the girl with the dragon tattoo -

yakuza dragon tattoo girl

yakuza dragon tattoo girl - win

"Oh, so you're an SMT fan? Name every demon, atma avatar, and persona then." Alright, challenge accepted...

Fog, Demonic Shrunken head, A Bao A Qu, Myconid, Poltergeist, Looper, Will o’ Wisp, Blob, Slime, Megaplanaria, Mad Slug, Chatterskull, Mummy, Isma’s Ghost, Skeleton, Ghoul, Ghost, Zombie, Cockatrice, Scylla, Serpent, BUG, Tammuz, Tarantella, Apep, Basmu, Troll, Oni, Cyclops, Edimmu, Ogre, Gargoyle, Orc, Shadow, Mephisto, Loa, Succubus, Incubus, Kyme, Rangda, Taraka, Druj Nasu, Furiae, Arachne, Harpy, Hakuma-Bhuta, Black Knight, Daeva, Akhkharu, Dullahan, Vampire/Upyr, Pharaoh, Tiamat, Hydra, Gorgon, Balaur, Typhon, Fenrir, Orthrus, Manticore, Nue, Asura, Astaroth, Beelzebub, Baal Zebul, Zoma, Tara, Behemoth, Baal, Minotaur, Medusa, Loki, Hecate, Seth (Egyptian), Lucifer, Werewolf, Lamia, Girtablulu/Sasori Otoko, Werecat, Orias, Siren, Lemurian, Stolas, Heqet, Giant, Lakhe, Dwarf, Fungus, Viy, Yomotsu Shikome, Gnome, Fomorian, Puka, Elf, Goblin, Bogle, Dryad, Wyvern, Purski, Quetzalcoatl, Dodongo, Basilisk, Stonka, Varaha, Bander, Nekomata, Cerberus, Cancer, Salamander, Pazuzu, Kwancha, Kelpie, Ketam, Treant, Gdon/Dawon, Sobek, Bastet, Apis, Lagoon, Baku, Hanuman, Jinn, Cu Chulainn, Tsukuyomi, Lakshmi, Alraune, Kali, Thor, Yaksa, Susano-o, Naga, Kohryu/Huang Long, Barong, Sphinx, Anubis, Chimera, Krishna, Odin, Ganesha, Dream Kiss, Pyro Jack/Jack O’ Lantern, Backbeard, Bone Golem, Man Eater, Kurabebi/Takuroubi, Ascomid, Interipelli, Redrum, Metal/Heavy Metal, Dr. Bacta, Junkie, Assassin, Mutant, Fallen Monk, Friday, Highway Star, Kin’s Head, Punks, Spartoi, Spectre, Pisaca, Chon Chon, Sakasakubi, Bodyconian, Corpse, Talos, GDR1000, LB-501A, Azazel, Berith, Fleurety, Golem, Aim/Harborim, Bugbear, Wendigo, Fafnir, Dragon/Wurm, Valac, Ladon, Humbaba, Orobas, Garm, Jabberwocky, Wyrm, Dead Lobster, Girimehkala, Utukku, Vetala, Lich, Biwa Hoshi, Mudman, Nosferatu, Wight, Sawo Bhaku, Celuluk, Succubus, Amdusias, Phantom, Leonard, Larvae, Nebiros, Lemures/Lemur, Tamamo-no-mae, Volvo, Rarung, Kiyohime, Leviathan, Nidhoggr, Vritra, Apollyon, Belphegor, Geryon, Chronos, Echidna, Mammon, Arioch, Balaam, Sargatanas, Satan, Mitra, Moloch, Belial, Asmodai/Asmodeus, Bael, Legba, Rusalka, Celaeno, Aello, Ocypete, Apsaras, Merrow, Pixie, Ubelluris, Sallos, Atlas, Tsuchigumo, Tan-ki, Bugaboo, Kobold, Sword Knight, Wand Knight, Gemori, Valkyrie, Houri, Hannya, Amy, Okuninushi, Cup Knight, Morgan, Kushinada-Hime, Jack Frost, Coin Knight, Centaur, Coatlicue, Bai Long, Kitsune, Gryphon, Yatagarasu, Pegasus, Choronzon, Mezuki, Gozuki, Arahabaki, Sytry, Momunofu, Gaap, Forneus, Kimaris/Cimeies, Carbuncle, Vepar, Undine, Sylph, Flaemis, Aquans, Aeros, Erthys, Phoenix, Rakcarango, Pabilsag, Genbu/Gui Xian/Xuan Wu, Unicorn, Gandharva, Qilin/Kirin, Focalor, Agares, Kikuri-Hime/Shirayama-Hime, Damballah, Baphomet, Kinnara, Eligor, Aiwass, Ukobach, Michael, Gabriel, Nike, Cherub, Raphael, Uriel, Amon, Bishamonten, Ifrit, Jikokuten, Rakshasa, Koumokuten, Zouchouten, Seiryu/Qing Long, Garuda, Zeus, Shiva, Apollo, Ahura Mazda, Leto, Artemis, Vishnu, Brahma, Indra, Brahman, Fudou Myouou, Freyr, Urd, Sarasvati, Verdandi, Skuld, Ame no Uzume, Mahakala, Wu Kong/Seiten Taisei/Son Goku, Indrajit/Meganada, Yama, Ravana, Agni, Niou, Take-Mikazuchi, Hino Kagutsuchi, Nagasunehiko, Take-Minakata, Kotoshironushi, Hitokotonushi, Taotie, Orcus, Tezcatlipoca, Mishaguji, Hariti, Hel, Dakini, Satanachia, Surt, Mara, Dagon, Tengu, Ongkot, Watcher, Isora, Kinnari, Lilith, Calon Arang, Lilim, Nightmare, Cyak, Imp, Oberon, Senko, Tam Lin, Senri, Hobgoblin, Banshee, Cait Sith, Throne, Dominion, Virtue, Power, Archangel, Angel, Flauros, Abaddon, Samael, Marchosias, Ose, Decarabia, Gamigin, Andras, Ananta/Shesha, Maya (Mayan), Baek Yong/Pek Yong, Ganga, Pendragon, Yamata no Orochi, Itzamna, Yurlungur, Raja Naga, JormungardMidgardsormr, Worm, Tuofei/Takuhi, Jatayu, Feng Huang/Ho-oh, Badb Catha, Gu Huo Niao, Hresvelgr, Gurr, Fuxi, Narasimha, Nandi, Bai Ze/Hakutaku, Pascal, Cu Sith, Shanhui/Sanki, Kraken, Souyou/Atsuyu, Nezha/Nata Taishi, Zenki and Goki, Yaksini, Shuten Doji, Turdak, Ibaraki Doji, Azumi, Sarutahiko, Fachan, Knocker, Brownie, Barbegazi, Tun Kou, Gremlin, Sanni Yaka, Baykok, Oshichi, Preta/Gaki, Legion, Shade, Army Zombie, Zombie Cop, Obattarion, Zombie Lady, Black Ooze, Mou-Ryo, Yakuza, Hoodlum, Weredog, Scanner, Magus, Holy Knight/Temple Knight, Fanatic/Zealot, Dark Priest, Oni Jorou, Fallen Monk, Death Rider, Suicide Unit, T95D, T95C/P, T93G, Bit Ball, Bigfoot, Kugutsu, David, Pale Rider, Daisoujou, Creature, Suzaku, Wings, Nymph, Gomorrah, Tsu, Ix Owl, Rafflesia, Zord P, Guy, Zord H, Buster, Zord M, Zordon, Zodia, Killer Bee, Sol Cat, Jabba, Morrigan, Isis, Zarathustra, Kether, Lasobelak, Universe Will, Rakucha, Shisochou/Pteros, Raven, Jyukuko, Velg, Shitori/Vulture, Rukh, Titan, Usas, Chakra, Hibakara, Alcyoneus, Kumbhanda, Tagon, Element, Chibiryu/Tinygon, Skyjaki, Shutenku, Shuragi, Raou, Gaia, Izanami, Empusa, Porewit, Kazfiel, Aniel, Ardha, Virochana, Kalki, Atavaka, Ashtar, Horus, Parvati, Freyja, Arianrhod, Amaterasu, Omoikane, Tajikarao, Ameno