialist Economics, yes. That's actually, quite simply, a Socialist Free Market. Did you even know that existed? The power hungry greedy people who are too lazy for manual labor go to such great lengths to make sure you don't learn it. They want you to think that only Capitalism allows you choice in the market. I'm sure you can guess why they say that.
Capitalism maintains itself by exulting the wealthy who use their economic power to punch down. The only way this system won't fall into fascism and fail is if the consumers start to punch back. Where Marx envisioned the Dictatorship of the Proletariat as they usurped power from the Bourgeoisie, a modern alternative is just teaching people to understand the system we live in, so that we can just start making changes in the way we live and to whom we give our money.
See that? Capitalism and Socialism can get along nicely, so long as the consumers are informed.
What I described within the previous section is what Marx called "Alienation of Labor". Each step in the process of making your beer is isolated from the others, so no one feels ownership over the end product or a true connection to the consumer, or job creator. Even the bartender selling it is alienated from the profit of their labor in serving the beer, so they only focus on the service aspect of giving you the beer, because that is where they earn their tip. They can't really fix anything about a shitty beer other than to offer you a different brand. The capitalist owner is usually not there. Their only interaction is setting the rules for everyone in the bar to follow, and pay themselves more than everyone who has to follow those rules. This is part of the conflict between the classes. I'm not saying it's right or wrong, I'm just pointing it out. The bar owner themself has to spend money on propaganda to attract customers that could be spent in other places, so has to find ways to cut costs. Unfortunately, they buy cheaper beer...and this is why you end up with IPAs. No one is connected to the products, so they only look at prices and find the cheapest, passable product. This is the race to the bottom of Capitalism.
Compare this to when brewpubs were a new thing. The brewer would come out and talk to you about the beer, you would give feedback that could effect future batches and it connected everyone to each other through commerce. It makes business "social" and I think nearly everyone enjoys that, but it is losing out in competition with chain breweries that enforce isolation and make cookie cutter propaganda and cookie cutter business models so they can turn owners into managers and suck all the profit back their corporate headquarters and offshore accounts. They kill the experience and make everything transactional. And all the kitsch they hang around their cookie cutter chain bar is just to hide the fact that no one in that place cares about anything other than not getting fired. Everyone is effectually alienated from everyone else. It's worth a read to check out this page on Marx's Theory of Alienation.
This alienation is the root of a lot of misery in society. Humans are communal animals forced to live in a society of individuality and alienation. As they mope around, they seek an escape. And that is why advertising is so nefarious. It seeks to manipulate you in that state. Imagine driving home from your alienating job to you empty home, but looking up and see a billboard with bunch of actors laughing and drinking beer. They take pictures that make these actors look like friends. It's just for show. They aren't selling beer to those laughing people in the picture. They're tempting lonely people to drown their sorrows. Capitalist Propaganda is used so your brain doesn't understand what it wants. It wants friends, then sees the words Bud Light. So when the bartenders asks...Make it a Bud Light. Look at how much money they spend to manipulate and capitalize on people's suffering.
Propaganda in Communist countries is controlled by the government, so it's clear who the enemy of your freedom is. Capitalist Propaganda hides behind the layers of complexity of the same economy you rely on to survive, so you never know what's propaganda or where it's coming from. Marketers find every way imaginable to get their disinformation in front of your eyes, even enlisting your friends on Facebook in annoying MLM schemes. Propaganda invaded everything that can be legally monetized. It's in the media, and not just commercials anymore. There's product placement, stories injected into the news, and even movies and social media created an entire industry of "lifestyle propaganda", telling you how to live your life and indulge in overconsumption. It's REALLY hard to get away from Capitalist Propaganda. There is so much money and research behind it and so much depth, even this long post is only barely scratching the surface. I just want to open your eyes to it.
I can't make you see all this. No one can. I can only describe it as best as I can. What you will experience when you understand this is what I call "Economic Enlightenment", similar to what Marx called "Class Consciousness". Once it happened to me, the world looked amazing, and the shitty propagandists selling us false hope all look like clowns in a very odd circus of vanity, despair and mediocrity.
Once I understood this, I saw clearly how we are increasingly trapped in a form of Corporate Slavery, led by seriously ridiculous oligarchs like Mark Zuckerberg, who thinks he's the reincarnation of Augustus Caesar or something. That's why he has that haircut! This is a guy who stole a company and hired "screen psychologists" from Las Vegas to get you hooked on Facebook the same as casinos do with slot machines. He wants to be the funnel for propaganda throughout the world. He wants to be the kingmaker, decide what people buy, who they like, what views they hold. He can only do this because so many companies spend so much money to put their propaganda on that platform. They can only have this much money because the free market is not actually free. It's bought and paid for on platforms like Facebook and Amazon. The money that was supposed to "trickle down" is instead being spent on Capitalist Propaganda on these platforms, to get the proletariate to trickle their money up through endless, nonsensical online purchasing and local businesses who send the town's money to people who can't do anything with it but buy up properties that increase your rent and cost of living.
When people get drunk on the power of propaganda, they forget the lessons of the past. Propagandists always fall prey to their own delusions over time. In reality, your life is better without Facebook. There isn't anything on there that is healthy. Even if you just want to talk to a few friends, you are going to fall for the propaganda there. You can't help it. And if your bar advertises on Facebook, just think, that money could've gone into purchasing higher quality beer then sold at the same price, instead of going to Mark Zuckerberg so he can drop $30 million to buy the houses around him so no one can spy on him while he spies on you. You really gotta watch out for a guy who combines spying and propaganda all into a single app and thinks he's going to bring 200 years of peace to America. History is littered with knuckleheads like that. It's best to get off Facebook and encourage everyone else to do the same. Zuck only wants to lead himself to the Promised Land, and he's using your ignorance to fuel his own delusions by deluding you into thinking you want what he has to offer.
Let's get back to beer.
I like beer. When I worked in Germany, it was easy to walk into a bar and, like Farva, just order a liter o' beer. Often, there would only be two choices, light color or dark. As a matter of fact, even at the most famous beer festival in the world, Oktoberfest, people mostly drink the same standard type of beer, and no one complains about the lack of choice. It's quite easy. You can order with one finger. No need to see a menu or ask what's in it. It's simply beer. This worked for centuries. Consumers are fine with it. Prost! Have you ever shared a story like this and people say, "Oh, that would never work in America. Americans want choice." Yeah. Because we are flooded with Capitalist Propaganda.
So if consumer choice isn't pushing for a selection, why would a free market call for it? Imagine there are two bars and one of those bars says "30 beers on tap" and the other doesn't. You're more likely to choose it, and the other bar will have to compete in some way, often by copying. This forms trends, and people mistake this for something customers wanted. Trends are always marketing. Don't believe me? What happened to fidget spinners? So now you have a bunch of beers that no one asked for, yet will now demand. Competition creates more Capitalist Propaganda to create demand for something you never even wanted, but makes you think you do. And that's the best propaganda. You think you are thinking for yourself. This is the fallacy of consumer choice.
If you want to understand just how important that last paragraph is, consider this, "consumer choice" is the same propaganda they used to get you to carry around a device that spies on you 24/7 and sends that data to people you don't know, and you can't stop it, can you? You chose that. You wanted it. Not only that, but you paid $1,000 for the device to opt into their spying program, for the privilege of being mind controlled by the propaganda their AI selects for you. Did you read the Terms of Service? As bad as you may have thought Communist Propaganda was, Capitalist Propaganda is far better, and far stealthier. You believe you have freedom of choice. But your only choice is usually take it, or leave it. Oh, you need it for work? Maybe find a different job. Or just succumb to mass surveillance, and next year, you can drop another grand on a device with a marginally better camera.
There is a way to free yourself. You just have to understand the nature of propaganda. It took me a while, but I eventually broke free. Under Socialism, there would be laws against the exploitation of consumers. Capitalist Propaganda tells you that this takes away your freedom. This is a lie. Regulations give you the freedom to not have to worry whether the beer you're drinking has poison in it.
Germany has a lot of regulations on beer. It has the Reinheitsgebot (purity order), a law passed in 1516 that states that beer can only consist of water, hops and barley. Note, this is a different use of the word "purity" from earlier, as beer is itself a mixture of things. Historically there have also been regulations where beer could only be sold regionally, so no matter what part of Germany you were in, you only got a certain brand of beer at the bar, but it didn't matter because they all had the same ingredients. They could make wheat beers or unfiltered, but they were generally variations of pilsners and lagers. One meaning of the word "Lager" in German is "storage", meaning the beer was brewed in a way that it could be stored, allowing them to brew in bigger batches and store it.
Lagers use a more complex brewing process, so only larger breweries would make them, but this worked because of protected territories. America has a similar system, because each state has its own regulations on alcohol, but this is changing as corporate lawyers fight to homogenize the rules favorable to them, but the consumer loses control. Big brands tend to be lagers as they have general appeal to a wide audience. Did you notice this is the second time I pointed out that corporations create homogeneity? Without regulations, corporations create Fascism. That is why I tell people that we already live in the NWO but corporations rule the world instead of governments. Why do you think so few conspiracy theorists make this connection? Propagandists are paid a lot of money to keep even our small community confused about the reality of what's happening. Now, check out conspiracy and you'll see what I mean. They are spreading propaganda for the NWO over there and don't even know it. I tried to point that out and they finally banned me. Oh well. They'll figure it out in their own time.
In America, in 1978 it became legal to brew beer at home. This is what led to the explosion of new beers in the US decades later. Americans don't have purity laws, so could test new recipes. But people didn't generally like IPAs before, so how did they become so popular that they control 30% of the market? Marketing, of course. Create the market and tell people what they want.
IPA stands for India Pale Ale. It was invented by the British as an easy way to make a beer that they could drink in India. People only drank it out of necessity, as the other beers couldn't make the trip. IPAs are very easy to make and very forgiving, because if you mess it up, it already tasted bad anyway. As people started trying to get into microbrews, they often didn't have the capital to make lagers at small scale, and also wanted a simpler process so they didn't have to hire or train expert brewers, IPAs are cheap and easy to make at smaller scale.
In order to make it drinkable, brewers experimented with many different flavorings. This created a cult following of craft IPAs, where people would drive hours to stand in line for hours to try the newest concoction. The trendy nature of the craft beer world kept people training their palate to adapt to the taste of an IPA, making people start to actually like them. The flavorings made people think they were different, so even if they didn't like it, marketing tactics kept people coming back to try the latest blend. Your palate can adapt A LOT. Swedish people love Surströmming, but watch this video of Americans trying it for the first time. They tried to get me to eat it several times, but I would rather sit in a sauna until Tuesday to avoid smelling it while watching them eat it. It really smells that bad.
IPAs enticed people with popular, aromatic ingredients like bananas and pineapple. This is what I call "flavor propaganda". It's not bad in and of itself, but it can be easily misused to cover issues with quality or hide the taste of preservatives. Since we don'e have laws like Germany, you're left to rely on the knowledge and honesty of the bartender to find out. They don't make this info readily available, which is another form of Disinformation.
So if you think you actually like IPAs, just remember, you are just like a Swede eating rotten fish. A lot of propaganda went in to making IPAs popular, but it's the cheapest, easiest product to make that can be sold at the highest price, so they become popular. This is what business students call a business plan. To overcome the bad taste, IPAs were marketed as "classy" to shame you if you choose the more expensive to produce and more appealing pilsners and lagers, which were given a bad name due to being associated with major brands like Bud Light. This makes it harder to market microbrew lagers, which can only fetch a certain price due to association. And this is what is referred to as the "race to the bottom" in Capitalism.
Instead of trying to innovate ways to produce the beers you want, they just figure out how to get you to pay more for an inferior product, just like they do with BBQ. They make you think you want it. From this you can understand why "food" is full of junk that you wouldn't feed your dog. Whatever legal poison helps cheapen the product is considered "smart business", another propaganda term designed to hide the reality of doing immoral and harmful things to other humans for profit. If you make money on it, it's good. As if there aren't better choices we could come up with if there truly were a free market with an informed consumer.
We don't need a Communist Revolution to make positive changes, so take off your ski masks and put your Antifa flags down. I like microbrew culture and still enjoy IPAs, but understanding the marketplace is how I do my part as an informed consumer and job creator to help create the world that I want to live in. I encourage you to do the same. Vote with your dollars. Don't let the Zuck-type sociopathic, corporate people in a distant land decide what you consume by looking at ads on his platform. Visit local breweries and talk to the brewmaster. Don't reinforce alienation from labor. Connect with the people who make the things you buy. Support independent entrepreneurship. These are the paths to a brighter future where we share in the abundance of wealth.
Discover Economic Enlightenment for yourself and realize that We The People are ultimately in control. Wealth inequality is greater than it was in France before the French Revolution. Don't let this train take us into the depths where another Lenin will arise and spend the night shooting people.
How you choose to spend your money today is what decides what will become the society of tomorrow. And remember, you always have the choice to buy nothing at all. I never saw a billboard that said that.
I hope this gave you a glimpse behind the curtain of Capitalist Propaganda. Propaganda isn't just political, it has invaded everything and it's at full blast right now. I hope you can piece together how Capitalist Propaganda is actually designed to make you subservient by controlling what you want so they can maximize their own profit and teach you to accept whatever they offer, the homogenization of choice. However, your life is your own and you should remain in control of all aspects of it, including your desires.
Richard Wolff is an economist who studied at three elite universities in America and discusses how he was not able to even learn about Socialist Economics in the ivory tower, even though Capitalist Propaganda calls universities leftist. He found no department in America that is even willing to teach it or study it. Capitalist Propaganda censors these ideas, especially at the university. People in power don't want the serfs to learn about themselves. Check him out on YouTube. You'll realize that unchecked Capitalism leads to Fascism and Slavery, which is why they want to get rid of the minimum wage, so that we can return to sharecropping which is already increasingly happening in America under different names, like "student debt", "mortgages" and "insurance". Don't you think it's odd that a person has to go into debt so they can generate profits for corporations who really ought to be paying for this education themselves? If you have to go into debt before they'll hire you, it's much easier to negotiate against you.
If you want to see other examples of propaganda, check out this random tweet from one of America's Top Capitalist Propagandists. These are very odd pictures, and the only thing I can see in them is that they must be promoting those outfits, likely the blue dress, maybe those men's outfits as well. One thing you know is that she didn't become a billionaire by letting any single opportunity to enrich herself at the expense of others pass her by. I didn't look it up, but I am certain they sell that blue dress, or whoever does paid her to post this.
That's the main reason celebrities use social media. It's marketing. Their whole schtick is to sell garments made in a sweatshop in a foreign country by people who can't even afford a beer to Americans who are facing bankruptcy and homelessness themselves.
Read the replies of the tweet. These people have influence that vastly outsizes their understanding of their impact on the world. There are guillotines in the comments. There usually are. I'm seeing them a lot lately.
This type of propaganda is everywhere. And it's destroying America. Just like propaganda led to the demise of Nazi Germany, we could be looking at the same thing, but worse. It could start off as famine.
If you're having trouble deciding between the beers you are being offered, it's probably because you don't want anything at all, in which case the proper choice is: nothing. Or, try tap water. Maybe you're just thirsty. Now ask yourself, when you envisioned yourself at a bar, did you ever think to order water instead? Did you entertain the idea that you didn't even want a beer. That's the power of suggestion.
What if the rest of the world just cut America off from the means of production outsourced to areas with cheap labor? We would have our own famine and likely war. And if we have a revolution here, with the masses in the country being so disinformed about everything and not having any sort of class consciousness at the moment and instead stuck in alienation, the leader that rises here will likely lead to something horrifying. And we censor ourselves from pointing out the simple fact, that the only way America will survive is to tax the deluded royalty like Kim and Mark back to reality, so they can't indulge their reckless, childish delusions by selling off the very fabric of our nation to the highest bidder.
That doesn't make me a Socialist, that just makes me honest.
Enjoy your beer!
Thanks for reading and I hope I helped you understand how you can empower yourself. I'm excited about the one I wrote for Election Day tomorrow to keep our NOPOL spirits up while all the politics clouds the airwaves. Cheers!
submitted by SchwarzerKaffee to conspiracyNOPOL [link] [comments]

Las Vegas Craps stories (forgot to post from my Dec trip)

Story one - This story happens at South Point Casino, just a few miles south of Mandalay Bay. Locals place. $5 tables (almost always). They had 4 tables open, 3 were 5 and 1 was 10. I was on the 5 dollar tables, left of stick. The dice were straight out on the other side of the table. Old guy, 70s or later was in the middle of a decent roll. An older Asian guy walks up beside him, drops 5 $100 bills before they could send the dice to the shooter. Guy says "All of it on the field". The table kinda glares at the guy. The dealer across from me says "Just look straight forward, don't look around. Everything will be fine". They put 5 black chips in the field. Shooter rolls a 3. Nobody gets hurt since a point is established (I feel likt the point was 9, but I don't remember). Field guy picks up $500 and leaves $500. Says to the shooter "Do it again". Shooter rolls a 4. Asian guy throws a black in, asks for change. Dealer gives the guy 4 green chips. The field guy tosses the shooter a green chip and leaves with $1475 and doesn't tip the dealers. Dealers grumble, we all look around and continue with the point. That's a lot of action for a $5 table. I just shrugged.
Story two - Bally's. $10 table. Their tables has the repeater bets. There are 3 of us on the table, mostly playing 3 numbers or a few come bets. Guy buys in for 2K, just wants green. Puts $50 on the line, $25 on the 6 repeater and $5 on the 6 repeater for the dealers. He also put $25 on the 3 and 11 repeater. I get the dice. I'm having a pretty decent roll. I hit 5 6's, so I need one more 6 to hit that repeater bet. All of the sudden everyone is betting the hard six, pressing their six etc. Money is all over the place. I had my 6 at $60 if I remember correctly. I hit the 6 on the next roll. The dude jumped up and down, came down to me and I thought he was going to hug me during the pandemic. Instead I get an elbow dab. He makes (if I did the math right 25*90) $2250 and the dealers got $450 (to which they thanks the shooter and myself). I think I hit a few more numbers and 7ed out. I was down pretty low on my $200 buyin before the roll and left with $350 or so. That was fun, crazy and scary all at the same time.
Story three - Jerry's Nugget (N. Las Vegas, just a few miles north of El Cortez). $3 table. It's full. At the far end is a dude (with face tattoos) and his friend. Things were going smoothly. Table was luke warm. Shooter would hit 1 point and 7 out. No really good rolls. Guy beside me is shooting and hits a point. The face tattoo guy quickly makes a passline bet with odds (which he didn't have) as the dealer is paying people. The dealer notices and starts yelling at the guy "We don't pull that shit here. You do that again and you will be on your ass outside. Don't cheat at our casino". Box guy comes over, warns the guy. EVERYONE decides it's time to color up. The face guy's friend tells him to knock it off. Don't be an asshole. I got to Jerry's a few times each trip and haven't seen this before.
Story four (and final story). - Binions, downtown. $5 table. Nothing too special to talk about. The girls aren't in their cowboy outfits, instead have referee jerseys on. Still they look pretty good. Guy walks in and starts chatting with the stick girl. Decides to buy in beside her for 4K. $4000 on a $5 table. Playing all greens, being a big tough guy and flirting with the stick girl. I'm always nervous seeing that much money out on a $5 table, glad I wasn't rolling. A few bad rolls wipes him out and he leaves. He was power pressing and trying to make a big score. No dice!
submitted by necrochaos to Craps [link] [comments]

[krimewave] A Day At The Faire <2020-12-21>

This run explores Krime Industry's Warranty-Violation Recall Service, where Krime steals back its own weaponry when people deign to outfit it with special modification or prototype materials.
Runners meet at the Emerald Grpyhon, an ancients bar in Tarislar.
Runners check into the hotel in Vegas and do some cursory legwork evaluation the security operations around the Tur Pam and the ren faire. Eventually they settle on a social con, faking a slip & fall-style accident with the security guard using the prototype lance, hiring a lawyer to back up Cowboy's injury complaint and then ambushing the limousine in transit to an evidence lock-up to steal the krime lance. The team hires a sleazy Vegas lawyer, sets up their ambush locations, and gets ready to seize the lance, which, by Vegas luck alone, happens only to be guarded by a valet and the company lawyer.
Krime acquires another prototype for its stun lance model!
Favors x3; legal fees.
submitted by coy-coyote to NeonAAR [link] [comments]

Dev Diary 11: Welcome to Texas and Oklahoma

Dev Diary 11: Welcome to Texas and Oklahoma
Howdy there partners, and welcome to the Wasteland’s finest rodeo! Down here in Texas and good old Oklahoma, things work differently from the rest of the Wasteland. Oh yes, you see here we’re a fine folk, a refined folk, the kind of people who greet you with smiles and a face-full of buckshot if you even think about whipping out your tire iron. Yes, life here is simple, rustic, and downright apocalyptic...
The region in all its glory!

That’s right Wastelanders, it’s time for another exciting dev diary! Today, we’re focusing on just some of the map changes and additions brought to you by the team. In the coming weeks and months, we’ll reveal more about the factions you see before you, more of our other map changes, and give you some tasty insight into the way things work past the Legion’s border.To begin with though, why don’t we delve deep into the twisted guts of the map itself, and pull back the veil on this beautiful view you’d love to call home.
Aren't provinces beautiful?
Every map expansion begins here, the province map. For this update, a big focus for me was returning to my roots when it came to province design. More small, organic provinces, built up into many states that a great number of nations can occupy. The new playable region brought forth in 3.0 feels as dense and lively as the West Coast, without having nearly as many provinces dotted along its shoreline.
There’s a vast variety of terrain in 3.0, from jungle, to marsh, to plains, urban, and deserts. 3.0 feels and plays like a small microcosm of the larger map, an area rich with lore from a game many people don’t even know about.Before we talk about that, though, let’s take a look at the states.
Dare you count all these states?
If you took the arduous time to count all of that before reading, let’s see if you were right! That’s 96 new states. Oh yes my friends, that’s right, your faithful friend here didn’t stutter now, did I? We’ve got 96 new states for you to control, conquer, and explore in 3.0: and they’re full of interesting characters.Why don’t we get on to that, actually?
In 3.0, we’re representing the lore of the often hated and forgotten Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel, as well as it’s cancelled sequel; Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel 2. Many of you may have never heard about these games, let alone played the first, so it’s time for a little history lesson.
After the defeat of Unity, the super mutant army of the Master fractured into many pieces. Two leaders arose from the ashes, and they led large hordes of mutants out of California to greener pastures for plunder and glory. The important one is Attis, who led his new troops to Texas, in an attempt to uncover the secrets of FEV.
A brotherhood detachment had already left to face off against the first mutant general, and with Attis’ departure, another group inside the Western Brotherhood wanted to chase them down. The Council of Elders said no, fearing another disaster like that which had happened to the first group, but ultimately a splinter faction formed.
It was led by none other than High Elder Rhombus, and he led a group of scribes and paladins to chase down the largest super mutant army in the West, forming what would later be known as the “Texas Expedition.”Settling into the heartland of Texas, this new offshoot developed themselves, recruiting from the local population. They ran them through a training course utilising hologram technology, turning them into initiates. One of these initiates became the protagonist of Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel, and went on a large journey, tracking Attis all the way to his target destination: the Secret Vault.
The Secret Vault was the holy grail for Attis, a place where the secrets of FEV were laid bare, and the secret headquarters of Vault-Tec. Built under the nose of the US, it was the control centre of all Vault-Tec infrastructure, designed to facilitate what Vault-Tec promised thousands of Americans: a safe life underground. The Vault was equipped with state of the art facilities to conduct unethical experiments, and was staffed by unique robots unlike anything the player had ever seen before, or since.
Attis would eventually turn himself into a true abomination, an amalgamation of flesh and FEV, taking after the Master’s image in a final face-off against the protagonist.
Thus ended Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel 1. We must now go more than a hundred years into the future, a mere decade before OWB starts. The Brotherhood have consolidated their power, but outside threats are pressuring their organisation. Attis Army has split into two halves, led by two mutants respectively. Shale, a die-hard mutant supremacist who wants to reform the Army, and Keats; a super mutant who wishes to create a place in which super mutants and humans live and work together in harmony, free from oppression.
But underneath the surface, a great plot is brewing. Reese, a former member of the Cyphers, a group who despise technology in all its forms, has acquired a broken GECK. This GECK has the ability to mutate anything it touches, twisting the world around it into a mockery of life itself. It is the Corrupted GECK, and Reese has big plans for it. He seeks to destroy the Texan Brotherhood, and plunge the region into chaos.
The protagonist of the cancelled Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel 2 went across Texas, on the hunt for many things, but eventually Reese himself. They entered Lone Star, where they found evidence of his tampering, and scouts of the Legion. They travelled throughout Brotherhood territory, watching as the group was set upon by numerous raider gangs, all coordinated and persuaded by Reese.
They visited Austin, where the tensions between the two super mutant factions was growing. Originally, Keats would always die. You could choose between Shale or Keats, but ultimately, he was always assassinated during a speech. But we decided that was boring. Scarlet (our protagonist of choice) saved Keat’s life, becoming bros for life in the process, and Shale was exiled from Austin alongside his goons.
They then travelled, finally, to The Corpse. Within the ruins of a sunken Corpus Christi, Reese’s lair waited in the harbour, and there a final battle ensued. Everything up until now, barring Keat’s survival, is canon. Now, let’s jump into the juicy OWB fanon.
Ultimately winning the fight, Scarlet took his GECK and hauled it across Texas, travelling a great distance to a remote location, far from large and established communities. She put the GECK down in what was to be its final resting place, and became its guardian and protector. Over the decade, its influence spread, creating a beautiful but deadly blood red canopy of mutant fauna, a place the natives of Texas refer to as Eden. Any and all who enter the twisted jungle without permission wind up dead, victim to the protagonist’s legendary assassination skills.
So, there’s your juicy jet high of lore. Now, how about we get onto the region as a whole in OWB’s 2275? Many nations in Texas and Oklahoma, such as Carbon, Los, Shale's Army, Unity of Austin, Lonestar, the Texan Brotherhood, and others are all based in Fallout lore. Since we’re here, let’s go over them all in some more detail.
Pecos: a collection of settler communities from Mexico, who primarily trade with the RRG and Las Granjas. Having struggled to maintain their independence over the last few decades, recent events have continued to destabilise their peaceful towns.
Los: The Church of the Lost has recovered since the fall of the Secret Vault and the death of their old leader Blake. These survivors from Necropolis hope to live out the remainder of their days seeking nirvana within the hallowed streets of Los.
Carthage: a civilised raider nation built over the ruins of Carthage, a town built atop a gigantic and largely untapped natural gas reserve. They use flame to do everything, from powering their cities to cooking their enemies alive.
Carbon: The town of Carbon has been destroyed and rebuilt many times. Recently the town is on an upswing - yet there are some that worry that the raiders that once destroyed their small town may come back again.
The Pursuant: a vicious hunting lodge of civilised raiders who hunt the greatest monsters the wasteland has to offer, from terrifying, legendary Deathclaws, Horrifying Mirelurk Queens, and the most exclusive game of all: man. Traders must constantly be aware, as they are always on the hunt.
Unity of Austin: led by Keats, the ever charismatic super mutant politician and every man, the Unity of Austin is a staunch ally of the Brotherhood, seeking to create a Wasteland in which mutants and humans live side by side through mutual cooperation.
Houston Rockets: the remnants of NASA and Houston’s entertainment industry made a deal. One side made money off of sports, and the other side used the profits to launch rockets into orbit.
The Patrolmen: a group of “protectors” who patrol the I-10 religiously, fighting off raiders and outside threats, while exploiting the communities who exist under their thumb.
Bayou Motors: a trader nation that specialises in, produces, and sells boats and shipping equipment to most of the Gulf.
Gatormaws: a group of violent tribal communities who’ve made the Bayou their home, and make use of their extensive expertise to raid traders who sail along the Red River.
Desperados: a ghoul cartel who split off the Sinaloa after a brutal coup, they’ve taken up shop in Shreveport, demanding “protection fees” from passing traders, lest they die to “local raiders.”
Assassin City Rollergirls: a raider gang steeped in roller derby culture, they skate around the urban sprawl in atomic skates, cleaving heads and splitting Brotherhood power armour like tin cans.
Tubeheads: a cult of raiders and engineers led by the charismatic Mr. Entertainment, the Wasteland’s only late-night variety show host. Cooking segments, raider gladiatorial combat, special guest interviews, all from the pleasure of your own home: courtesy of the Tubehead’s mandatory TV and satellite installation package.
The Last Lodge: a nation of peaceful settlers, draped in masonic imagery, with an outward focus and an emphasis on community.
Scrappers Compact: an alliance of territorial but loyal junkyard settlers, who make a living out of scavenging and selling valuable scrap to the outside world.
Shale’s Army: a warband of first generation super mutants exclusively, led by Shale, one of Attis’s fiercest commanders. Their hatred for all non super mutants is readily apparent, and they make a living out of claiming the lives of their neighbours, ultimately aiming to rebuild Unity from the ground up.
The Chained Choir: a nation of former inmates; ghouls who were subjected to testing by the US army, for research into the potential psionic implementations of FEV.
The Last Patrol: a regiment of national guard who were directly exposed to a nuclear blast, and now patrol the region around their compound, fiercely protecting the rights and liberties of the communities under their charge.
The Texan Arms Association: a coalition of arms barons and factories in the northern Rio Grande who never fully assimilated. Motivated by dreams of liberty and greed, they sell weapons to anyone, and have continued to destabilise the RRG’s politics since its inception. 3.0 will see the TAA exist on game start, and their association’s bid for independence may be welcomed by some of its neighbours who see it little more than prey.
Painted Rock: a group of noble tribal warriors, unwavering combatants who test their young among jagged rocks, and prove their worth against the Wasteland’s toughest foes.
Cypher Warband: a clan of luddites who hold a deep hatred for the old world, and in particular, the Brotherhood of Steel’s core doctrines. They’ve been fierce opponents for decades, but during the events of the cancelled Brotherhood of Steel 2, they disowned their most extreme member—Reese—who left in an attempt to destroy their archenemy once and for all.
Lubbock: a settler community of ghouls and humans, attempting to work together despite their differences. Supported by the Lubbock Expedition, a military effort by Lone Star to secure the highways across Lubbock’s territory, securing their border and reaping the economic benefits of the partnership.
The Ironmongers: a group of mutants who’ve taken over former TAA factories, regularly plundering their gunsmith neighbours. Unlike many other mutants, they construct massive vehicles of brutal machinery, backed up by giant guns and the strength of iron. They’re feared by many, and their iconic “Battlewagons” bring terror and destruction in their wake.
Eden: lead by Scarlet, a protagonist from the protagonist of the cancelled game "Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel 2", who dragged Reese’s GECK from The Corpse to a remote location, to contain the spread of its taint from the outside world, and all who would covet its ruinous strength.
Lone Star: the largest trade hub in Texas, all traders pass along its roads and through the gates of its capital city. Its emphasis on sustainable partnerships, justice, and profit have made it a veritable Wasteland boomtown.
Texan Brotherhood: a brotherhood outfit who’s roots stemmed from a desire to crush Attis once and for all, in 2275 the Brotherhood look entirely different to their counterparts out west. Civilised, peaceful, just: they seek moral victories over material, a direction some among their ranks find fault with.
The First People: the combined nations of the Choctaw, Cherokee, and Chickasaw-Muscogee Coalition have banded together in an alliance, protecting one-another from outside threats and developing their communities in a Wasteland sorely lacking hope. Many of them emerged from vaults, and they rebuilt the casinos, infrastructure, and social venues that made their little corner of Oklahoma the darling it was. In 2275, beyond New Vegas, the Big Spend is the premiere destination for tourists, traders, and soldiers looking to experience the best service in the Wasteland. Live music, tasty food, refreshing drinks, and refurbished hotels continue to entice visitors year after year.
In the words of everyone’s favourite doctor, “Well, that’s all she wrote.” Our dev diary has wrapped up, and boy, what a diary it was! What did you think? Are you excited for what you’ve seen of 3.0? Got any thoughts, comments, or suggestions to share? Let us know in the comments below, or on our Discord!
Mapping is a labour of love, and I love doing it. Take care during this difficult time for all of us, and stay safe and healthy!
submitted by Zapdude277 to OldWorldBlues [link] [comments]

Kingdoms and other things I want to see in Super Mario Odyssey 2, and how “Super Mario Odyssey 2” could go story wise....