Torifune, Chernobog, Ares, Ishtar, Durga, Taueret, Onamuchi, Sukuna Hikona, Ouyamatsumi, Cthulhu, Nyarlathotep, Nalagiri, Haokah, Mercurius, Nyx, Alp, Titania, Nadja, Dark Elf, High Pixie, Helel, Metatron, Camael, Sariel, Kushiel, Ophanim, Raguel, Tzaphkiel, Remiel, Principality, Betelgeuse, Gagyson, Rahabh, Otohime, Mizuchi, Nozuchi, Kingu, Tarrasque, Suparna, Macha, Nemhain, Bennu, Anzu, Byakko, Selket, Black Widow, Gyu-ki, Bicorn, Duergar, Sudama, Ihika, Cailleach Bheare, Hag, Hecatoncheir, Zombie Priest, Workaholic, Zombie Dog, Yaka, Ghoulette, Inferno, Depth, HangedMan, Old One, Doppelganger, Chris the Car, Jack the Ripper, Franken, Demi-Nandi, Heracles, Slave, Oracles, Spartan, Terminator, Gyrator, Executioner, Neophyte, Butcher, Kamen-Hijiri, Ashura, Onmyoji, Jiraiya, Kugutsushi, Yggdrasil, Mandrake, Audrey, Rabbi, Junk, Iron Maiden, Crazy Dummy, Police, Jaws, Andromeda, Spider, Moebius, Sage of Time, Matador, Hell Biker, Alice, Ghost Q, Norn, Hathor, Amon Ra, Belobog, Thoth, Vesta, Holy Ghost, Faunus, Melusine, Muspell, Buer, Vine, Bushyasta, Chefei, Apaosha, Parasite, Zombie Teacher, Zombie Girl, Zombie Boy, Angra Mainyu/Ahriman, Aka Manah, Dahaka, Kuchisake-Onna, Hanako, Jelly Man, En no Ozuno, Little Lama, Otsuki, Stomach Flower, Soldier, Chief, Perun, Marduk, Verethragna, Futsunushi, Sleipnir, Gullinbursti, Balor, Anahita, Konohana Sakuya, Kundali Vidyaraja/Gundari Myouou, Vajrayaksa, Ildanach, Lugh, Kvasir, Deirdre, Diarmuid, Airgetlam/Nuadha, Fir Bolg, Urvashi, Tilottama, Sventovit, Tyr, Triglav, Vayu, Brigid, Brynhildr, Illuyanka, Huitzilopochtli, Belberith, Sargasso, Langsuir, Freserai, Raniel, Paurus, Feldi, Lister, Toifel, Bolshuta, Roehm, Faustman, Deitel, Clay, Calypso, Gedou, Ocpa, Olberg, Feist, Thief, Robber, Bandit, Defenser, Stras, Alta, T, Vivahti, Bible?, Another Bible, Calydon, Svadilfari, Atsuyu, Hargest, Ragon, Purshi, Fugi, Nuwa, Meshitori, Ariel, Audumbla, Raoh, Mushiki, Fighter, Barbarian, Executor, Knight, Io, Ganymede, General, Pitekanboss, Grostar, Satyr, Beowulf, Briareus, Ent, Siegfried, Hippopotamus, Horkos, Bufu Dragon, Borou, Karasu Tengu, Roy, Fairy/Fey, Marshal Tianpeng/Tenhou Gensui, Utgard, Antares, Helldog/Hellhound, Kyuki, Nikaron, Death Tail, Zagan, Balrog, Mora, North Wind, Mokkurkalfe, Fuu-Ki, Hachiman, Prometheus, Inti, Anat, Pallas Athena, Erzulie, Scathach, Nakisawame, Kama, Jarilo, Neko Shogun, Kanbari, Kartikeya, Ogun, Cybele, Black Maria, Sedna, Sekhmet, Marici, Zhong Kui/Shouki, Otogo-Douji, Pales, Kanaloa, Pachacamac, Mot, Guedhe, Thanatos, Ixtab, Heimdall, Kresnik, Maui, Jambavan, Ictinike, Khonsu, Peri, Xiuhtecuhtli, Maruts, Shaytan, Agathion, Spriggan, Lorelei, Domovoi, Kijimuna, Hypnos, Hinoenma, Sandman, Kikimora, Nacht Kobold, Chi You, Nergal, Rahu, Sraosha, Sandalphon, Azrael, Lailah, Victor, Abraxas, Botis, Barbatos, Purson, Bifrons, Nisroc, Melchom, Zhu Yin, Patrimpas, Ouroboros, Culebre, Vouivre, Yato no Kami, Vasuki, Mushussu, Python, Uwabami, Asp, Toubyou, Vidofnir, Hamsa, Da Peng, Holawaka, Caladrius, Yamachichi, Ba, Huoniao/Kau, Zhen, Stymphalides, Itsumade, Moh Shuvuu, Hippou, Ukano Mitama, Kamapua’a, Airavata, Yatsufusa, Xiezhai/Kaichi/Cai-Zhi, Shiisaa, Ammut, Hsing Hsing/Shoujou, Katakirauwa, Hairy Jack, Kabuso, Hare of Inaba, Aerophant, Mamedanuki, Oliver, Taown, Catoblepas, Suiko, Afanc, Waira, Gogmagog, Oumitsunu, Ribhu, Koropokkuru, Berserker, Yomotsu Ikusa, Tokebi/Dokkaebi, Yamawaro, Amazon, Yuki Jyourou, Todomeki, Leanan Sidhe, Grendel, Gashadokuro, Ocelot, Asinaga, Tenaga, Haoma, Kukunochi, Daphne, Oshira-sama, Es, Zaccoum, Jubokko, Saki Mitama, Kushi Mitama, Ara Mitama, Nigi Mitama, Kudlak, Dzolob, Enku, Obariyon, Patriot, Agony, Rastaman, Waxwork, Scarecrow, Macabre, Torso, Quicksilver, Tattooed Man, Killer Chopper, Hooligan, Mothman, Myrmecoleon, Okiku-Mushi, Yowie, Ubu, Rama, Guan Yu, Fariedone/Fereydun, Yoshitsune, Jeanne D’Arc, Fugurama, Yakou, Platoon Soldier, Inui, Gargantua, Sid Davis, Shiki Ouji, Strigoii, Strix, Kashiyama, Dantalion, Julia, Speedy, Mikiya, Orgone Ghost, Tenzan Tendou, Demiurge/Yaldabaoth, Yaso Magatsuhi, Ou Magatsuhi, Inaruna, Lord Nan Dou/Nanto Seikun, Hokuto Seikun/Beiji Weng, Enoch, Skoll, Tenjiku Tokubei, Narukami, Kamakura Gongorou, Hermod, Varuna, Maso, Sati, Tensen Nyannyan/Taishan Niang Niang, Mokosh, Xi Wangmu/Seioubo, Seimen Kongou, Aizen Myouou, Ogma, Fuhedi Mergane, Gozu Tennoh, Fuutai, Aonbharr, Ankou, Bres, Amatsu Mikaboshi, Janus, Phaleg, Armaiti, Yamaoka/Alfred, Vohu Manah, Mucalinda, Jahi, Tlazolteotl, Pairika, Cupid, Sumizome, Polisun, Adramelech, Paimon, Alastor, Malphas, Crom Cruach, Alecto, Tisiphone, Megaera, Genkurou, Mangadhai, Tesso, Cath Palug, Salome, Nemesis, Iwate, Picollus, Leprechaun, Yog Sothoth Jr., Sarashina-Hime, Miyasudokoro, Carrie, Fuji Musume, Bukimi, Dribbler, Zombie Painter, Zap, Teketeke, Zombie Nurse, Mr. Zombie, Grimies, Mr. Bear, Anatomy, Kokkuri, Lady Masquerade, Pride, Sloth, Wrath, Envy, Greed, Lust, Kandori, Men In Black, Harem Queen, Takeda, Agent, Secret Police, Pandora, Lady