Super Mario Odyssey 2 takes place directly after the first Super Mario Odyssey.
With Bowser still stranded on the moon (I assume somewhere underneath the ground) Bowser Jr. (and rest of the Koopalings?) rescue him. OR, alternatively, Bowser finds an ancient spacecraft of some sort on/in the moon, and flies back to the planet in that. (Or maybe in his ship that he must have used to get there in the first place?)
Either way, he flies back to the Mushroom Kingdom, where Mario and Cappy are relaxing. Bowser shoots the Odyssey’s balloon, releasing all of the Power Moons, which scatter across the globe (to new kingdoms). Bowser immediately re-kidnaps Peach and Tiara, now more fueled to force Peach to marry him after her initial rejection (of both him and Mario, except she of course accepted Mario back to whatever their original relationship was). Bowser flies off.
The Odyssey now powerless, Mario and Cappy are unable to chase after Bowser. Fortunately, there are Power Moons (or Power Stars) in the Mushroom Kingdom, so you collect some (the Mushroom Kingdom slightly edited this time, for example, there is now a more traditional underground area) to power the Odyssey to embark on another Odyssey!
The Broodals would be in there too, no longer associated with Bowser. They have a personal vendetta against Mario, as well as being enemies of Bowser (because of the events in the first game).
Maybe even just to shake things up and finally break the formula, Bowser DOESN'T kidnap Peach this time (he could be too sore from her rejection to even WANT to kidnap her again) and instead is just trying to achieve world domination. In this scenario, Mario, for once, is fully focused on defeating Bowser to save the world, without having to worry about rescuing the Princess (Nintendo has already given her independence by letting her fight in Super Smash Bros, she even had her own game on the DS! Her powers were based off of emotions, kind of sexist, but yeah...). How about giving her freedom in a main game for once? MAYBE (JUST HEAR ME OUT) EVEN MAKE HER PLAYABLE, USING TIARA TO CAPTURE ENEMIES AND OBJECTS! Just an idea, for potential 2 player co-op, REAL 2 player, not just the second player moving Cappy or shooting star bits.
ANYWAYS, regardless of exactly how the story plot goes, here are some new Kingdoms I want to see!
Kingdoms (in no particular order):
  1. Haunted Kingdom- Not from Luigi’s Mansion, but darker and more eery (Luigi’s Mansion is great and dark and eery, I just want to see something new for Odyssey 2).
There’d of course be classic Boos, as well as more unique and terrifying ghosts, like in Luigi’s Mansion. I’m not sure how Cappy, a ghost, could use his capturing powers on other ghosts, but I want to see it happen!
Professor E. Gadd would be there, and instruct you to find King Boo to defeat him and rescue Luigi, as the the two came to the kingdom for research.
There’d be a graveyard, and a haunted shipwreck area, possibly based off of Dire Dire Docks/Jolly Roger Bay, but haunted.
The haunted piano would be here, AND the eel, which would be in the haunted shipwreck area. Both scary mofos from 64 in the same Kingdom!
  1. Wild West Kingdom- This one could honestly just be a different part of the Sand Kingdom, outside of Tostarena. There’d be a saloon and a duel (probably with the Broodals, it’d be kinda cool to see a duel with Bowser Jr. though).
  2. Techtropolis- I got the name of the city, but not the Kingdom. This would be a futuristic city, basically New New Donk City (comment I.C. Wiener if you get the reference!). But, how is this a futuristic city? Some joke about higher taxes funding all the advancement, or Mario and Cappy go to the future for this one Kingdom (in THAT case, make it New New Donk City!)
  3. Medieval Kingdom- No need to time travel to go to this Kingdom, as The Cascade Kingdom (Fossil Falls) exists in the present. Kingdoms HEAVILY vary on Mario’s home planet, so no issue with time/yeaera there.
  4. Expanded Cloud Kingdom: The Cloud Kingdom basically only existed for a Bowser battle in the first game, as a barren, cloud island, basically. I want a full Cloud Kingdom, Castle in the sky and stuff. Tempted to make a “Jack and the Beanstalk” reference, and can definitely see Bowser holding a goose that lays golden eggs, but then we’d have to consider making everything giant. Well, it would be cool to find this Kingdom via a Beanstalk (as they existed in the first game to reach high up hidden areas) in another Kingdom (like how you found Kingdoms through paintings, but for this particular Kingdom, a beanstalk would actually make sense). This could work one way or the other.
  5. Carnival Kingdom- The entire Kingdom is a carnival/theme park! The residents (hopefully not clowns!) would enjoy the carnival as their everyday life!
  6. Las Vegas like Kingdom- It’d be cool to see Mario running around the city at night with all of the bright and colorful lights, and funny to see Luigi as a dealer in a casino again. Great place for the Tostarenans to open up a new casino too! It could be bigger and grander, a full casino, and they hired Luigi when he and Professor E. Gadd (make these two travel throughout the game like Peach and Tiara did, but during main game as opposed to post-game!) travelled there.
  7. Some kind of sci-fi kingdom? Maybe involving Mars (as opposed to the moon like in the first game)? I know the futuristic city might be considered sci-fi to some people, but I mean SCI-FI (not counting a futuristic city as sci-fi).
  8. Dessert Kingdom- Everything is made of sweet! We’ve seen Mario Kart tracks like this, as well lands made of nothing but sweets in other series/medias....
  9. Lucky/Clover Kingdom?- A Kingdom based off of Ireland. Inhabitants are definitely leprechauns or leprechaun-like creatures, and there is a rainbow leading to a pot of gold coins somewhere....
Not sure where these would go kingdom-wise, but I really want to see a giant IKEA-like store for Mario to run around in. Also some snowy area with a cabin, with a snow-globe that Mario has to throw Cappy on to enter into. And, I just want to see Mario in a water park (I guess this could POSSIBLY be part of the Carnival Kingdom). His boxers double as a swim-suit!
Other things:
Yoshi should be present in more than just a couple of kingdoms. All previous costumes should return, plus new ones, especially ones based off of other videogame series, examples. Ness, Link, Samus, Captain Falcon, Pokemon Trainer (Ash Ketchum's clothes) just to name a few. All of these costumes involves caps or hats, making them suitable for Mario to wear in Odyssey!
I honestly think whatever cap Mario is wearing should still default to his traditional/main cap when capturing an enemy/object, simply for being universally iconic, but maybe I'm just too uptight ¯_(ツ)_/¯
That's all I can think of right now.
A lot of people suggest kingdoms feauturing locations from other games, such as Donkley Kong and Luigi's Mansion, but I feel it'd be better to create more original kingdoms for a brand new experience.
On the other hand, it's refreshing to see existing locations in a new way, such as the Mushroom Kingdom in Odyssey 1, but I'd definitely support more pre-existing locations from other games in an Odyssey 3, but generally I think it's PROBABLY best to not make more than one sequel, but if there's enough ideas, it's worth considering. Yes, this includes Galaxy 3.
Oh, and like how the Mushroom Kingdom was a throwback kingdom for the post-game, they should do the same for Delfino Plaza. There is already a Sunshine outfit, which would return with all of the other outfits from Odyssey 1.
So, also:
Sunshine Kingdom (Delfino Plaza)- Like Mushroom Kingdom in Odyssey 1, but Delfino Plaza. And those squid things function very much like F.L.U.D.D., so they would definitely be present there for Mario to capture.
I'd say collecting EVERY SINGLE MOON should unlock something HUGE, but maybe not, as this would SEVERELY punish people who are unable to obtain every moon, by blocking a big part of the game, but I don't know, there has to be some kind of neat thing for collecting every single moon. While the fireworks and cap on the castle are cool, maybe something a little cooler than that?
submitted by PlayerofLifeandGames to SuperMarioOdyssey [link] [comments]

*Major Spoilers* I'd like to make a complete MHI timeline but in Need your help

Are you guys best as I could tell this is the order of events. I'm quite hazy and fuzzy on dates so any help you guys can give on those would be much appreciated. Once we have all the dates hammered out and all the finer details figure it out I'll do my best to attach this to a coherent timeline. Without further Ado let's get this show on the road.
Beginning of time - The Fallen fall from Heaven
1500's - Machado touches the old ones power.
1700's? - Conrad Dipple "creates" Franks.
1776 - Frank's signed a treaty with Benjamin Franklin alling him with the United States.
1895 - Raymond "Bubba" Shackleford I creates the first professional Monster hunting outfit.
1907? - President Theodore Roosevelt creates PUFF.
1900 - Raymond Shackleford II is born.
1920's - Raymond Shackleford II is bitten by a werewolf and succumbs to the curse and must live his life as a monster.
Early 1970's - Raymond Shackleford II is recruited by Agent Stricken for Special Task Force Unicorn to fight in Vietnam so he can earn a PUFF exemption. Raymond is given the code name Mr. Wolf.
Early 1970's - Mr. Wolf clashes with the KGB agent named Nikolai Petrov, who is also a werewolf, over the course of many months.
Mid 1970's - Mr. Wolf unknowingly bites Sharon Magnum, another member of Special Task Force Unicorn, in the last conflict of the Vietnam War. He leave his alias of Mister Wolf behind.
Mid 1970's - Raymond Shackleford II adopts the new identity of Earle Harbinger and returns home to his family.
Early 1980's - Oliver Chadwick "Chad" Gardenier survives a Barracks bombing in Beirut is granted a vision of his destiny, returns home, kills a horde of zombies at a church Revival, and joins MHI.
Early 1980's - Chad is sent to Seattle where he kills a Lich and and installs a Fae princess as guardian of the city.
Early 1980's - A Special Operations Soldier by the name of "Destroyer" is shot in the head on a small island off the coast of Russia. He is brought back to life by a powerful elder being and given a vision of his destiny and his childrens destiny.
Early 1980's - "Destroyer" meets and marries a poor woman from the soviet union. "Destroyer" then has her immigrate from her home to the United States where she is then impregnated. She give birth to 2 sons named Owen and Mosh.
Mid 1980's - Chad is caught fornicating with an underage elf in Seattle and is forced to flee to New Orleans.
Mid 1980's - Martin Hood, a member of MHI's team smiley face, fakes his own death has it blamed on Earl Harbinger. As a consequence Dwayne Myers , another member of mhi's Team smiley face, quits MHI and joins the Monster Control Bureau.
Mid 1980's - Chad becomes the only surviving member of The Fat Tuesday Massacre a level 4 event.
Mid 1980's - Chad goes on sabbatical with "points", his on-again-off-again girlfriend. Subsequently Chad fornicates her brains out andimpregnates her, unbeknownst to Chad.
Mid 1980's - Milo Anderson a Mormon from Utah (?) is saved from a monster attack and joins MHI.
Mid 1980's - Chad and the entirety of Monster Hunter International kill a larval old one before it is allowed to awaken.
Early 1990's - Susan goes "missing" in Europe hunting vampires. Suasan is presumed dead and this throws her husband Raymond Sackleford IV into despair and desperation.
1995 - The Christmas Party. Raymond Sackleford IV opens a portal in an attempt to return Susan back to the land of the living. A dimensional portal is opened and demon kill a great number of hunter including Chad and Raymond Sackleford V.
International - Owen Zastava Pitt son of "Destroyer" kills a werewolf in a his accounting firms corporate offices.
International - Owen meets Julie Shackelford and Earl Harbinger for the first time, and is recruited by MHI.
International - Owen meets the rookies of the MHI squad Holly Newcastle and "Tripp" Jones. Owen also meet Skippy and Edward the Orcs.
International - Owen encounters vampires and wights on the ship the Antoine Henri. And discovers a major plot in involving Master level vampires and more powerful being called Machado.
International - Owen dies in Natchy Bottom from demons the same as the ones at the Christmas party. The MCB Nukes the portal. Owen reverses time and doesn't die in Natchy Bottom. The MCB still nukes the portal.
International - Susan Shackelford is revealed to be a master vampire. Raymond Shackelford IV is "killed" by Susan.
International - The the final battle between mhi and the master vampires take place at DeSoya Caverns.
International - Julie Shackelford is saved from a fatal woundby a mysterious figure called "the guardian".
International - Owen defeats Lord Machado.
Vendetta - Martin Hood and his daughter Lucinda attack Owen in Mexico with a horde of zombies.
Vendetta - The ogres Bia and cratos attack Owen's brother Mosh at a live concert.
Vendetta - the MHI compound in Cazador Alabama is assaulted by a giant horde of zombies lead by Martin Hood.
Vendetta - Julie is mortally wounded however it appears that she has been given the powers of the Guardian and is subsequently able to regenerate.
Vendetta - mosh is kidnapped during the assault and has his fingers removed as part of torture.
Vendetta - Owen marries Julie.
Vendetta - Owen travels through a portal to save his brother.
Vendetta - Lucinda loses an arm.
Vendetta - Owen kills Martin hood and slays an old one.
Alpha - Earl tracks Nikolai Petrov to Copper Lake Michigan, Just as a massive werewolf outbreak is about to begin. Lucinda hood is also present aiding a mysterious figure known as the Alpha.
Alpha - a Shawty team are Monster Hunters known as Briarwood eradication services is dispatched to copper lake one of them is a man by the name of Jason lococo.
Alpha - An officer known as Heather Kercanine is bitten and turned into a werewolf.
Alpha - The Alpha kills Nikolai
Alpha - Earle and Heather Kill Alpha
Alpha - Jason is recruited to join MHI
Alpha - Heather is forced by Stricken to join Special Task Force Unicorn in order to earn her PUFF exemption.
Between Alpha & Legion - Owen impregnates Julie
Between Alpha & Legion - Edward the orc meets Tanya the elf and convinces her to join MHI
Legion - The International Conference for Monster Hunting Professionals is being held at the last dragon casino and hotel in Las Vegas. All major monster hunting teams are in attendance including MHI. The conference is being coordinated by an individual simply known as management.
Legion - A mystrious being known as the Nachtmar is causing the worst nightmares of the casinos patrons to come to life.
Legion - The entire casino is sucked into another dimension.
Legion - Owen is forced to abandon a group of hunters including Jason in above mentioned dimension to defeat the Nachtmar.
Legion - Owen defeats the Nachtmar.
Nemesis - United States government breaks treaty with Franks and issues a bounty on him.
Nemesis - the Nemesis program is given the green light
Nemesis - Fallen Angel Kurst hunts for Frank's in one of the Nemesis body
Nemesis - Meyers is killed by Paranormal Tactical? Or Nemisis I can't remember?
Nemesis - Frank's least Alabama where he reenacts The Wolfman vs Frankenstein's monster fight
Nemesis - Nemesis is defeated
Seige - Owen and Julie meet Poly, a cylops who can see into other dimensions
Seige - Owen collects a dead drop from management who appears to have survived the last dragon event.
Seige - Owen hatch has a plan to save the missing hunters trapped in the other dimension
Seige - Owen retrieve a ring from Gerecht, a legendary roman heroe, in order to find the hunters trapped in the other dimension
Seige - Owen discovers that the only place he can get to the dimension is on a small island off the coast of Russia.
Seige - Owen goes to Russia to broker a deal with officials to allow them to put the island Under Siege
Seige - mhi trains in Alaska
Seige - MHI puts the island Under Siege
Seige - I want enters the other dimension looking for the hunters
Seige - Owen meets "Jason" again as he is hiding from the wild Hunt
Seige - Owen saves hunters from the wild Hunt and allows them to return home while he sacrifices himself and holds off the wild Hunt.
Seige - Owen is captured and finds out that Jason lococo died in this dimension and Owen had been interacting with previously wasn't fact some form of dark God.
Seige - Destroyer Dies Earthside so his spirit could save his son Owen.
Guardian - Raymond "little bubba" Shackelford VI is born
Guardian - Raymond Shackelford III dies while being attacked by a mysterious creature.
Guardian - little bubba is "TAKEN"
Guardian - Julie murders her way across Europe in search of her son.
Guardian - Julie rescues her son.
Seige - Owen escapes the capture of the dark God with the assistance of his father's spirit.
Seige - Owen returns earthside months after the seige has ended.
Guardian - Julie kills the mysterious creature ALUOCH who stole her son.
submitted by beattywill80 to TheMHI [link] [comments]

Kingdoms and other things I want to see in Super Mario Odyssey 2, and how “Super Mario Odyssey 2” could go story wise....

Super Mario Odyssey 2 takes place directly after the first Super Mario Odyssey.
With Bowser still stranded on the moon (I assume somewhere underneath the ground) Bowser Jr. (and rest of the Koopalings?) rescue him. OR, alternatively, Bowser finds an ancient spacecraft of some sort on/in the moon, and flies back to the planet in that. (Or maybe in his ship that he must have used to get there in the first place?)
Either way, he flies back to the Mushroom Kingdom, where Mario and Cappy are relaxing. Bowser shoots the Odyssey’s balloon, releasing all of the Power Moons, which scatter across the globe (to new kingdoms). Bowser immediately re-kidnaps Peach and Tiara, now more fueled to force Peach to marry him after her initial rejection (of both him and Mario, except she of course accepted Mario back to whatever their original relationship was). Bowser flies off.
The Odyssey now powerless, Mario and Cappy are unable to chase after Bowser. Fortunately, there are Power Moons (or Power Stars) in the Mushroom Kingdom, so you collect some (the Mushroom Kingdom slightly edited this time, for example, there is now a more traditional underground area) to power the Odyssey to embark on another Odyssey!
The Broodals would be in there too, no longer associated with Bowser. They have a personal vendetta against Mario, as well as being enemies of Bowser (because of the events in the first game).
Maybe even just to shake things up and finally break the formula, Bowser DOESN'T kidnap Peach this time (he could be too sore from her rejection to even WANT to kidnap her again) and instead is just trying to achieve world domination. In this scenario, Mario, for once, is fully focused on defeating Bowser to save the world, without having to worry about rescuing the Princess (Nintendo has already given her independence by letting her fight in Super Smash Bros, she even had her own game on the DS! Her powers were based off of emotions, kind of sexist, but yeah...). How about giving her freedom in a main game for once? MAYBE (JUST HEAR ME OUT) EVEN MAKE HER PLAYABLE, USING TIARA TO CAPTURE ENEMIES AND OBJECTS! Just an idea, for potential 2 player co-op, REAL 2 player, not just the second player moving Cappy or shooting star bits.
ANYWAYS, regardless of exactly how the story plot goes, here are some new Kingdoms I want to see!
Kingdoms (in no particular order):
  1. Haunted Kingdom- Not from Luigi’s Mansion, but darker and more eery (Luigi’s Mansion is great and dark and eery, I just want to see something new for Odyssey 2).
There’d of course be classic Boos, as well as more unique and terrifying ghosts, like in Luigi’s Mansion. I’m not sure how Cappy, a ghost, could use his capturing powers on other ghosts, but I want to see it happen!
Professor E. Gadd would be there, and instruct you to find King Boo to defeat him and rescue Luigi, as the the two came to the kingdom for research.
There’d be a graveyard, and a haunted shipwreck area, possibly based off of Dire Dire Docks/Jolly Roger Bay, but haunted.
The haunted piano would be here, AND the eel, which would be in the haunted shipwreck area. Both scary mofos from 64 in the same Kingdom!
  1. Wild West Kingdom- This one could honestly just be a different part of the Sand Kingdom, outside of Tostarena. There’d be a saloon and a duel (probably with the Broodals, it’d be kinda cool to see a duel with Bowser Jr. though).
  2. Techtropolis- I got the name of the city, but not the Kingdom. This would be a futuristic city, basically New New Donk City (comment I.C. Wiener if you get the reference!). But, how is this a futuristic city? Some joke about higher taxes funding all the advancement, or Mario and Cappy go to the future for this one Kingdom (in THAT case, make it New New Donk City!)
  3. Medieval Kingdom- No need to time travel to go to this Kingdom, as The Cascade Kingdom (Fossil Falls) exists in the present. Kingdoms HEAVILY vary on Mario’s home planet, so no issue with time/yeaera there.
  4. Expanded Cloud Kingdom: The Cloud Kingdom basically only existed for a Bowser battle in the first game, as a barren, cloud island, basically. I want a full Cloud Kingdom, Castle in the sky and stuff. Tempted to make a “Jack and the Beanstalk” reference, and can definitely see Bowser holding a goose that lays golden eggs, but then we’d have to consider making everything giant. Well, it would be cool to find this Kingdom via a Beanstalk (as they existed in the first game to reach high up hidden areas) in another Kingdom (like how you found Kingdoms through paintings, but for this particular Kingdom, a beanstalk would actually make sense). This could work one way or the other.
  5. Carnival Kingdom- The entire Kingdom is a carnival/theme park! The residents (hopefully not clowns!) would enjoy the carnival as their everyday life!
  6. Las Vegas like Kingdom- It’d be cool to see Mario running around the city at night with all of the bright and colorful lights, and funny to see Luigi as a dealer in a casino again. Great place for the Tostarenans to open up a new casino too! It could be bigger and grander, a full casino, and they hired Luigi when he and Professor E. Gadd (make these two travel throughout the game like Peach and Tiara did, but during main game as opposed to post-game!) travelled there.
  7. Some kind of sci-fi kingdom? Maybe involving Mars (as opposed to the moon like in the first game)? I know the futuristic city might be considered sci-fi to some people, but I mean SCI-FI (not counting a futuristic city as sci-fi).
  8. Dessert Kingdom- Everything is made of sweet! We’ve seen Mario Kart tracks like this, as well lands made of nothing but sweets in other series/medias....
  9. Lucky/Clover Kingdom?- A Kingdom based off of Ireland. Inhabitants are definitely leprechauns or leprechaun-like creatures, and there is a rainbow leading to a pot of gold coins somewhere....
Not sure where these would go kingdom-wise, but I really want to see a giant IKEA-like store for Mario to run around in. Also some snowy area with a cabin, with a snow-globe that Mario has to throw Cappy on to enter into. And, I just want to see Mario in a water park (I guess this could POSSIBLY be part of the Carnival Kingdom). His boxers double as a swim-suit!
Other things:
Yoshi should be present in more than just a couple of kingdoms. All previous costumes should return, plus new ones, especially ones based off of other videogame series, examples. Ness, Link, Samus, Captain Falcon, Pokemon Trainer (Ash Ketchum's clothes) just to name a few. All of these costumes involves caps or hats, making them suitable for Mario to wear in Odyssey!
I honestly think whatever cap Mario is wearing should still default to his traditional/main cap when capturing an enemy/object, simply for being universally iconic, but maybe I'm just too uptight ¯_(ツ)_/¯
That's all I can think of right now.
A lot of people suggest kingdoms feauturing locations from other games, such as Donkley Kong and Luigi's Mansion, but I feel it'd be better to create more original kingdoms for a brand new experience.
On the other hand, it's refreshing to see existing locations in a new way, such as the Mushroom Kingdom in Odyssey 1, but I'd definitely support more pre-existing locations from other games in an Odyssey 3, but generally I think it's PROBABLY best to not make more than one sequel, but if there's enough ideas, it's worth considering. Yes, this includes Galaxy 3.
Oh, and like how the Mushroom Kingdom was a throwback kingdom for the post-game, they should do the same for Delfino Plaza. There is already a Sunshine outfit, which would return with all of the other outfits from Odyssey 1.
So, also:
Sunshine Kingdom (Delfino Plaza)- Like Mushroom Kingdom in Odyssey 1, but Delfino Plaza. And those squid things function very much like F.L.U.D.D., so they would definitely be present there for Mario to capture.
I'd say collecting EVERY SINGLE MOON should unlock something HUGE, but maybe not, as this would SEVERELY punish people who are unable to obtain every moon, by blocking a big part of the game, but I don't know, there has to be some kind of neat thing for collecting every single moon. While the fireworks and cap on the castle are cool, maybe something a little cooler than that?
submitted by PlayerofLifeandGames to Mario [link] [comments]

Xavier DuPont de Ligonnès Article from Society, 6 Aug 2020, Part 2C [English]

Xavier DuPont de Ligonnès Article from Society, 6 Aug 2020, Part 2C [English]
Previous Section-Part 2B
Chapter 9