Snow, Saurva, Kenta, Shikijirou, Ninhursag, Suseri-Hime, Yamato-Takeru, Priyankara, Hatsuse Ou no Mikoto, Asherah, Cthugha, Azathoth, Ithaqua, Phanuel, Abdiel, Daniel, Cassiel, Shamshel, Morax, Haagenti, Pucel, Leraje, Vapula, Valefar, Murmur, Allocen, Ipos, Bune, Sabnock, Marbas, Halphas, Raum, Freezer, Lion Head, Boogeyman, Evil Spirit, Minor Devil, Messenger, Naga Kanya, Hong Long, Yinglong/Ouryuu, Nagi, Ikazuchi, Kinshichou, Podarge, Nicothoe, Boogie Raven, Moruto, Atropos, Lachesis, Clotho, Hakuei, Shirohebi, Shirogitsune, Kuzunoha, Gabriel’s Hound, Osaki Gitsune, Okon Kitsune, Kuda Kitsune/Kudagitsune, Phantacat, Boogey Dog, Eros, Ville, Psyche, Keukegen, Nereid, Mab, Mabel, Abaddons, Beelzebub's Servants, Shikigami, Familiar, Astarte, Baalzephon, Lamashtu, Buddha Dharma, Goho Douji, Akura Ou, Nurikabe, Silenus, Leshy, Saturnus, Night Stalker, Karuyaka, Ririyaka, Amanojaku, Orc Chief, Red Cap, Shikijo Innen Rei, Entity, Jibakurei, Fuyurei, Onibi, Stomper, Mommy Dead, Crispy Dead, Zombie Lady, March Hare, Card SoldieTrump Soldier, Darkness, Splatter, Critter, Plasma, Gyspy Rose, Bluebell, Primrose, Dark Willow, Holy Element, Adonis, Demon Student Akira, Demon Student Hiroko, Demon Student Yoshio, Demon Student Miki, Mother-Child Fusion Demon, Innsmouth, Ishtar Shinja Guardian, Ishtar Shinja Sistrum, Bael Shinja Kurare, Bael Shinja Tarantella, Bael Shinja Baal Soldier, Cranky, Resistance, Sergeant, Lieutenant, Type 9x Mobile Infantry, Highball, Gate Robot, Eye Ball, Shingetsu no Inu, Mangetsu no Inu, Houjou no Yagi, Marcol, Alkeroke, Ankaroke, Merlion, Gulltoppr, Hildisvini, Dilu Horse, Demeter, Aphrodite, Erinyes, Hippolyta, Medea, Togyuu, Ton, Charybdis, Einherjar, Alberich, Hrungnir, Mimir, Seiren Taisho, Fergus, Kiichi Hougen, Niu Mowang, Zhu Baije, Merfolk, Tsurubebi, Chupacabra, Broken Scepter, Blue Man, Jalandhara, Gucumatz, Huli Daxian, Ame no Fuchikoma, Shiranui, Munin, Rashnu, Aegir, Apsu, Simurgh, Kyourou, Gespenst, Silky, Hugin, Aeshma, Mastema, Osiris, Saturday, Satoshi, Cassius, Shemhazai, Asha, Ameretat, Khshathra, Mohammed, Zarik, Nanauatzin, Hades, Manco Capac, Benkei, Mahamayuri, Fortuna, Kangiten, Kinmamon, Futotama, Billiken, Alilat, Albion, Ometeotl, Dionysus, Attis, Aramisaki, Zaou Gongen, Tonatiuh, Diana (Roman, the one with tits), Dzelarhons, Pele, Mada, Cernunnos, DB Busters, Persephone, Tlaloc, Ba Da Wang, Bes, Tschaggatta, Rolwoy, Shiwanna, Vodyanik, Setanta, Vivian, Penanggal, Kaiwan, Black Frost, Wild Hunt, Mokoi, Mithras, Tzitzimitl, Lucifroz, Israfel, Melchizedek, Shax, Seere, Makara, Hoyau Kamui, Ym, Tuna Roa, Bai Suzhen, Zhu Tun She, Thunderbird, Tangata Manu, Camazotz, Onmoraki, Kaiming Shou, Qing Niuguai/Seigyuukai, Buraq, Kaso, Dormarth, Cunhur, Gally Trot, Cabracan, Peallaidh, Jersey Devil, Jueyuan, Chagrin, Tlaltecuhtli, Tednong Cut, Puts, Nyalmot, Galley Beggar, Bilwis, La Llrona, Acheri, Lham Dearg, Ippon Datara, Greyman, Churel, Wicker Man, Dybbuk, Garrote, Cosmo Zombie, Headless Rider, Padlock, Drag Queen, Facebind, Mayahuel, Narcissus, Erlkonig, Skogsra, Shan Xiao, Urban Terror, Douman, Mad Gasser, Purple Mirror, Red Cloak, Reiko Kashima, Turbo Granny, Kamiotoko, Huang Di, Saladin, Masakado, Longinus, Hagen, Lanling Wang, Frost Five, Milky Frost, Strawberry Frost, Lemon Frost, Melon Frost, B. Hawaii Frost, Moowis, Speedy Demon, Winpe, Juggler, Snappy, Omphalos, Erika, Lukoje, Goggie, Mayone, Romero, Shemyaza, Malsum, Satanael, Kadokura, Manitou, King Frost, Lucifuge, Soulless God Oumagatsu, Sarutobi Sasuke, Tobi Katou, Fuuma Kotarou, Agrippa, Abe no Seimei, Manannan, Sif, Huracan, Xuanzang/Genjou, Umayadono-Ouji, Sakya/Shaka, Robin Goodfellow, Eros Prime, Venus, Taranis, Longma, Taksaka, Kinich Ahau, Hermes, Mars, Skanda, Kabandha, Rhadamanthus, Rhadamanthus Prime, Charon, Fjalar, Seker, Iris, Juanlian Dajiang/Kenren Taishou, Hoenir, Maia, Maia Prime, Nanna, Vulcanus, Surya, Kinich Kakmo, Vulcanus Prime, Njord, Hunab Ku, Fukurokuju, Ebisu, Galahad, Bacchus, Dagda, Arthur, Futsuno Mitama, Budai, Shou Shen, Crowley, Rasputin, Faust, Puck, Cwn Annwn, Ratatoskr, Wanyudo, Xaphan, Ah Puch, Kisin, Hunhau, Vucub-Caquix, Demon King/Dairoku Tenmaou, Wraith, Shoggoth, Ochre Jelly, Metal Drache, S.S., Metal Zentaur, Hellsehen, Kommandant, Maschinen Kommando, Sharf Shutze, Virulenz Kraft, Maschinen Soldat, Sturm Soldat, Taurus Mask, Leo Mask, Scorpio Mask, Aquarius Mask, Zombie Junkie, Zombie DJ, Kudan, Cursed Escort, Cursed Taxi, Dresser Hag, Jumping Geezer, Linda, Junnosuke Kuroda, Rinok, Helios, Hyperion, Tishtoriya, Gyoukukou Joutei, Odysseus, Hastur, Callisto, Astria, Maihime Amano, Tatsunoshin Suou, Nodens, Matsuo-sama, Kanshou and Bakuya, Saji, Waitry, Metal Guru, Yog Sothoth, Byakhee, Shub-Niggurath, Tenchu Akatsuki, Tenchu Myojou, Tenchu Mochizuki, Tenchu Hekiun, Red Beret, Garrison, Ryuman, Fang Leng, SAT, 200km/h Fogey, Red Cape, Blue Cape, Mussie, Tsuchinoko, Black Mask, Umr At Tawil, Tatari Mokke, Nekhbet, Kotodama, King Deva, Komainu, Canhel, Tanuki no Namamono, Bahan, Clock Rabbit, Hippogriff, Bathin, Azoth, Black Raja, Van, King Van, Grigori, Koakuma, Skull