Highways and dead ends

The hunt for Xavier Ligonnès is enough to drive you crazy. It’s like looking for a lost object, a bank card for example, of which we can determine the exact moment of disappearance: we used it to pay, it was there, and the next moment it is not there anymore. Logic dictates that we look for it where we usually store it (a wallet, a handbag), then where it could be (a back pocket of pants, a hall cabinet), and the less we find it , the more we seem to see it everywhere. Faced with absence, the brain constructs images (the credit card in an office drawer, as a bookmark in a book, forgotten on the counter of the last store) but these are fictions or mirages; they encourage further research but they do not provide a solution. Xavier Ligonnès’s apparent volatilization follows the same logic and produces the same effects on the investigation. The more weeks and months go by, the more places to look get smaller. Emmanuel Teneur ends up leading the investigators to the Société Générale agency on Place Royale in Nantes, but the safe he holds there is simply empty. A request for information on Joven Soliman is sent to the security attaché for the French Embassy in the Philippines. He is a sedevacantist priest, a fringe of traditionalist Catholicism who considers the Pope to be an imposter. The attaché transmits the hours of mass where he officiates. A trip to the Philippines is being considered, but that would mean going to the other side of the world to look for a needle in the thousands of islands of the archipelago. If this track has never been closed, nothing has supported it to date.
Since we must push logic to the end, the investigators even contact the American authorities to corroborate or contradict the story of protected witnesses told by Ligonnès in his famous letter. The DEA has never heard of the individual, and the liaison officer based at the Miami consulate assures us that his last trip to the United States was in 2003: Ligonnès arrived in Florida on July 18 and left on August 22. The study of his entourage also did not highlight anyone capable of providing false papers to the fugitive, and if he had gone through a criminal network, the police believed that an informant would undoubtedly have warned them to protect himself.
Then there are the news reports: the portrait of Ligonnès goes around France, and even if he has undoubtedly changed his physical appearance, his hairstyle, perhaps had even resorted to cosmetic surgery, someone, somewhere, might recognize him one day. After all, that’s how John List, a New Jersey insurance salesman who killed his wife and mother in 1971, was arrested. He waited for two of his children to return from school to coldly shoot them, then attended his youngest son’s football game before shooting bullets through him at home. He evaded justice for 18 years until a co-worker recognized him from a report on America’s Most Wanted.
Rarely has a criminal case given rise to as many appeals as that of Ligonnès, because his stalking not only bewitches the police, it torments an entire country. More than 1000 reports, thousands of pages of depositions, letters, verifications. You have to imagine the miles of printed paper that this represents when they are stacked on a desk. The most recent: in July, after the broadcast of a Netflix documentary on the subject in the United States, the producers of the film claimed to have received an interesting lead in Chicago; but it’s just one more drop in the bucket. Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès has been seen in Annecy, Nancy, Cholet, Corsica (several times); on the side of a road, thumbs up, by a French tourist in Las Vegas; disguised as a chimney sweep in Nîmes; in a hotel in Cantal and in a pizzeria where he paid cash in a hurry; seen again in Germany, in Italy, and heard on the telephone by the reception of the psychiatric hospital of Troyes. Since he disappeared looking like the ordinary neighbor, since he was a representative and his profession has taken him to all corners of France, there is no less reason to see him in Mulhouse than in Roche-sur-Yon, and you can simply see him everywhere.
Aire de Lançon-Provence in July 2020
Extracts: “It was the same look, except that he looked very sad, in the west, but he had the same glasses as in the photo you are showing me”; “He looked like a man like everyone else, but there was something odd in his eyes;” “Yesterday, around 1:00 pm, I was watching the news on television on the TFI channel. I saw a report where an individual killed his children and his wife before disappearing into the wild. (...) Seeing the gentleman in the photo, I made the connection with the person whom I had crossed Sunday afternoon because he had the same smile.” At the Vauvert tourist office: “I hardly look at the news, but Thursday evening I saw the photo of Mr. Ligonnès, I had the impression of having already seen him, my heart was racing.” Between Carpentras and Avignon, when he comes back from the bakery, the manager of one of Nicolas Sarkozy’s brothers crosses paths with a man with a beige bob, which he is certain is the fugitive. “I flashed,” he says. “For me, there is no doubt. This is him.” Still more letters are sent to the police to offer them help. An amateur astrologer requests a copy of the suspect’s birth certificate to establish a birth chart, a woman in child-like writing recommended a great medium who had helped her find her daughter who had become a junkie in Marseille. A prisoner asked in writing to be sent to Guinea to go hunt him down in the jungle, attaching to his letter a list of the necessary equipment, including infrared glasses and a “samurai sword.”
With each letter, with each phone call to report a suspicious individual, investigators attempt to cross-reference the information. They patiently collect the testimonies of the depositors to know where Xavier Ligonnès was seen, if he was accompanied or not, what was his size and his outfit. Inconsistent testimonies or those referring to individuals who are too young (Ligonnès would be 59 years old today) and too small (he measures a little over 1.80 meters) are discarded. For the others, investigators check the CCTV recordings, when they have not been erased and when the cameras have actually recorded on tape. If the person has been spotted pumping gasoline, in a Géant Casino, or in a Courtepaille, they trace the means of payment used and seize the duplicates of bank cards. They give priority to the restaurants, especially the Buffalo Grill, Ligonnès’ favorite establishment. And when the trail is still hot and the dishes haven’t been done yet, they collect DNA from the plates and cutlery. A few months after the start of the investigation, the investigating judge in charge of the case will even be forced to ask them to slow down, the seals starting to take on the appearance of a china cabinet in a large restaurant.
The Total service station in Lançon-Provence, July 2020
The PJ of Nantes believed on several occasions to finally have in hand the winning ticket and to be on the point of intercepting Ligonnès. This was the case in Borgo, where a photo taken from the video surveillance of a supermarket in this small Corsican town was very similar. Upon verification, it was only a local. They believed in it even more in January 2018 when they were told that an individual with a strong resemblance to Xavier Ligonnès was at the Saint-Désert Notre-Dame de Pitié monastery near Roquebrune-sur-Argens. About twenty police officers raided and searched the premises until they came across Brother Jean-Marie Joseph, who certainly looked disturbingly like Ligonnès, but who was not him. In still other cases, the police were never able to “close the track,” and it is perhaps Ligonnès who was seen.
For example, in Lançon-Provence, April 26, 2011. That day, at 2:44 am, Mahjoub B., a handler by profession, parks his vehicle at the Total service station after the Lançon-Provence toll. He fills up, then goes to the store to pay. On his way, he passes a 45- to 50-year-old man, about six feet tall, who hangs out there between the gas pumps and the store. When he returns to his vehicle, his colleague asks him if he has seen the man, whom he is convinced is the one everyone is looking for, the one who killed his family in Nantes. Mahjoub then takes a new look at the individual, notices that he is wearing glasses, light jeans, that he has brown hair a little graying and a beard of a day. At his feet, four rigid shopping bags, one red, one white, one brown and one whose color he cannot distinguish. Inside the store, employees also noticed the individual. He’s been out for almost three hours. At one point, he walks in to ask for free coffee, as part of a promotion. Behind her cash register, Jocelyne H. notes a detail: he is missing a tooth. “The second on the left, I believe,” she says when heard by investigators. This is information that has never filtered out and yet, it’s true – a little detail, Xavier Ligonnès was missing a tooth. Little by little, the space has filled in, but you can always see it when he smiles. The images from the station’s surveillance cameras are confusing: if this man is not the one we are looking for, it must be his twin brother. At 3 a.m., the cameras show him hitchhiking by a Volkswagen Combi, which investigators quickly find. The driver’s name is Christophe B. He has not heard of the case, and he must be one of the only ones in the country; but Christophe is no longer listening to the news because, he says, “the news is bad all the time.” From the hitchhiker on the night of the 25th to the 26th, he remembers that he “did not smell very good” and that he had a growing beard. They didn’t discuss much. The man simply told him that he was coming from Paris where he had gone to see “his sick old father,” and that he wanted to take the train to Aix-en-Provence. Christophe dropped him off at a motorway exit, the 30 or the 31, between 4 a.m. and 4.15 a.m. The surveillance cameras at Aix train station allow you to get back on track. He is filmed on the forecourt at 6 am, he wears light pants, a dark jacket. He buys a ticket at 1.20 euro, free destination. Then we lose track.
Despite all the checks, despite all the cameras, it will be impossible to track this man perfectly resembling Dupont de Ligonnès, who could nevertheless have confirmed that he was, at least on this date, still alive.
How can one suddenly evaporate in plain sight, and how could a man who has collected chess all his life accomplish this feat? The XDDL mystery makes it possible to scaffold all the theories. These flourish in books, in docudramas and, of course, on the Internet. We imagine Ligonnès protected by the secrecy of a monastery, flown to the United States, where he can go unnoticed thanks to his English without an accent, or even on the escape alongside a woman he would have manipulated. The police officers in charge of the case do not work on theories or psychological profiles, but according to a scientific approach: they always start from a fact, which opens a track, which they then explore until the end, close, and move on to another. This method is also a way to protect yourself from endless guesswork, or insanity, but it doesn’t always work. Several times, the track looks like a highway towards the fugitive, and the police are convinced that they will finally close this investigation. But they end up stumbling upon the worst thing ever, as was the case with the allusion to Emmanuel Teneur’s sailboat: coincidences.
Coincidence number 1. When the Ligonnès C5 was discovered in the Formula 1 car park in Roquebrune, the night watchman informed them that two reservations had been made in the name of Dupont Xavier, one on April 5 and the another on April 14. The hotel manager then specifies that the first reservation was actually made for April 6. That day, however, XDDL was in Nantes, probably digging the grave of Thomas, murdered the day before. Had he thought of accomplishing his crimes earlier or had he reserved a room for an accomplice, who might have been hiding something for him? The videos of April 5 and 6 are no longer available, but payment for the room was made with a Crédit Agricole credit card. The number gives a name, Faiçal E., and an address. Could it be an accomplice? The checks are launched immediately lead to a man who simply used “Dupont Xavier” as an assumed name - like Ligonnès - to book a night in the same hotel, the same year, the same month, within ten days.
Coincidence number 2. The liaison officer in Miami launches research around the various aliases used by XDDL, for operations of “mystery shopper” or to stay in hotels. In the FBI file, he finds a certain Xavier Laurent, one of Ligonnès’s favorite nicknames, installed in Jacksonville, north of Florida. Jacksonville is not just any city. This is where Hugues, the cousin of XDDL lived, and it is also this locality that Ligonnès and his friend Michel Rétif declared to customs in 1990 during their trip to the United States. At the very end of the personalized letter sent to Michel on April 8, Xavier Ligonnès seemed to allude to it: “I will think about you there. (Not the right to tell you where, but you went there with November 90…a clue to dig. LOL).” But this Xavier Laurent is another twist of fate: the police come across a certain Evan Shaffer, a petty criminal who has chosen this alias to commit crimes.
Coincidence number 3. Ten days before the crimes, XDDL reconnects with a childhood sweetheart, Catherine K., whom he met in Versailles in the 1980s. Between March 22 and 24, they exchange text messages and try to find a date to meet the week of April 12, in Chamonix. These messages intrigue the investigators, some answers seem surprising, almost illogical, and they suspect Ligonnès of having wanted to ensure a logistical relay in his escape. A little later, a certain Patrick O. reports having seen XDDL in the queue of a Sixt car rental agency at Nice airport on April 17, 2011. By peeling the names of dozens of people having rented a car that day, the police officers miss the infarction: in capital letters, white on black, appears the surname of Catherine, who would have rented a vehicle at 1:30 am. A few hours later, their heart rate drops again: it was only a perfect disambiguation.
Each coincidence causes the same chain of reactions. First a eureka!, the certainty of having finally found the tiny detail from which to trace everything. The police then cast their nets like fishermen on the high seas, telephone or banking requisitions, requests for listings, identity checks. Then they wait. It can last from a few hours to several weeks, and inevitably it is a burning, nagging wait, tense by the fear that the track will fly away. Finally, there is the immense disappointment and the obligation to face reality again: Xavier Ligonnès is still nowhere to be found, a track has flown again, and we have to hoist the rock up the mountain again. Those who have worked or are still working on the affair strive to maintain a cold, rational, police facade. But little by little, by dint of chasing a shadow - not even a shadow, a ghost - obsession lurks. One of them, a police officer with a professional Protestant pastor, now out of the investigation, still returned until recently to consult the investigation file every week, saying he simply wanted to put the 12,000 pages of documents in order. For a year, a criminal analyst has also been mobilized. He enters all the elements of the file in a software which digests them and spits out, perhaps, new threads to draw. In the meantime, the two police officers who are still following the investigation - one at the PJ in Nantes, one at the OCRVP, in Paris - “live” the case, as their colleagues say. Among these thousands of pages there is no doubt a clue that has gone unnoticed or, better, a lead that has not yet been explored.
Track number 1. Who typed “fraternité saint-thomas becket” on Google on April 3 at 11:34 pm, before clicking on a link in the Cité-Catholique forum? Is it the same person who, the same night at 2:01 am, from an iPhone, did the search for “communion state mortal sin,” bringing it to the same forum? On April 8, the user of this phone will in any case send the search engine the request “hello Chacou”, which will lead him (her) again to the Cité-Catholique forum. Chacou was one of the pseudonyms of Xavier Ligonnès. Investigators saw crazier coincidences, but still: can it really be someone other than Xavier Ligonnès, who himself connected to Cité-Catholique almost every day of his escape? The last article published on the site about Saint-Thomas Becket, an ultra-traditionalist fraternity which practices mass in Latin, dates from January 2009. It indicates the name of its founder, Father Jean-Pierre Gac, and specifies this: “Born in the diocese of Blois where there are two communities (…), the fraternity has also extended in the diocese of Toulon - a parish is also entrusted to them in Ollioules.” Ollioules is located six kilometers from La Seyne-on-Mer, where XDDL spent its penultimate known night, and 94 kilometers from Roquebrune. Jean-Pierre Gac was questioned by the police but claimed to have never been in contact with the fugitive. Investigators have always believed in the possibility that Ligonnès took refuge in a monastery in the Var. They considered to search them one by one, before understanding that there are dozens and dozens of brotherhoods and fraternities, that they are not always castles of the Purple Rivers but sometimes simple farms, lost in the hinterland. To mount a search, it would be necessary to ensure that they do not communicate with each other, and therefore to visit them all at the same time. The examining magistrate quickly tempered the fervor of the police and declared the operation impossible.
Track number 2. Xavier Ligonnès had two secret Facebook accounts. The first is named after his favorite country singer, Waylon Jennings. One of his nieces had also found him a month before the crimes, sending him a message, “but who is behind this nickname?,” to which XDDL had immediately replied “How did you manage to arrive on the Waylon Jennings Facebook profile? Too clever! Microsoft Advantage??? Kiss.” The second account concerns a certain “George Town” residing in Nantes and is linked to one of Ligonnès’ many email addresses, [email protected]. The police send a requisition to the management of Facebook in Palo Alto to obtain the creation and connection logs of the two profiles. The answer comes in days: the first was created in February 2010, the second in December 2007, when France had barely discovered the social network. Above all, the response indicates that Ligonnès connected to the two accounts on the night of April 4 to 5, between the first assassinations and that of Thomas. The profiles have since been deleted but suggest he could have used them to communicate with a third party. Catherine K., the youthful lover that XDDL contacted a few days before the tragedy, also reported to the police that she had been approached by a certain Philippe Steiner, whom she did not know, around May 20. He sent her a strange message, suggesting that they might have had a relationship in the past. When she went to respond, the profile had already been deleted. Today there are almost 100 Facebook accounts on behalf of Waylon Jennings, some are created and deleted every day.
Track number 3. When the Ligonnès family is having their last meal on April 3, 2011, around 9 pm, a young woman walks through the glass doors of the police station on Place Waldeck-Rousseau in Nantes. Originally from a small village near Vannes, Julie is a BTS student and comes to file a complaint: the Twingo that her father lets her drive has been broken into, probably during the night. There was not much inside, but Julie reported the theft of her car radio as well as the vehicle’s logbook, which she normally stored in a small Renault gray faux leather pouch. This same pouch was found on April 22 in the dresser of the Ligonnès living room where Xavier used to store his papers, during the investigation the day after the discovery of the bodies. The police did not follow this track: they put the break-in of Julie’s car on the account of one of the Ligonnès sons, Arthur, who had already been arrested for theft of a bicycle and driving under the influence of cannabis. But why would Arthur have taken the vehicle papers with the car stereo, and why would he put them in the middle of his father’s papers? And if the theft was committed by Xavier Ligonnès a few hours before killing his family, how can this be explained? Was he able to steal other identity papers to facilitate his escape?
In this case, it is always about cars. Those imported by XDDL from the United States, the Citroën C5 from the escape, the vehicles he claimed had been stolen over the years: the first at the Brest police station in 1998, while living in Pornic, a second at the same time at the Saint-Nazaire police station, and then again, in Nantes, on May 17, 2006, a Golf convertible finally found then sold a few months later to a mechanic, a friend of Cédric M.
Cédric M. is never far away when it comes to cars. He is also a mechanic, that’s how Ligonnès met him in Vannes a few years earlier. He is one of the recipients of the departure letter, therefore a close friend. He was even the first employee of the RDC. Ligonnès regularly went to visit him in Locmalo in the heart of Morbihan, a two-and-a-half-hour drive from Nantes. With Cédric and his partner, Renaud, they went to the local creperie. They had lunch there together on March 31, 2011, four days before the crimes. In the village, it is said that Ligonnès took care of the dark accounts of the “guys,” who have quite a reputation. Could he have built up a slush fund there that no one would have found until now? Cédric and Renaud’s garage is not indicated by any sign. It is at the end of a road. In the yard, wrecks of American cars and a goat on a leash. Inside, Renaud is working on a shiny yellow Cadillac. His attitude is confusing. He is angry with the police who have never come to question him when he is, according to him, “the last to have seen [Xavier] alive. But I will not tell you when, because that the date is important,” he adds before returning to his Cadillac, wrench in hand.
To date, Renaud has still not been heard by investigators.
At the same time, reports continue to flow.
Ligonnès seen in Mulhouse, on the four lanes between Saint-Brieuc and Rennes in a Peugeot 308 and overtaking on the right, Ligonnès seen again in Tunis and Toulouse.
Ligonnès seen, but never caught.

Next Section-Part 2D
submitted by Eki75 to DupontDeLigonnes [link] [comments]

America's Next Top Model Winner Endorses Dermefface FX7

America's Next Top Model Winner Endorses Dermefface FX7

TV and mid-sized companies make strange bedfellows for the simple reason that the latter rarely have large marketing budgets. But quality products will always move if they do what they claim. And sometimes, you never know who you're helping.
That was the case in early 2013 when the makers of Dermefface FX7 learned they had a high-profile client who'd used the product to help get rid of a very prominent scar she'd developed after a fall. The client? Lisa D'Amato. And her claim to fame? None other than America's Next Top Model.

Who is Lisa D'Amato?

Lisa D'Amato is an American model and recording artist. She's known primarily for her time on America's Next Top Model, appearing on the 5th cycle, where she placed sixth. Yet she remained a fan favorite for her bold style and daring outfits that landed her a second shot at the title, on America's Next Top Model All-Stars, which she won in 2011.
D'Amato's personality on America's Next Top Model contributed to much of the show's success, earning her the title '10th Biggest Villain in Reality TV' by TV Guide.
Her career blossomed, with modeling work for high profile clients like Guess and Barney's New York. She continued her TV appearances as well, appearing on MTV Cribs and The Oxygen Network, among others. But her world crashed down, literally, in December 2012 when a freak accident left her with a huge facial scar that could have ended her modeling career.

Why She Chose Dermefface FX7

The injury caused her more than just physical pain. D'Amato was one of the most recognizable faces in fashion at the time, having won America's Next Top Model and with her extensive modeling career. The developing scar occurred on the worst place for any model, her face, which affected her job, but more importantly, her confidence. And how she felt about herself and what she brought to the world.
So she looked for solutions. Seeing her plight, her husband joined her as they researched dozens of scar removal gels. Her criteria: something that worked quickly, that didn't inflame her skin, cause acne, but most of all, one that reduced scarring, visibly, for her career and self-esteem.
She tried several scar removal gels, with mixed results. Frustrated, she and her husband found Dermefface FX7 and decided to try it. Five months later, she was glad that she did - her scarring had faded, with visible results in just two weeks. Now her scar is barely noticeable and she's smiling again.