Crown, Raziel, Arche, Exousia, Kuriotes, Galgalim, Seraph, Merkabah, Ego, Yeti, Issun-boshi, Rasetsu, King Rasetsu, Nitanita, Pifrus, Toushin, Robot, Yamanba, Android, DB-kun, Caladbolg, Counting Sheep, Makura-gaeshi, Melissa, Persona, Gingitsune, Namtar, Nessie, Sand Dragon, Svafnir, Rox/Hei Long, Wadjet/Vaget, Petit Frost, Yukinko, RazoKamaitachi, Yuki-onna, Neko no Namamono, Frost Ace, Hundun, Daji, Paramese, Mechi, Shock, Gris gris, Kappa, Lynx, Diana (Petit Frost), Vibhishana, Demogorgon, Dephinx/Death Sphinx, Helphinx/Hell Sphinx, Neuphinx/Neo Sphinx, StarhaiHoshigami, Death Cerberus, Neo Nex/Hell Cerberus, King Nex/King Cerberus, Meta Gef/Death Gryphon, Neo Gef/Hell Gryphon, King Gef/King Gryphon, Ikkaku Dragon, Bakemogura, Kami wo Kure, Nautilus, Bunbuku Chagama, Moai, Rokurokubi, Cyborg Deka, Paramecium King, Excalibur, Kaguya-Hime, Shura-Ou, Dunamis, Meta Kem/Death Chimera, Neo Kem/Hell Chimera, King Kem/King Chimera, Denix/Death Phoenix, Helnix/Death Phoenix, Neonix/Neo Phoenix, Nathanael, Midir, Stribog, Dian Cecht, Lindwurm, Furfur, Bran, Jashin, Frost Trio, Tankororin, Umibozu, Hiruko, Homunculus, Elphine/Zashiki Warashi, ThundaKaminari-sama, Iron Kitsune, Kyuusupaa, Kamazaru, Heart, Indy, Sweet, Aquacloud, Pluto, Green M, Flower Killer, Chiruchiru, Viking, Kirudante, Lemonchi, Kurodanshaku, Okubyou Tamago, Kinoko Houshi, Lost, Requiem, Gilgamesh, Idaten, Poseidon, Shukuyuu, Barchiel, Gambiel, Adnachiel, Zuriel, Verchiel, Hamaliel, Haurvatat, Muriel, Ambriel, Malchidael, Barbiel, Kintaro, Sakata no Kintoki, Argos, Skinfaxi, Hrimfaxi, Selkie, Raijuu, Nemea, Aianga, Issitoq, Daidara-bocchi, Ginkaku, Cho Hakkai, Sa Gojo, Kinkaku, Gyuu Maou, Aker, Earth Element, Aqua Element, Air Element, Flare Element, Mermaid, Mokele Mbembe, Kesaran Pasaran, Etain, Angrboda, Kaos Cat, Dred Rox, Rune Cat, Arch Rox, Pyro Cat, Giga Rox, Luna Cat, Mega Rox, Mega Cat, Wing Rox, Ogre Cat, Blazron, Dark Cat, Solron, Doom Cat, Doom Rox, Dred Cat, War Rox, Kibra, RoksauIwasaurus, Raykon/Devil Reikon, Wyregg, Rudra, Coppelia, Mad Hatter, Skyfish, Ikonda, Glasyabo, Andromus, Grevir, Forlo, Empio, Empra, Tokisada, Samejima, Green Bear, Miura, Gaian Believer, Seri, Hayashi, Wakazou, Gyaru, Yojinbo, Maximan, Herunaasu, Feji Adonis, Bucchi, Idea Angel, Tsuzumi, Mubiora/Miranda, Adam Kadmon, Eve, Maria, Sakahagi, Alciel, Makami, Kurama Tengu, Futomimi, Skadi, Inugami, Ongyo-Ki, Sui-Ki, Kin-Ki, Datsue-Ba, Hua Po, Kodama, Dis, Koppa Tengu, Dante, Raidou (if the previous two count), Trumpeter, Mother Harlot, Black Rider, Red Rider, White Rider, Kagutsuchi, Manikin, IzFanagi, Artio, Dain, Olgoi Khorkoi, Ovinnik, Volos, Bannik, Korred, Guiafairo, Hati, Annaberge, Jarovit, Polevik, Gurangatch, Harut and Maroth, Harmil, Paku, Derii, Dorun, Clocks, Rasen, Gaan, Raruu, Oojita, Amphiptere, Hadarniel, Dobiel, Isaac, Iblis, Tecciztecatl, Flame Apostle, Ice Apostle, Olofat, Shugoshin, Dyaus, Hayagriva, Prithivi, Harihara, Ramedo, Blazron, Varnani, Karma Soldier, Tribhvana, Raiho, Oboroguruma, Ichimokuren, Shouten, Utai-Gaikotsu, Abihiko, Zombie Officer, Zombie Guard, Orpheus, Orpheus Female, Orpheus Telos, Trismegistus, Lucia, Juno, Penthesilea, Artemisia, Polydeuces, Caesar, Castor, Palladion, Kala-Nemi, Moros, Messiah, Tharmas, Urizen, Urthona, Luvah, Baby Goldfish, Abel, Aditi, Cain, Devi, Gozanze, Guukyou, Nebuchadnezzar, Nebuzaradan, Qin Shubao, Seth (Abrahamic), Spartacus, Utnapishtim, Yuchi Jingde, YHVH/God, Elohim, Sabaoth, Shaddai, True, Sanctity, Lie, Sin, Twin Sister, Takehaya Susano-o, Sumeo-Okami, Takeji Zaiten, Himiko, Kanzeon, Kouzeon, Tomoe, Suzuka Gongen, Haraedo-no-Okami, Yamato Sumeragi, Kintoki-Douji, Kamui, Kamui-Moshiri, Magatsu-Izanagi, Izanagi-no-Okami, Chou-keshin, Jorougumo, Binbou-gami, Yakubyou-gami, Yomi-Kugutsu, Nesting Doll, Nesting Skull, Soldier Bug, Luck Locust, Clarion, Ame no Ohabari, Kuzuryu, Fake YHVH, Zeed, BeldBaldur, Jezebel, Ose Hallel, Flauros Hallel, Demonica-L, Demonica-N, Demonica-C, Demonee-Ho, Bagaboo, Bogaboo, Maya (Hindu), Dummy, Jimenez, Shekinah, Ariadne, Asterius, Ancient of Days, Sanat, Masakado’s Shadow, Oread, Napaea, Kuebiko, Koga Saburo, Chemtrail, Michizane, Tenkai, Pluto Soldier, Gaea Woman, Ashura Woman, Ashura Man, Gaea Man, Samurai Zombie, Al-mi’raj, Maitreya, Cleopatra, Mitra-Buddha, Inanna, Chironnupu, Arsene, Orpheus Female Picaro, Orpheus Picaro, Crystal Skull, Raoul, Zorro, Diego, Johanna, Agnes, Koh-i-Noor, Milady, Lucy, Queen’s Necklace, Goemon, Kamu Susano-o, Gorokichi, Regent, Carmen, Celestine, Captain Kidd, William, Athena Picaro, Robin Hood, Hereward, Necronomicon, Al Azif, Stone of Scone, Ariadne Picaro, Asterius Picaro, Orlov, Emperor’s Amulet, Hope Diamond, Thanatos Picaro, Magatsu-Izanagi Picaro, Kaguya Picaro, Tsukiyomi Picaro, Messiah Picaro, Cendrillon, Ella, Orichalcum, Izanagi-no-Okami Picaro, Pithos, and Valjean
Edit: For those of you wondering, I counted specific enemies as demons as well, as some of the demons in the old persona games were enemy only. But I did take some out.
And that equates to... 1905 demons
I have finally done it. Or at least I think I have.
Boogie Raven
submitted by Link_KurusuToaster to Megaten [link] [comments]