Lisa D'Amato, ANTM Winner, Endorses Dermefface FX7

Remarkable things happen when scars fade. For Lisa D'Amato, that meant she could model again. She's also transitioning to a career in music, with an emphasis on electro-rap and hip hop. She's now performed at several prominent venues, among them the MGM Grand Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, The Viper Room, Fubar Hollywood and Coachella in Palm Springs.
Hearing her story, and how it helped her get her groove back, the makers of Dermefface FX7 approached Lisa D'Amato and asked if they could share her story. Many people have scars, after all, and perhaps they, like D'Amato, want to get rid of them, quickly, and once again feel good about the skin they're blessed with.
Feeling there was a mutually beneficial relationship in the making, Skinception asked Lisa D'Amato to endorse Dermefface FX7. To everyone's delight, she said yes.
Lisa's story is just one of hundreds of thousands who use Dermefface FX7 each year and make scars vanish, and we couldn't be happier. It's a lot easier to smile when you're not worried about people staring at your skin. Dermefface FX7 helped an America's Next Top Model winner reduce a scar. Perhaps now it might to the same for you.
submitted by alphaarticles to u/alphaarticles [link] [comments]

Jonah Hendrix, Life of The Party

[General Info]


Samantha Hendrix 43 Mother
Dionysus ??? Father
Jonathan Hendrix 36 Uncle


Faceclaim Height Weight
Daniel Kelly 1 2 6'2" 190 lbs

Physique: Broad-shouldered young man, muscular in build from his various conditional when he was playing football and such.
Clothing: Jonah typically sports a T-shirt, regular fit jeans, and a pair of well conditioned sneakers. He sometimes wears jackets with his outfits as well.


"I'm a laid-back dude with a "whatever happens, happens" attitude. A lot of people see me as a tough dude, but that's only because I take my business endeavors quite serious. Otherwise I'm pretty cool. I enjoy cracking jokes, especially the explicit ones, my favorites. I don't work too well with others sometimes, there's just some things I can and prefer to do on my own."


[Abilities and Skills]



Jonah was born in Las Vegas and lived with his mother, Samantha who was a show girl in a casino. When he was little Jonah had many late nights waiting for his mom to get home and put him to bed. When he turned 16 he would help out at a restaurant attached to the casino after school. His uncle owned it and his kids would help too. He would wipe down tables, wash dishes and sometimes man the cash register. At school he had okay grades but spent most of his time socializing, he was a wide receiver on his high school's football team and was pretty popular. He had a big squad of friends that all were similar minded when it came to parties. He attended a lot of parties and events during his time in at the school. About a year later a this guy, around Jonah's age started coming to the restaurant almost everyday. Jonah didn’t know him that well but one day the guy asked to speak to his mom. Thinking he was in trouble he freaked out as he told her mom. Samantha and the guy later talked without Jonah knowing what was going on, he would then reveal to be a satyr and explained things to Jonah. That night they left Las Vegas in a car they stole from a casino goer.


Jonah exits his cabin having recently gotten settled in. He gets a good look at the campgrounds and the kids hat walk them, Some traveling in groups and others by themselves. He greets the passing people with a wave or a simple nod.
submitted by PlayboyWonderful to CampHalfBloodRP [link] [comments]

Summer 2019 funny dialogues compilation (Part 2)

Hi all :) In these posts I’ll be sharing some of the fun bits of dialogues from the Swimsuit Swordsmasters summer event. They are mostly short and fun exchanges between the characters that you can enjoy reading along with the summaries of the chapters that you can find down here.
Here are the summaries of the Las Vegas summer event from last year, done by various good souls. With the exception of the translations by pplovesk and shinyklefkey , most of these were summarized by Itqan Madani on their Facebook. They used to be posted on reddit by kakarot12310 but since the posts have been removed for some reason I'll link directly to Itqan Madani instead.
Main chapter summary part 1
Main chapter summary part 2
Main chapter summary part 3
Main chapter summary part 4
Main chapter summary part 5
Main chapter summary part 6
Main chapter summary part 7
Main chapter summary part 8
Main chapter summary part 9, and part 10. Alternative summary with additional tidbits by pplovesk.
Main chapter summary part 11 alternative summary with additional translation of the final boss’ dialogues and fun tidbits by pplovesk.
Extra: Drive in Las Vegas
Extra: Fun Jet Tennen Rishin-ryū
Extra: Losers’ Lullaby
Extra: Gambling Saint
Extra: Playing With The Weather (featuring QSH and Iskandar) by shinyklefkey.

Part 1 here.


For this one, I'm just gonna do Okita J's origin story. Very guda guda.
Mashu: But why is Okita-san a Swimsuit Swordsmaster…? You were supposed to remain at Chaldea…
Okita: A-Actually there is a deep reason behind this, though explaining it will take super long… blah blah blah Miburo~…
Nobu: Eh? We’re getting a flashback or something?
(getting a flashback)
Okita: La la la~ Yay, Swimsuit Okita-san’s great victory! Man~ how many years did it take to nag them for this swimsuit… it’s this super depressing arc where years dragged on while Nobu kept poking me non-stop for being a swimsuitless pleb. Oh well, who cares, today’s the day! That’s right, finally…! Finally this Okita-san has gotten herself a swimsuit! Actually, isn’t this swimsuit too much of an overkill! Check out this ribbon on my chest, so kewt! Hehehehehe… I wonder how Master, Nobu and the rest of the gang will think…
(wishful scenario STARTO)
Swimsuit Nobu: Eeek!? What’s the meaning of this Okita!? Where does that sickeningly cute swimsuit comes from------!? When you’re that cute ain’t it my Great Defeat or something!?!???
Okita: Hehehe… yep yep! Even dumb Nobu can figure as much. If Okita-san dons a swimsuit, my charm will skyrocket to the level of Strongest Shinsengumi ☆ Waifu of the Bakumatsu period! Not even an overstatement!
S Nobu: Damn you, I always thought the best you could get would be some shitty lame Quick T-shirt, how foolish I was! Ain’t that the most disgustingly cute swimsuit in this century!
Chacha: Yeah that looks absurdly awesome! So awesome Chacha can’t help but to take off my hat to show some respect, or rather, take off my kabuto! To begin with summer’s too hot! His Highness’ kabuto basically steams my brain alive!
Majin: Sasuga the original me, your swimsuit is stupendous. Be careful or your cuteness will become a target of the Counter Force, okay.
Kagetora: This kind of godliness, even if you were to be praised as the incarnation of Bishamonten, no even as Benten-sama’s incarnation nobody would even argue back. More specifically speaking you could even get some OP legendary-leveled passive skill like Divinity A+ or something! Probably!
Mori: Uhyahahahaha! What the heck is that outfit! Looks right at home with the kabuki folks! You could even make the wise Rikyuu go into some kind of barefooted tap-dancing frenzy!
Hijikata: Hmph… I never noticed it until now, but who knew you little brat possess this much charm in you. You shot my kokoro right outta my torso. How tight do you normally wrap sarashi, huh? But I expect no less from Captain of Shinsengumi’s First Squadron, Okita Souji. On this occasion how about changing your title into DAINAMAITO ☆ OKITA?
Ryouma: I must say that swimsuit is some transcendental bomb. Japanese sun without a doubt rises from Okita-kun. You agree, Oryou-san?
Oryou-san: Yeah for a human that swording punk is way too pretty, don’t tell me she’s an ULTRA fairy who fell from the sky? I’ll give ya a case of frogs as celebration.
Izou: Wassap! Sasuga Strongest Bishoujo Swordsman-sama of the Bakumatsu period! This shitty small-fry manslayer Izou has no choice but to lower me head before ya! Please let me massage your feet?
Okita: Aww~ stop you guys, you’re embarrassing me. Welp but it’s true tho! After all Okita-san’s swimsuit version is too cute for this world!
S Nobu: Right on, Okita! Well, once again, let the shitty-lame-T-shirt-wearing me who cannot even hold a candle to your foot congratulate you, genius swordsman swimsuit bishoujo Okita-sama, along with everybody else! Grats to getting a swimsuit! Congratulation!
And everybody else: Congratulation! Congratulation! Congratulation! x9
Okita: (blushes) Thank you very much everyone! Thank you very much! I give my thanks to the Bakumatsu period for staying alive up to now and to all the Shinsengumi! Swimsuit Okita-san, great, super duper great victory~!!
(back to reality)
Okita: --something like that definitely will happen! La la la la~! I gotta show everyone immediately!
Off she runs, when from the other end of the hallway comes XX-chan.
XX: Man! Who would have thought the moment I was done making instant ramen they would make me sortie in a jiffy! Not my lucky day! But I’m a resourceful space detective after all, didn’t even take me more than 3 minutes to destroy my targets! Another day, another space crisis averted. I’m definitely getting bonus pay this year! Oh yeah, since I’m back so fast my ramen shouldn’t get soggy yet! Wait for me, my last cup of ramen this month!
XX: Ouchie ouchie… excuse me… I wasn’t paying attention… You’re that Okita-san from the boiler room right?
Okita: (ded)
XX: You alright? It was just a little bump, and I don’t see any scratches on you…
Okita: (ded)
XX: Umm, why aren’t you replying? Hello? Anybody home?
Okita: (ded)
XX: CQ? CQ? Respond if you hear this pleeaaase?
Okita: (ded)
XX: …d-don’t tell me.
Okita: (ded)
XX: …S-She died!?
(skip to some suspicious-looking factory)
XX: T-This is serious… If I get caught for killing non-hostile protists (wow, rude, what are humans to you, molds??), they’ll definitely reduce my bonus this year, actually would they even give me any!? At this rate I might not even be able to afford instant ramen next month…! Then there is no choice but to do whatever it takes to save her, WITH THE POWER OF SPACE SCIENCE! Fortunately I somehow managed to find this mysterious factory, so I might be able to put together something with spare parts from my armor… No, I must be able to! Go me! The God of Bonus Pay will watch over you! This is one battle I cannot afford to lose!
XX: Now, commencing the remodeling operation! Errrr, this part goes here… For now let’s install this Galaxy Cell Drive on her instead of a life support system, and for a power source Imma use this energy gem I picked up that time from the primordial universe without knowing jack about it. All that’s left is to install this rather-obsolete-by-Universe-standards jetpack onto the reactor…
XX: And done! Theoretically perfect! Theoretically! Now, rise from the dead! My bonus! …nope I mean, warrior born anew! SWITCH, ON! REVOLUTION!
Okita: …(groggy)
XX: All right, it was a success!
Okita: Wha-!? What on earth…?
XX: Glad to see you have come to your senses. I’m just an innocent person who found you unconscious in the hallway and decided to give you medical assistance.
Okita: T-That’s so kind of you… I’m sorry, my health has always been frail, so I can drop dead with just a little nudge.
XX: I agree. Now I’m even more convinced I did nothing wrong here. Btw you can rest assured now, since this jetpack will be protecting your body from now on.
Okita: T-That’s so kind of you… I see…, wuh, hold up? Jetpack? EEEEHHH!? Wha-What the heck is this!? Je-Jetpack!?
XX: It’s actually a Space Combative Gadget With Built-in Life Support System, are you not satisfied with it? I guess it’s a little outdated but for the civilization level of this planet it’s definitely an OOPArt. Did you know if you try hard enough you might even be able to do air combat and stuff?
Okita: NOPE NOPE NOPE, to begin with a jetpack!? Though I might not look like it, Okita-san is still a mainstream bishoujo swordsman of the Bakumatsu period you know!? How weird would a jetpack be!? What, a Bakumatsu Jetpack!? (fwoosh~~) Woaaah! I’m f-flying!?
XX: Ha ha ha. ‘Course you’re flying, you have a jetpack after all. You have been reborn, Okita Souji-san. That’s right, you’re now the JET swordsman who soars through the blue sky… OKITA – J – SOUJI! (comes up with an appropriate name)
Okita: OKITA – J – SOUJI!? Wuh… what the hell is J supposed to mean!?
XX: Jetpack, so, J.
Okita: That’s not the problem here! I can’t walk outside like this, please take it back! (struggling) H-Huh? Hey, it won’t come off…?
XX: No it won’t. It’s your life support system too. Errr, according to the manual for the M-DRIVE core… what’s the operating duration………. AHHHH!?
Okita: W-What is it?
XX: M-My deepest apology. I was rushing too much so I didn’t read the manual carefully enough. The life support system will operate in 72 hours, that is, 3 days in Earth time…
Okita: What were you doing, operating on me without reading the manual. I’m not a plastic model, what would you do if you had confused the left leg with the right one… WAIT 3 DAYS!? MY LIFE ENDS IN 3 DAYS!?
XX: The manual says so… I-I’m terribly sorry, I didn’t intend for this to happen…
XX: P-Please don’t panic! At times like this, we should calm down and pour ourselves a cup of instant ramen.
(she actually starts making instant ramen… AND THEN THE AHOGE TWITCHES!)
XX: …My light bulb is lit! Holy Grail! That’s it, at times like this we gotta get ourselves a Grail! If we have a Grail we can do whatever we want! IIRC you can win a Grail if you join and win the Swimsuit Swordsmaster Tournament that’s being held in Vegas right now, right!?
Okita: S-Swimsuit Swordsmaster Tournament you say…!
And that’s all for the hilarious backstory of J Okita-san.

Part 3 here.

submitted by squashyVN to grandorder [link] [comments]

My random idea for freeride.