The Dragon

I was raised as a Jehovahs witness and I remember being taught that the dragon in the Bible is also the Devil. Later I asked them about is the dragon in the Bible and Revelation and the cultural Chinese Dragon. I got the answer that the Dragon was a symbol for the Chinese emperor but now it is just a symbol for good luck. Apperantly the asian chinese cultural dragon has no connection to the devil-dragon in the Bible. But I clearly remember being taught in childhood that the Devil is also a Dragon.
I have to admit my JW upbringing legit convinced me as a child that chinese culture is kind of satanic.
The Kpop artist G-Dragon legit rubs me to this day the wrong way and make me feel strange.
Plus the fact that the dragon is a symbol among asian mafia in tattoos and amwf porn (which makes
me feel at the same time cringe as f and mildly irritated)
When I read Wild Swans by Jung Chang where she basically wrote her mother had an abortion because she felt she could better serve the Communist Chinese government. That moment I got
"child sacrifice for Communist Party" vibes. And I remembered all the stories from the Old Testament about the caananites sacrificed their children to their gods.
Being raised as a JW by former atheist parent from communist countries as refuges and immigrants
in Sweden , and reading the whole Bible legit fucked me up.
Because according to JWs fetus=child.
My parents were atheist raised during Communism. They only got into Jws after coming to Sweden after my birth because they both studied in Moscow.
But our life did not turn out good and I legit think the JWs are an organization to hunt down communists around the world and reeducate communists children into christianity.
My parents got threathened by social services and mm and my mother fled to Russia.
I still think all of this happened only because of my grandfather being a cuban diplomat in North Korea. My father also never baptised himself into the Jws unlike my mother.
Yes I have read the book by Yeonmi Park "To be able to live" and I can sympathise with her.
But what concerns me more is my grandfather who lives very poor in Cuba and despite being on pension he continues to work. No matter how much I sympathise with Yeonmi Park I am more concerned about Cuba and Russia and why the main population is so poor there.
I am also concerned with the artificial milk-producing companies invading republics not so far from my mothers republic only employing chinese from the mainland and producing crap unhealthy products to sell in Russia.