I just beat Mafia Definitive Edition and now I'm just roaming around on freeride. Im okay with it but I really hope they add new stuff soon because i personally believe that the missions they have there now, which are fun and challenging, but they seem to lack some aspects and ideas that i was kinda hopeful for before it came out. So because I'm bored, I'll just tell you some ideas i had. I really wish they had more activities and jobs to do in the city other than timed challenges that are fun and give good rewards but I personally feel like you should have some more activities like racing and fight clubs or doing jobs for salieri, Ralphie,or Vincenzo, which could have included Gunfights or Car stealing or anything else kinda like how they used the letters in the game now but have the characters we know and like give us the job, instead of some faceless phone guy.
Another thing i kinda wish they had implemented was money. There is no money that you can use, or for my knowledge at least. Like i wish they had money that you can get from doing jobs from your family. And with that money you can spend it on clothing from clothing stores (which could sell rare outfits), Same thing with guns and gun shops they could sell rare weapons at a REASONABLE price (looking at you rockstar), restaurants/nightclubs (to eat or drink to refill health like mafia 2), Property Ownership/Management even houses and apartments too, or they can use the room your wardrobe is in Salieri's bar and then you can furnish that room to your liking like with beds, tables, and other misc Objects, or entertainment like theaters ( like RDR 1&2)
This is were i kinda build off they money aspect of the game. I feel like free should take place before Morello is killed, so like when the family war is happening. The reason why is because i think it would be kinda cool actually seeing and fighting other gangsters, like Morello men or even the Chinese Gangsters that Paulie talks about in "Ordinary Routine" I think. But the way I'd implement it would be have them like in the "Godfather" game, which protecting is the other families/gangs protecting and guarding the stores or businesses and go there and kill the rival family and then you can "persuade" the owner to join. But for example you goto a clothing store and you just got done killing the rival family protecting the store and you talk to the owner and ask them to be under your protection, but the owner refuses so you can do different options of things. 1.) Beat them up till the accept and join. 2.) Used the baseball bat and start to destroy their property until they give in. And after they give in, you'll get a small cut of money from them every few days (if they had a day to night cycle). You get a small cut because Salieri will get most of it. BUT you can earn more money in your "weekly" paycheck if do jobs and earn more of Salieri's respect. And with the money you get, you can do anything you want with it. Buy outfits, Cars, property, or even go gambling like Boxing (which you can also join to do fight club like missions) Casinos (which if the leaks and theories are true, mafia 4 will take place in Las Vegas, which will let hanger 13 dip their toes in the gambling like gameplay and see what they will need to do in mafia 4) and dog and horse racing, and car races (which you can join too).
One last thing is ALLOW US TO PAY OFF COPS. Like if we are gonna get arrested, we can, like mafia 2, bribe the cops to leave us alone. Or for example we can pay a cop before we do a crime to have them look the other way, kinda like in The Godfather game.
But yeah thats all i can think of off the top of my head right now, i doubt most of this will happen but i mean, I'd think it'll be cool to have more thing to do in this game. It would make a already great game more better imo.
Btw sorry for the grammar mistakes. I'm not good writing. If you have any other ideas I'd really like to hear them.
1.)Money should be implemented and used in various ways 2.)Have rival gangs to fight 3.) Have some sort of property ownership, whether is protection or stores or house ownership. 4.) Have more jobs either from family members or random people.
submitted by ToxicFumeParty to MafiaTheGame [link] [comments]

[FNV] Extreme FPS Issues when Looking in Certain Directions

I had this issue early on starting this modding session a few days ago following the nuclear modlist 2020 guide. I think i had just reached the end of the animals creatures sections or the large scale textures section when i sorted my load order through mod organizer 2 then started a new game. I spawned, with alternative start, with the NCR outside of Primm when the problem first occurred. Looking towards Primm itself the fps went down below 20 at least. So i quit and moved some things around i think, or i may have then actually moved onto the large textures section then restarded once i had done that. Loading into Primm the lag had gone so i continued modding. Loaded it up a few more times in the process in some areas there was lag and in others not. At camp golf for example looking towards Vegas i got lag. One time i loaded outside the NCR camp near Searchlight, no lag, another time there was lag when looking at the fire i think. Then towards the end on the road to Vegas before that rest stop just after the bridge, bad lag looking left or right (especially left towards that place with the robots).
So i disabled everything from the early sections of the guide, disabled my part 1 mods merge which has the earlier mods in it and the lag continued.
Any ideas?
Load Order:
YUP - Base Game + All DLC.esm
Interior Lighting Overhaul - Core.esm
OWNB - Open World.esm
New Vegas Redesigned 3.esm
Functional Post Game Ending.esm
FINAL Seachlight Airport NCR.esm
More Perks.esm
More Perks for Dead Money.esm
Gomorrah Redesigned v2.esp
Bitter Springs Redesigned.esp
JIP Selective-Fire.esm
The New Bison Steve Hotel.esm
More Perks for Honest Hearts.esm
More Traits.esm
More Perks for Old World Blues.esm
Project Nevada - Core.esm
Project Nevada - Equipment.esm
Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp
Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp
More Perks for Companions.esm
Project Nevada - Extra Options.esm
Stalker Weapons Pack.esm
Tammer's NIF-Bashed Weapons Mega-Pack.esm
Tammer's NIF-Bashed Armor and Outfits Pack.esm
Navmesh Fixes and Improvements.esm
Interior Lighting Overhaul - L38PS.esm
YUP - NPC Fixes (Base Game + All DLC).esp
Unofficial Patch NVSE.esp
The Mod Configuration Menu.esp
Ammo Count Memory.esp
Diagonal movement.esp
Water Breathing Tweaks.esp
Watter Putter Outter.esp
Big Bears.esp
Skinny Bears.esp
Project Reality Footsteps.esp
Improved Sound FX - DM.esp
Improved Sound FX - HH.esp
CIB Bighorners - HH.esp
Magazine Vending Machine Replenish.esp
Vurt's WFO.esp
Simply Uncut - New Vegas.esp
Primm Restored.esp
dD - Enhanced Blood Main NV.esp
Improved Sound FX - Weapon Sharing Fix.esp
No More Double Open & Close Sounds.esp
Improved Sound FX.esp
Private Property EXPIRED v13.esp
Legion Quests Expanded.esp
New Vegas Landscape Overhaul.esp
Logic and Consistency Fixes.esp
Project Nevada - Rebalance Complete.esp
Project Nevada - All DLC.esp
Project Nevada - Gun Runners' Arsenal.esp
The True Revival of Luxury - An Ultra-Luxe Overhaul.esp
Uncut Wasteland FSO OB.esp
Harvestable Cave Fungus.esp
Explosive Sounds Overhaul.esp
Distant Gunfire Sound Fix.esp
Asterra's Many Fixes.esp
Windows of the Mojave v1.2.1.esp
Mojave Raiders.esp
Novac Reborn.esp
Realistic Wildlife.esp
CIB Bighorners.esp
Critical Damage Overhaul NV ALL DLC.esp
Ultimate Illness Mod.esp
31 New Food Items.esp
Functional Post Game Ending - Populated Casinos Medium Patch.esp
More Perks Update.esp
NVR3_YUP Patch.esp
Goodsprings Reborn.esp
Mojave Wildlife (FO3-Style).esp
OWNB - Red Canyon Overhaul.esp
NewVegasUncut 123457 Merged.esp
Functional Post Game Ending - Uncut Extra Collection Patch.esp
Alternative Start.esp
ILO - YUP Patch.esp
Primm Legion.esp
Realistic Movement.esp
Stat Choices.esp
Zebumper - Hygiene.esp
Loot Unconscious Victims.esp
Power Armor Carries Itself.esp
Leave Conversation NV - Normal.esp
Bullet Impact Increased LOD.esp
RealisticLaunchedExplosiveSpeed - EVE.esp
Real Rad-X.esp
Real Radiation Suits.esp
Real Radiation Suits- Science Suit Rad Protection.esp
JIP Improved Recipe Menu.esp
More Perks for Companions Update.esp
More Perks for Dead Money Update.esp
More Perks for Old World Blues Update.esp
JIP Companions Command & Control.esp
Save Hotkeys.esp
Cannibal Reborn.esp
Securitrons auto-repair regen health.esp
Project Nevada - Cyberware Additions.esp
Ownerless Trash with DLC.esp
New Vegas Redesigned 3.esp
MM Caravan Guard.esp
Cloth Impacts - Decal and Effects.esp
YUP-PN Patch.esp
PA Footsteps.esp
KFE - Refill Water Bottles.esp
Project Nevada - EVE All DLC.esp
OWB-Path Lights - Darker Nights.esp
OWB-Path Lights.esp
Toxic Cloud Fix.esp
NVR3_MojaveRaiders Patch.esp
Simply Uncut NV - Freeside Open Patch.esp
No Witnesses.esp
Functional Post Game Ending - Outside Bets Patch.esp
Bedroll Kit Mojave Vendors.esp
Eddie Hears An Explosion.esp
More Traits Update.esp
More Perks for Honest Hearts Update.esp
More enemy at final battle.esp
Functional Post Game Ending - Strip Open Patch.esp
Repair Metal Armor With Any Metal.esp
Glasses Fix.esp
NVR3_LegionAIFix Patch.esp
NVR3_ArizonaArmy Patch.esp
Better Burned Man.esp
Project Nevada CSA.esp
JIP Realistic Weapon Overheating.esp
Melee Reach Fixed Ultimate.esp
HTRP-Vendor Supply Refresh.esp
NVR3_ProjectNevadaEquipment Patch.esp
Groundcover Overhaul.esp
Mannequin Rce.esp
Improved Sound FX - HH Sharing Fix.esp
Improved Sound FX - LR Sharing Fix.esp
Improved Sound FX - GRA.esp
Improved Sound FX - OWB Sharing Fix.esp
Improved Ballistics Effects V2.esp
Project Nevada - Dead Money.esp
Project Nevada - Honest Hearts.esp
Project Nevada - Lonesome Road.esp
Project Nevada - Old World Blues.esp
Cowboy Expanded PN.esp
Grunt Expanded PNM.esp
DLC Weapon Integration.esp
True Leaning.esp
NPCs Can Miss.esp
Primm Reputation Restored.esp
Freeside Food & Supplies.esp
Acoustic Space Overhaul.esp
Radioactive Tumbleweed Cut Content.esp
NVR3_1nivVSLArmors Patch.esp
Primm Garrison V2.esp
Strip Hotel Rooms.esp
NVR3_OutsideBets Patch.esp
Strip Wall Billboards.esp
new billboards.esp
Street Light Restoration.esp
Mojave Raiders - TLD Patch.esp
Near Death.esp
Functional Post Game Ending - YUP Patch.esp
Raul Repairs Everywhere.esp
F4 Intimidation.esp
Type3 Leather Armors-lvld.esp
Type3 Leather Armors.esp
NVR3_TrooperOverhaulDragbody Patch.esp
NVR3_LegionQuestsExpanded Patch.esp
Legion Safehouse Upgrade.esp
Integration - Couriers Stash.esp
RPM - Remove Pre-order Messages.esp
Tutorial Killer.esp
Mojave Nights.esp
Scarred Race.esp
NCR Salute.esp
More Realistic Aiming.esp
Enhanced NPC Awareness.esp
Economy Overhaul.esp
Improved Casinos 3X.esp
Improved Casinos 4X.esp
Improved Casinos 2X.esp
Unfound Loot.esp
Wild Wasteland Integration.esp
Real Recoil.esp
HTRP-Daily Vendor Restock.esp
ANiceOakTree's Hairstyles For FNV.esp
Interior Lighting Overhaul - Ultimate Edition.esp
001 Project Weaponry.esp
SWP40 Patch 01.esp
CamonPack - Blachnick - Scottmack.esp
CamonPack - Blachnick.esp
Wastelander Pack.esp
Dead Money - Automatic Rifle fix.esp
FNV Vlad's Weapon Emporium.esp
TTW Capital Armaments.esp
M-1 Carbine.esp
Scrap Weapons Complete.esp
Scrap Weapons Recipes Only.esp
Wester Pistols AntHill.esp
Western Pistols.esp
FNV 20mm AutoCannon.esp
hz_Empty Clicks.esp
5mm Weapons Pack DLCs.esp
FNV Heavy Assault Machine Rifle Mk. 2.esp
M-30 Lw. Drilling.esp
FNV Break-Lever Revolver.esp
FNV SlingRazor.esp
FNV Necromancer's Blade.esp
FNV Particle Diffuser.esp
Bashed Patch, 0.esp
submitted by Nephite94 to FalloutMods [link] [comments]

Summer 2019 funny dialogues compilation (Part 1)

Hi all :) In these posts I’ll be sharing some of the fun bits of dialogues from the Swimsuit Swordsmasters summer event. They are mostly short and fun exchanges between the characters that you can enjoy reading along with the summaries of the chapters that you can find down here.
Here are the summaries of the Las Vegas summer event from last year, done by various good souls. With the exception of the translations by pplovesk and shinyklefkey , most of these were summarized by Itqan Madani on their Facebook. They used to be posted on reddit by kakarot12310 but since the posts have been removed for some reason I'll link directly to Itqan Madani instead.
Main chapter summary part 1
Main chapter summary part 2
Main chapter summary part 3
Main chapter summary part 4
Main chapter summary part 5
Main chapter summary part 6
Main chapter summary part 7
Main chapter summary part 8
Main chapter summary part 9, and part 10. Alternative summary with additional tidbits by pplovesk.
Main chapter summary part 11 alternative summary with additional translation of the final boss’ dialogues and fun tidbits by pplovesk.
Extra: Drive in Las Vegas
Extra: Fun Jet Tennen Rishin-ryū
Extra: Losers’ Lullaby
Extra: Gambling Saint
Extra: Playing With The Weather (featuring QSH and Iskandar) by shinyklefkey.
The new Chaldea Director's first swimsuit event:
Goldolf: “I heard you need permission for leyshift so I came to see. What exactly is this? Swimsuit? Swordsmasters? Don’t do pranks more than twice a month. Or has the Japanese heat wave got to you that badly? Ah well, I do understand the wish for a summer vacation. A commander’s job is to ensure the subordinates’ welfare. No benefits, no labor, right? However, however, you see...”
“AREN’T WE! IN AN EMERGENCY! SITUATION! RIGHT NOW!? Hasn’t the surface been wiped blank! Where are you gonna find a beach, let alone walking around in swimsuits?! Do you understand!? We ain’t gonna have a summer of our dream where we mess around in some five star resort, are we!”
Gudao: “Got it.”
Gol: “LIKE HELL YOU DID. YOU GOT NOTHING! Can’t have Swimsuit Swordsmasters if you don’t leyshift to America, how the hell am I supposed to swallow that ludicrousness!? I’m not swallowing that! You’re lucky I haven’t questioned your sanity!”
Vinci: “Now now commander, calm down. There there~”
Gol: “Telling me to calm down is one thing but stop patting my belly already...”
Vinci: “C’mon, haven’t things been like that always? As long as there is a wish to a Holy Grail-equivalent of magical resource, a singularity can emerge. It juuuust happens to be Swimsuit Swordsmasters in America this time. What’s so strange about that?
Gol: “...
... hey, am I that guy? Am I the crazy one here?”
Holmes: “Ha. Ha. Ha. Well then Commander, you will grant permission, won’t you?”
Gol: “Why can you smile with such a straight face... SCARY! YOUR SMILE IS SCARING ME!”
Upon arriving at Las Vegas:
Siegfried: “This city is false. Everything here is formed from the battle of the Swordsmasters. This city is not unlike a battlefield itself. I feel the call of battle rousing my blood. It’s not within myself, but this Heroic Outfit is speaking to me”
Hoku: “(this guy is so cool! I wanna imitate him...) y-yeah, I also feel excited. It’s not me. It’s the swords speaking to me.”
Sieg: “I see, you too are burdened by the whispers of the swords. Must be painful.”
Hoku: “(No good, too cool! I might be taken away if I let my guard down! No, I can’t let this get to me yet! I still need to become the best swimsuit swordsmaster! I’ll defeat anyone, ancestors, please watch over me!)”
Mashu: “why is she all silent now...”
Sieg: “she’s facing her destiny. Let us treat her gently.”
Mashu: “r-right.” Gudao: “destiny...”
Sieg: “that’s right, destiny.” Hoku: (tremble furiously!)
Sieg: I understand. Her trembling stance is what the orientals call the battle trance! Hoku: (this man, how much more is he going to make me shaken!?)
Hoku: Hehe. (playing cool) Sieg: What a fearless smile. As expected, donning four swords is naught a matter to you.
Hoku: (blush more furiously!) Sieg: Oh, she’s in a battle trance again...
“The sunlight, the tan, the wet skin, the cute little boys! Summer is the best!!!”
(Musashi, being an open onee-san, 2019)
Apparently Musashi has been trekking on foot half a day from Grand Canyon to Las Vegas. “No udon, no burger, just walk and walk and walk...” And then she is ashamed to show up in front of us (because event spoiler blah blah blah) so...
“H A I, K O N I C H I W A, tourists-S A N! I’m just a regular American Heroic Spirit D E S U!”
Sieg: “you’re American...?” Musashi?: “Y E ~ S U! Check out this W E S T E R N bikini, perfect as a cowboy gunman right? K A T A N A & P I S T O L double wielding! O H Y E A A A!
Option 1: nope nope nope nope nope nope
Option 2: nope nope nope nope nope nope
And this little gem:
Gudao: A bunny suit? / Umm, aren’t you supposed to be a Swimsuit Swordsmaster too?
Bunny king: I am Swimsuit Lion King. The great owner of the Casino Camelot. There is no mistake. Why because, my suit... is water resistant.