I remember the JWs literature having the focus on prozelyting "worldly" people especially Chinese in China.
I remember the literature where we were encouraged to "take the step over to Macedonia" where two girls prozelyted to two chinese.
I especially think of this when I discovered the book and movie The Bitter Tea of General Yen.
I also think of it when Jws get jailed for prozelyting in China.
Also I remember in the book "What does the Bible really learn?" there was this picture with an asian woman reading the Bible.
I feel that I have a weird relationship to Asians even thought I am half asian myself. I am half Cuban ,half Tatar. Tatars ara considered minority asians in Russia.
It started with when my blonde best swedish friend Hulda (fake name) father got divorced (the family were JWs) to his swedish wife and married a Thai woman. The swedish wife married an african refugee.
That legit made me start feeling doubt in my religion.
I used to go with my famly to a chinese traditional doctor who was very kind who gave my parents a traditional chinese cooking utensil.
My mother is best friend with a woman from Tajikistan that is Uzbek who was a wealthy woman during communist regime. We also know another woman from Kazakhstan whose dad was a politican but
who seems to have gotten some grudge against my mum. She also did a really mean joke after my fathers death about him being behind the Chernobyl accident just for being a nuclear engineer who worked there at one point.
Only after my fathers death have I seen really how nasty Huldas mother really is when she claimed my mother did wrong by escaping from social services with me to Russia. I told her she was bullshitting and lying. I also hate the posh polish JW woman who claimed I stole her daughters jacket in childhood. Now they just ignore us. I am really disappointed with the Jws and legit think they contacted our family
only to destroy my dad and make his daughter anti-communist.
I also really hate how poorly my parents got treated here despite their higher educations

My parents used to help a Vietnamese family with documents and helping them not getting scammed into laundering money . They were very kind but shortly abrupted our relationship and talking after the wifes vietnamese friend started talking about JWs being bad.
But I remember going to a school where a filipina girl hated me and used to put dirty water in my water drinking bottle. She was in love with a swedish boy from a nationalistic swedish party and was jealous because he showed interest in me. Btw the boy said he was a satanist when I told him I was JW.
Once I tried to make friend s with a Thai boy at school but it did not work out.
When I heard a higher educated russian man on Youtube complain about the asians and their cliques
and how we russians and cenral asians dont have our cliques the same way and how the west hates us russians I have to agree. I relly recommend everybody to listen to the Youtubers Revengestar, Vovan Japan 0.2 and Nazar Ilishev.
I some time read the manga Rosario Vampire with the vampire girl Moka Akashiya and when the russian youtuber Ashiya popped up with the same name it made me feel weird.

I was also really into Vampire knight but then I stumbled upon the website NihongoNews where
they exposed the dark side of Japan and all the red sun flag dark history so I remember when waiting outside a grocery store alone for my mother in Russia I saw an asian dude walking past me with red sun tattoos it made my stomach churn in discomfort. I also remember when I was lying in the hospital in Russia I got harassed for taking communist books from the hospital library to read.
There was this asian dude laughing at me for being shy and not used to talking to guys there.
Also once I got submitted into a psychiatric hospital alone and some asian girl and dude had sex behind a sliding wall while I was tied to bed. I am still angry on my mum for focing me in psychiatic hospitals 2 times just because I could not sleep at night. At the hospital there was also an asian nurse forcing a pill that fell to the floor into my mouth by force.
Also at the endocrinological hospital there was an really gruff , rough, hoarse main doctor without one finger (yakuza sign anybody?) that was really rude to my mum.
These are the 4 weird asians I cant forget. The one with the red sun tattoo ,the rude one ,the one behind the sliding wall and the one missing finger doctor. Watching japanese visual kei videos with the red rising flag makes me SO uncomfortable. I constantly remeber that guy who walked past me when I see that.
Also I got an operation on my stomach. While I was lying in the endocrinological part of the hospital I overheard old babushkas talking about the main doctor and his daugher ruling the hospital being very affluent poeple making the hard working babushkas pretty salty. They also insiniated I had had an abortion even thought I explained it was only the appendix that got removed.
I confronted my mum about it but she stands by that it only was the appendix.
Later I got maredreams and strange thoughts if maybe I was raped during sleep in the other hospital because I remember one day waking up and seeing a weird condom lying in the corridor (I slept in the corridor) and the asian guy quickly moving out after that. I also remember the nurses choosing especially him to once deliver me some pills I had to swallow.
But the most horrifiying memory I have is when the asian guy rolled me in a wheel chair and I remember him whispering some strange words I dont fully remember (dont be afraid?) when they transferred me from hospital to hospital.
I also read about Japan and China and the yakuza from books in the library while I was in my mothers hometown but later strangely these books disappeared.
I also I remember the constant flower kiosk named Sakura and tokyoflower in my city the sudokus selled in every kiosk and after reading all those horrible things about what the japanese did ww2 it just puts bad taste in my mouth.
I really find visual kei intersting with how they portray themselves as demons and its interesting to me that all the foreign visual kei arists are thai swedish, english and from the western world.
Especially SekimaII and their "demons" concept. They remember me of the female russian band U-kei.
I have been watching Kazakh pop the latest years and its unsettling to watch them don kimonos.
I have even seen tatar musicians do it.
I may be revealing to much of my life. But the internet has opened my eyes to how asian diasporas absorb everything around themselves. Reading asian supremacist subreddits here on reddit makes me even more uncomfortable. But my biggest beef that I have is when I read that chinese hate europeans and central asians but then I remembered the traditional chinese doctor named Pan who was so kind
and dismissed it.But there is tons of anti-asian ,anti-chinese info on russian Youtube.
But it is true that ex-communist immigrant dont support and band together judging by all the chinese shops,thai massage salons, indian resturants in my swedish town but no russian or central asian resturants. Even in Cuba I saw a Chinese resturant and saw the stories of the chinese residents in Cuba and the store selling asian, anime and K-dramas in Havana. Also the new Crazy Rich Asians and Mulan movie compared to the Borat movie reminded everyone that the new Han Chinese supremacist narrative is being pushed.
I was always so amused by the fact that Cinderella called the cat Lucifer in the cartoon and the pet dragon in Mulan and speculated over Disneys satanism.
My question is with the chinese dragon in the Bible.
My second question is with contemporary Israel and why is lbgt and femenism and abortion so accepted there if it is prohibited in the Bible. Like doesnt it bother anyone at all that the non-israelite people in the book of Joshua worship the sun and to me they SO much wakes up associations of the red rising sun flag to me ?
Because of this seeing the jewish star in japanese visual kei videos also makes me feel strange.
My father always had a negative opinion on Japan and Israel.
My second is when I saw the music video Ai-dolls -Ai-dolls (kyrgyz pop). Ai means moon in kyrgyz but means love in japanese so that reminded me of the manga Princess Ai and made me uncomfortable.
My cousin studies in China but refuses to tell me how he has it. He had a chinese girlfriend but broke up with her.
His father had a company named Thanks (Rahmat) Tea but his son got brutally murdered so the company died but strangely enough some weird product with the same name started selling while I lived with my mother in Russia. My mothers last name consists of the word Thanks (Rahmat).
My uncle got a sexual disease while flying to buy Indian Tea in India so that really got me thinking.
I dont shame Indian people ,my mother is friends with one.