Anne and Mary scene where Kotaro is able to record their battle tactics (that you definitely want to read):
Gang member: wheeze… wheeze… wheeze Finally caught you now. Damn cheeky girl, took me ages to track you down! (perverted laughs) But it was worth it hehehee…
Anne: Kyaa~ Don’t~ (monotone) What kinds of depravity would you subject me to?
Gang member: What do you mean, what kinds… Hiihiihii, don’t play dumb!
Samurai: (menacing giggles) Kukuku… It goes without saying… (WHIPS OUT KIARA P0RN!) We’ll have you read out loud this phantasmal book “Compilation of the Eiten School’s Dharma of Sensations!”
Anne: (dumbfounded)
Samurai: Of course, you have to read this in a tsundere-like voice that hides the inner ZUKKON LOVE of an osananajimi love interest, understand!
Anne: (What the heck is ZUKKON) (TL: “zukkon” means “madly in love”)
Anon Warrior: Ah, then I would like to request an onee-san voice pleeze. Lemme explain, you see, I recently became a working adult, and everyday feels like a constant grind full of social responsibilities… So-how-about-a-scenario-where-I’m-a-high-schooler-who-lives-alone-for-some-reason,-then-this-onee-san-would-cling-to-me-and-rant-with-beer-in-her-hand:-“Working-life-sucks~-But-how-can-a-kid-like-you-understand~”-But-when-I-protest:-“Don’t-treat-me-like-a-child!”-she-would-go-ara-ara-fufufu~-then-turn-towards-me-with-a-charming-smile-no-bratty-high-school-chick-could-pull-off-and-whisper-playfully-into-my-ear:-“Want-me-to-treat-you-like-an-adult-then? ♡”-pretty-please!
Gang member: You turn into a real motormouth as soon as people ask you about your delusions…
Samurai: My bad. Pretend you didn’t hear anything just now.
Mary: (dash into the scene!) Seriously! You got me lost in that lengthy rambling too!
Mob enemies: Wut!? (promptly get ambushed)
Anne: Umm lemme see lemme see… “Indeed. Let us head to the temple.”
Mary: Please don’t read that book for the love of God.
Gang member: W-Wait… Why do you guys have more members…?
Mary: I act as Anne’s equipment. So we’re two people, but still one Servant. Yaaaay. (cute grin)
Gang member & Samurai: T-That’s cheating… (drop dead)
Anon Warrior: …for the new lady who just appeared… a scenario where an osananajimi that I treated like an imouto who used to hang out with me plea… (dead)
Mary: You wouldn’t stop until you die!? (blush) And about that request, why does it have to be an imouto… I’ll do just fine as an onee-san too!
Anon Warrior: (crawl up from his grave with a shit-eating grin)
Mary: One express ticket to hell for you! (kick him away)
After Kotoro’s recording stops, Gudao has an option to respond: “Nevermind their tactics, can I know who that cultured Anon Warrior is?”
Later, to trick Anne and Mary using their own tactic, Gudao also disguises himself as equipment to act as baits for the 2 thirsty pirate onee-san.
Mashu: Are you going to be okay, Master…
Gudao: Please pick up my bones after they finish me.
mUSAshi: You’ll be fiiiiine. Neither meat nor bones will go anywhere!
Execution stage:
Mary: …h-huh? Master! What are you doing here?
Gudao: I’m lost…
Mary: Geez, you’re hopeless. Wait, if you’re here then you’re also a player right? …huh, equipment? I see, just like me… (blush) Yeah that makes sense. If I fit, then Master should also fit… But… playing the role of equipment… alone all by yourself…
Mary: Hmmm~ (scoot closer) Hmmm, mmm hmmm~ (scoot much closer)
Anne: (barge in) Hey, I found you!
Mary: (startle!) Yikes, Anne!
Anne: Hmph! It’s unfair to steal a move on Master in secret.
Mary: I’m not doing anything like that. To begin with, aren’t you supposed to be our lookout?
Anne: Teehee~ :D I heard Master was in the bamboos, so I just acted on my own without thinking.
Mary: Aww, what am I going to do with you :D Welp, all the more fun with just the 3 of us here!
Anne: I know right ♪
Anne: (thirsty mode ON) Let’s. Get. It. On. Then ♡ Master, you’re supposed to be equipment, right? In other words, it’s natural to treat you like our belongings, right? Ah. Non non. Of course we won’t go rough on you. We’ll juuuuust gently…
Mary: (invade personal space) Hug you…
Anne: (invade personal space) And press our cheeks on yours…
Mary: (dominate personal space) And do things we normally can’t do with you…
Anne: (dominate personal space) Do them lots and lots and lots ♡
Mary: Now, keep your eyes closed okay, Master? ♡
Gudao: Guys… look…
The girls: ?
Gudao: Sorry.
And then of course you gotta beat them up cuz god forbid we ever get laid.
MechaEli: (landing down) I have confirmed the tournament announcement. So Mary and Anne have been defeated, right?
Gudao: Since when can you fly!?
MechaEli: Since forever. This skill was installed as soon as I was manufactured. This is better than summoning the sea with some Noble Phantasm right?
(Getting flashback of dolphin railgun: Jeanne: “Yaaay~ I’m gonna filled the world with dolphins! :D” Reese: “DO PHI PHI PHI PHI PHI PHIN!” – translation: incredibly foul-mouthed dolphinspeak that mustn’t be transcribed)
Gudao: ...Yeah, you got a point.


(For this part I just wanna comment that Schez takes up the role of the security chief of Pharaoh Casino to help Nito who is currently being possessed by Medjed-sama. Brown girl finally grew a spine for her friend 😭)
Gucchan just came out of a date with Xiang from the casino when Carmilla suddenly asks her to join Gudao’s band of phantom theives, so she just beats you up. But then we win instead so she’s like “fine fine what the hell do you want to talk me into”.
Carmi: “I know from my research, you lost a big sum in the casino just now right? The lover date just barely healed the salt. Don’t you want to get back at them? This heist will benefit you, because you see, what we’re after is the arrogance of a concept like casino itself.”
Gu: “...yeah, now that you mention it, what rubbish. Casino or whatever, rubbish. Why would I have to humiliate myself in puny humans’ rules for play pretend? Getting them back for making fun of me in front of Xiang-sama... very well, such detour may be fun” (cute fang grin)
Gudao: (Oops, paisen / She’s surprisingly...)
Hoku: Hey hey, wassup with this girl, she’s surprisingly easy to fool!
Mashu: No Hoku-san blurting that out is no good! Be flexible, Gu-san! Flexible!
Well, their plan to infiltrate the Casino is actually making Gu explode into a bloody mess to scare Schez off.
Planning stage:
Gu: “So what’s the big plan? As long as it’s not on the level of “No choice but to self-destruct right here!” that some purple-headed strategist’s been doing lately, I’m fine with anything.”
Carmi: “...”
Gu: “Say something! You’re pissing me off!”
Execution stage:
Gu: “excuse me, I feel ill...”
Schez: “oh no, this is not good ma’am! We must give you medical assist right away or else you might die...”
Gu: “ that I look at it, this place is filled with nothing but white and slippery-looking guys (Medjeds). Wouldn’t it be more fitting to have strong intimidating guys around? This is too all-age for what I’m about to do.
Schez: ??
Gu: “I feel ill, ah really ill... Wait this is exactly what that strategist likes to do isn’t it! Hey what the hell I’m pissed!”
Carmi: (psst! Stick to the plan!)
(Splat! Blood rains everywhere)
Schez: I-I’m going to dieeeeee! Wait she dieeeeeessss??!
And then later when they bait Cleo out she’s all like what the hell is with all the ruckus and why the hell are the patrons screaming “meat...! meat...!”


Assassin Creed: Lip edition #1:
Carmi: “QP farming is for plebs. I’m staying in the hotel for beauty treatment. Rather, why would you ask a phantom thief to do anything but to steal. I have no business with Sutengui. “There are no hidden treasures in Sutengui. Only the sound of cheering and empty holograms...” That’s what my Mistress Sensor has whispered to- (rocket punched, dead)
Lip: “Failed to detect a surprise attack from behind... is your sensor only good for detecting jewelry? Were you really an Assassin? That’s what you get for wearing a swimsuit not your age... I mean for turning into a Rider.”
Assassin Creed: Lip edition #2: Okkie: “GO GO GO! You’re dumb for running alone! No mercy for you, assault from 3 sides! Yep yep, survival games are the best! Sorry Maa-chan, I gotta stretch my limbs sometimes! To begin with, isn’t Sutengui like, that evil casino run by Lambda? There is definitely an evil aura well hidden there... even Hime can see darkness there... Kurohi (black Kiyohime? Third ascension?) said “it’s kinda scary” too... Ah well, today Carmi and Nero let me loose so I’m just gonna de-stress in the woods~! Ora ora, your back is wide open! You’re 10 years too early to join the battlefield beibii!”
Lip: “Same goes to you tho. Must be because your belly fat causes you to get slow.”
Okkie: “Whaa!? Whatcha mean, I took boxing class and went on a diet properly to prepare for summer you kno- (rocket punched, dead)
Lip: “You talk too much. If you’re aiming, keep your breath down and be quite. Were you really an Assassin? I don’t think you can join the cool Archer club with that much meat on your belly...”
Assassin Creed: Lip edition #3:
Fuuma: ... Lip:... Fuuma: ... Lip:... Fuuma: ... Lip:...
Fuuma: ...excuse me. You’ve been following me for quite some time, anything you wanna say?
Lip: ... sigh. Assassin class is truly cunning. Noticing me tailing like that... I just wanted to put you down gently... (not sure if rocket punches are considered gentle 🤨) that would have been a hat-trick... could you please read the mood here...”
Fuuma: (...but man, that’s really some dress she’s wearing... I can’t look straight... sasuga Vegas... no calm down Koutaro, calm as still water... at times like this, lord Kintoki would keep his cool and look straight without fail...!) (pretty Kinbro would just go beet red too tho)
Fuuma: Sorry but I’m in a hurry so I can’t dawdle here. Maybe if there are taxis around...
Lip: Oh that won’t be necessary. I have class advantage against Assassin after all ★
Fuuma: A giant...!? (about to say “fist” but he ded)
After capturing our Servants, Lip leaves us a threat letter: “I have to wonder how you’d challenge Sutengui with such lame Servants. The “distiny” of annoying flies are to be squashed flat. I’ll be using the three I captured at the beachside.
PS: Splitting watermelons is fun.”
Then you find out she actually buries those three in the sand to play watermelon splitting with their heads…
Lip: At the moment due to some circumstances Melt has turned into a Lancer, so I would prefer that only Saber people would beat her to a pulp.
Fuuma: Umm, aren’t you guys sisters?
Carmi: What are you on about. This is what siblings are like.
Fuuma: :C (Aren’t family members supposed to get along!?)
Hoku: Saber class is fine right? Then no need to worry, I’ll take her on! Leave this to us. There is no need for you to concern yourself anymore.
Lip: No role for me to play anymore? Isn’t this kind of situation where you recruit me into your party! Right, Gudao?
Gudao: If we leave her alone, it might be dangerous... / Lip is definitely our trump card.
Lip: Rogue! Passionlip will do her best! Given enough time, I can turn anything into a cube. If push comes to shove, the whole casino can just go poof!
Okkie: Yep, she’s a monster. On our side or not the level of danger is the same, Maa-chan T__T
Announcer: Welcome to Sutengui. We’ll now perform belonging inspection. Please spare the time to cooperate with us.
Gudao: it’s dark... / security is strict...
Mashu: yeah... if we don’t hold hands in this darkness we might get separated...
Sieg: (boing~) Where are you Hokusai? Are you there? (boing~) What is this smooth and elastic material that the more you hold it the more your hand digs in... (boing~) the texture is so soft, if I have to say... don’t tell me this is... (boing~) the breast muscles...?
Hoku: Dummy, that’s Octodad, stop grabbing his head! You can stop holding onto my belt now!
After getting out of the dark security check, Siegfried has squid ink on his face...
Melt’s casino is pretty hardcore. It converts your EXP into slot tokens without asking and if you lose you’re basically EXP food for Melt. Looks like the day before Gudao gang gets to Sutengui, Blackbeard and Columbus gambled their EXP away and died.
Bart: Each coin here is worth 1 million QP. Instead of fraud, they just play big. Returns are big too. If you get a triple the slot machine will eject 10 coins, a jackpot 1000. Do you know what this means?
Hoky: Each coin a million... then 1000 would be like, 10 billion QP!?
Sieg: No, on the other hand... we could lose 1 million QP in exactly 3 seconds!?
Gudao: This woman makes 1 million QP a second...! / This man loses 1 million QP a second...!
Koutaro being too much of an good guy:
Fuuma: That Alterego (Protea) must originally be a kind hearted girl, she’s just been deceived by that evil factory manager. If we defeat that rider, there shouldn’t be a need to fight her anymore!
Columbus: ?? ???
After we kick Columbus’ ass:
Protea: uu~ mister factory manager was too noisy, that woke me up...~ but he already kicked the bucket...? He didn’t even seem like he put up a fight... but I’m glad everybody else is okay! ... so let’s p l a y a w h o l e l o t, o k a y? Even if I make a little mess, Melt will fix it for me!
Fuuma: Huh!? Shouldn’t she be a good girl at heart??
Gudao: To begin with why would you even have that kinda idea / (oh, right, he didn’t know she went nuts on the skate ring earlier)
Melt’s plan getting sabotaged and her losing her cool is funny xD
Melt: The day has finally come... In just an hour everything will be mine. Though some little things remain, everything must come to an end. A star is destined to retired as a star. A bird never fouls its nest before abandoning it. For a swan like me, this is the perfect way to end things.
Hehe, hahahahahahaha! Ah geez, this is awesome! Nothing beats how happy I’m feeling right now! The biggest nuisance BB is gone, no other annoying boss characters left either! Yay!
And then...
Announcer: Fire broke out at the factory. The manager has run away. Protea, scouted to be the giant kaiju has been put down. Cannot compress EXP points to Melt-sama. Recommend starting all over.
Melt: Hey Siri, come again? My brain couldn’t compute that just now.
Announce: Repeat. You lost everything. Please redo the whole thing.
Melt: .......that so. Well, what happened happened. No I’m cool, I’m perfectly cool. This is Gudao’s masterplan isn’t it. I expected no less. (menacing lip licking) But I still have my turn you know? Right now I’ll go upstage and drain each and every member of the audience. Should be enough of a level-up to beat you pests into a pulp, right?
Announcer: I think you should say “Hey Siri, tell me the bad news” now.
Melt: ...Hey Siri, tell me the bad news.
Announcer: For some reason all the audience is gone. Currently, all Melt-sama has in your possession is a flat (read: pettanko) zero.
Melt: Hey Siri, eat shit and die!
Turns out the Gudao group shout to the audience that not only should they should leave because of danger, since Melt is unable to perform, they will instead host an equally beautiful “golden songs from Her Majesty Nero, or rather 10 songs, no make it a 3-day 3-night all-you-can-listen-until-you-faint show!”
Nero: wow! To be able to convince the audience to leave so quickly, the MC must have conveyed my direction really well!
Fuuma: (looks to me they’re running away in fear, but I should probably avoid pointing that out...)
Part 2 will prolly cover Jeanne's dolphin railgun and Okita's ridiculous backstory :D

Part 2 here.

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