But I clearly see that chinese culture is anti-Bible. I remember watching the tv-series Empress of China.
There Wu Ruyi (Meiniang) kills a girl named Gaoyang. Later I watched an Youtube video of a chinese man claim that the god in the Bible is the same as the ancient chinese God and he said that Gaoyang means lamb. It felt like deja vu.
I also remember watching a japanese Youtuber in russian talking about japanese mythology that it goes like this: The Japanese god fell in love and procreated with humans and from there went all people. I had biblical deja vu when I heard of this and remembered the band Seikima II.
The thing is: I remember a russian girl magazine adverising the Hinamatsuri , Japanese girl fashion and "The land of the rising Soul" to russian young girls I cannot phantom the sneaky evilness of the japanese people propagating and advertising their culture to young girls only for the young girls to fly to Japan only to realize that Japan is like Saudi Arabia only more advertised and pink.
And I know that japanese culture is actively advertised in Russia.
I remember liking anime ,Sailor Moon and manga and wanting to translate manga into minority language in Russia but when I understood how dark and twistedly obsessed the japanese are with demons it made me think twice. Also 4chan anyone?
Some Youtuber said that if you learn japanese and start reading 4chan you will regret you learned japanese.
What I have learned from the russian Youtuber VovanJapan is 1:Japanese people love themselves very much. I have read traditional japanese poetry and I think it is true judging by the poem "Loving Oneself" I read.
Also remember reading the japanese poem wher the man tells the women "Dont think you cant be replaced and are unique". That kind of attitude also is a turn-off to me.
And asian people reading this and hating me:I dont care.
My uncle was very kind and always gave left-over food to his north koran servants while being a diplomat.
But I really hate all the toxic, hating and bullying by asian and especially japanese people online.
I really dislike their feudalistic ,passive-agressive hating on the Internet.
Just look at all the hate Blinchik in Japan , lolcow farm, pretty ugly little liars , Yoo Lana and other
pretty non-asian ,non-japanese females get. It is sickening.
It is also sickening seeing how russian-speaking men praise japanese women and shit on russian women under Sergey Kuvaevs videos.
I just dont think rasistic, imperialistic, rising red sun-wearing tattooed asians should be walking around in my mothers home town and make innocent girls like me feel unsafe.
I see VovanJapans YT channel get taken down and it makes me think he speaks the truth.
The film Interdevochka also got a price in Japan I think that talks about something.
You can read my post as fiction from planet X.
I have read beutiful japanese traditional poetry and japanese mythology.
But I have also read ugly japanese comment hidden by anonimity on the internet and it makes me disgusted.
Like the only thing I can think of is the son Katoosha by AKB4.
But I have read russians saying it is very had to talk to japanese people because they are so quiet
and you have to force words out of them.
I think Japan is like the dentist clinic in Sailor Moon :Kawaii -Hawaii on the outside but horrifying on the inside.VovanJapan said that they do medical experiments on foreigners in Japan. I always think of Viagras music video Anti.-Geisha where a japanese girls shoots at you throught the TV.Or In-Yans music video Kamikaze.
I saw japanese hair salons and a sushi shop in my mother russian hometown.
I know a mongolian woman that works in a sushi shop here in sweden that has two married mongolian relatives living in japan working for a japanese car company.
Why do we russians celebrate the Victory over Germany , but not over Japan?
Why is there a monument remembering the japanese soliders in Russia?
Why do we Russians allow this to happen?
Why do we russians not stand up for ourselves?
I have watched DenTV and they tell about how the japanese think we russian dropped the bombs on them.It makes me sick.
I think that in japanese culture the concept conscience does not exist. At least judging y russian DenTV that is the case. They have shame culture but dont have the concept of sincere regret.
Of course I have never met japanese people in real life.
But I dont intend to try to Skype to a silent robot and try to force words out of them forcefully.
If any japanese think otherwise they can comment below.
I probably wont comment anyway as I am sick of seeing americans shit on Cuba and Russia in general.
So I am preparing for the communist haters!
I have teo questions:
1.Did the japanese ask forgiveness from Russia for their war crimes occuping Russia up tot the Uralic Mountains?
2.If not , What do they want from us crating Youtube channels saying they are proud of their forefathers who were soliders doing their duty in (Tatarstan) and marrying russian women?
Showing the monument commerating japanese soliders?
But the think making me most angry is when DenTV said japanese spies create anime communities in russian on the internet telling russian youth to commit suicide. That is the definition of going over all

The japanese really are Jorogumos on the World Wide Web searching for naive innocent flie-like russian youths to ensnare and push to sucide!
submitted by TatarCubanGirl to u/TatarCubanGirl [link] [comments]

My thoughts on Like A Dragon after 92 Hours.

I loved this entry to the series. The story was enjoyable and Ichiban was great!
Note: I played the English dub for the game's entirety (I always refered to Masato as Wei Shen throughout my time), I played 0 to 6, I knew Kiryu, Daigo, Majima, Saejima, Watase, and "Joon-gi Han" were going to be in the game (internet after the Japanese release), it takes a new direction for gameplay, heard Ichibanka when the theme was revealed for the first time along with looking at fan translations.
Also I'll be nitpicking on some things through my ramblings.
I like how concepts like the Hero's Journey are present with how Ichiban steps into unknowns and become a major influence for his friends once you're capable of facing reality. You also include concepts like play or understand the creative aspects that the games includes with Ichiban's imagination and how his personality can be through the dialogue can have with his friends. He had things that I would most likely say in conversations though at times I would rather say something similar but reworded and executed differently. I'm surprised that he got "laid" like 5 times despite nothing being official with Eri and Saeko despite the other girls making their feelings known to him with his knowledge and approval. It was like a "bruh moment."
The game used the subject of Japanese politics to further the plot and get an understanding of how Wei Shen operates once he is lost with power and probably bring a realistic interpretation with how general audiences are always misinformed when there is something else going on. I hate politics and the game does expose how politics are interested in gaining power with one ideology mattering more than others instead of solving real issues, it can apply to other places as well. Politics only leads to disconnections between people instead of getting shit done that establishes a harmony for all. Thank god Wei Shen was the final boss.
The game does have unique characters in the main story cast but they should reduce the amount they include so they don't become forgotten so easily because they aren't fully developed or be reduced to side content despite playing a major role in the story. I'm referring to Seong Hui, Horinouchi, the Omi goons and officers, etc.
I'm fine with the game bringing back known previous characters from the last entries but I wished they never brought back Kiryu. His story is done and over with, references to him are fine but him being fully present just shows how experimental Like a Dragon is as a new direction for the Yakuza games. Hell after the first Amon fight, they make it well known. I wished it was Daigo knocking sense into Ichiban to show that he has fully learned from Kiryu after his letter in 6. I wished Watase and Daigo had more screentime to understand where they're fully coming from instead of disbanding both Tojo and Omi and not being seen afterwards. Tendo needed some more development but I wished he had more of a unique tattoo than a dragon because the series doesn't need to oversaturate dragons. Avoid mistakes like what Dragon Ball Super did with transformations.
Ichiban "being" Arakawa's real biological son was a surprising twist but it reminds me of Naruto being the Child of Prophecy (also being OP at a young age and later in the series) which can hurt the credibility of Ichiban starting from nothing because the Yakuza life was always going to reach him no matter what locker Arakawa opened if the babies managed to survive. The exchanges between Ichiban and Wei Shen were greatly written and well executed for both dubs. The frustrations and emotional tensions were greatly understood.
I don't understand why Kashiwagi doesn't go back to the Tojo Clan if he survived being shot multiple times in 3. I guess RUBBER BULLETS...
English dub was great but some voices were hit and miss in the main story and substories. I'm happy that Majima got someone new to voice him because everyone overrates Mark Hamill's performance in Yakuza 1. Kiryu's voice direction in English is an improvement but still sounds like he'll croak everytime he speaks. Watase needed more pride into his voice. Saejima was good but I wished he had voice similar to Batista. Didn't like how Saejima's name was mispronounced when Daigo first spoke.
Managed to get the platinum trophy but I hate how much of a grind it for levels and job ranks especially for the True Final Millennium Tower and upgrading the ideal weapons. However, there is still room for improvement for future games and I'm looking forward to it.
Also, FUCK YOU KUME! There better be an explanation on what happened him instead of disappearing with no explanation like the Ryudo Family and Aizawa.
Thanks for reading all of this. Feel free to share your own thoughts. I could be wrong in something.
submitted by LegendWarrior49 to yakuzagames [link] [comments]

[Excalibur] - Part 35

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Jesse and Goemon sped down Tenma bridge between two large, glass covered buildings and descended into the streets below. Hands pulled at them. Voices screamed as if angered at their presence. Crazed people darted in their way to block their path. Bloodied and still bodies lay in heaps at every step between crashed or burnt out cars.
Zombies, everywhere.
Jesse shivered inside her amour. Any reservations left about what she had to do were disappearing by the second as the nightmare unfolded around her.
Jesse had to save these least the ones that were left to save.
To save herself, she felt like she could fail; as if it were an option she could take and be proud of it. But to save others? It just didn’t work that way. To stop the deaths of innocent lives caught in this mess, she was willing to go beyond any limit she had. Where the feeling was coming from she didn't know, but it was rising in her throat, red-hot anger mixed with...sadness, and regret. She just couldn't let innocent people suffer like this. Couldn't let them die. Not again.
Jesse’s armour clad feet bit into warm tarmac as she came to a sudden stop. Noise faded. Like a cloud opening in the sky to let a single beam shine through, the veil in her mind pulled away. Jesse staggered.
In chaos before her, she saw a small girl skipping through, not a worry in the world as she smiled up at Jesse, her simple white dress flowing around her. A fluffy toy with dangly ears flopped around in her hand as she hummed a little song that was the only thing Jesse could hear.
Jesse felt her mind opening up as she desperately tried to remember, a warm fluttering feeling filling her chest. Who was this girl? What was that song?
The vision beckoned as if a key. She reached to grasp it—
Like a blast of cold wind hitting a small flame, the feeling disappeared.
The girl stopped. The smile dropped from her face. Cold eyes stared with no emotion as her face turned blue, water dripping from her hair and down onto her round cheeks.
You let me die, she whispered into Jesse’s mind.
You let me die!
“Jesse!” Goemon grabbed her just as a car flew past and smashed into the wall at her back.
“Oi Jesse, shikari shite yo!
Goemon was speaking as he whirled her away, but she couldn’t understand, her brain still reeling from the vision.
“Jesse, get a hold of yourself!” he said again, his eyes narrowing as buildings blurred past. It sounded different.
“You’re speaking English?”
Goemon nodded. “Merlin.”
Leaping up to a small balcony above the madness, Goemon sat her down.
Jesse just couldn’t push away the image of the girl as she tried to steady herself, her thoughts heavy and dull. A pressure squeezed at her mind.
“So weak. And you wish to take my power?”
The voice rumbled through her mind freely, revealing in its wake the state of Jesse’s defenses. In embracing the memory, she had let go of it all, and he had been waiting.
The bastard had destroyed her fleeting chance of seeing into her past. As she mentally prepared to raise the barrier once more, she sent her own message.
I’m coming for you, and I will make you pay. For everything you’ve done to these people.
“You will fail, just as you failed her! Come—”
The voice cut out as the gates to her mind closed, the probing tendrils snapping back against its strength. Jesse slammed her fist into the floor of the balcony, cracks in the stone spreading out as if shattered glass.
“Okamoto?” Goemon said.
Jesse nodded.
“Jesse are you ok?” Merlin’s voice popped into her mind, weak and static filled.
I’m fine, Merlin. I can hardly hear you.
“Interference from Okamoto...power is growing. As a precaution...closing this...communication to strengthen your defence before...fails. I will continue...look... from afar, connection allowing. Things here...quite strange....”
“Cameras. Lots.”
“Please hurry, Jesse. I am not sure...can hold the barrier, and more mindless...arriving by the second. Here and... other side of the wall.”
“I understand, Merlin.”
Goemon offered a hand which Jesse used to pull herself up.
“Keep your defenses up Jesse, you can’t give him another chance like that,“ he said.
“Trust me Goemon, his chances have just taken a big turn for the worse.”
Goemon smiled.
“Let’s go.”
Skipping down they quickly moved down the side streets and towards the castle grounds that beckoned in the near distance, disturbing sights endless in the space between.
Draped bodies over failed police barricades. Blaring horns from empty cars splattered with blood across broken windshields. Fire and smoke billowing from buildings that darkened the sky. Groups of wild and feral looking children giggling and screaming as they chased down adults together and ripped everything they came across apart like a pack of cursed piranhas.
Anger ran hot in her blood. Her grip around Excalibur tightened.
In turning away from the worst areas, a clear path seemed to be forming, one where few rioters were massing.
As they broke out onto the main road surrounding the castle, the reason became clear. Fifty metres from where they stood was a wall of people, greater than even the castle wall beyond. Lining the road on all sides they stood, some suited, some not, some shirtless and exposing tattoos, others with wildly coloured hair and clothes, men and women alike.
Swords, pistols, daggers, rifles, machine guns, a spiked ball linked to a piece of wood; all were armed in more ways than Jesse could even imagine. How many lines deep the rows went she couldn’t see. There must have been thousands of them.
A Japanese flag waved in the air from one of several blacked out vans that were parked on the rising hill behind. The flag was the only thing moving as it rippled in the air, the large gate of the castle visible at its rear.
There was a single yell, followed by a thundering boom of a drum that made Jesse flinch. Behind the mass was a huge ornate drum , a man each side pounding in steady unison. The vibration rumbled windows down the street toward them in its deep and ominous tones.
As if summoned by the drum, a blue and white helicopter swooped down, stoking fires in the buildings and whipping smoke across the road. A large camera jutted from it’s side that opened up to allow a woman to jump out as it touched down.
Clutching her hair and head low, she ran across to them.
As soon as Jesse saw the eyes she knew; there was nothing behind them; empty and unseeing. The woman let her hair fall around her neck as she began to speak, her voice as hollow as her eyes.
“The world is watching, Jesse Harbinger. Goemon. To be granted an audience with the Shogun you must first prove yourselves worthy.” She glanced back at the army of Yakuza,”he advises you that they are much improved from last night’s failures.”
He’s calling himself the ‘Shogun’ now?
“Jesse, let us find another way in, skip past them completely,” Goemon said, his feathers already beginning to shimmer gold and chrome as he grew in size.
Exactly what Jesse was thinking.
“I would not recommend that, Goemon. It would only take a simple command for me to jump from the helicopter, or for other innocents nearby to meet similar ends. He strongly advises you to attack here, through the Otemon Gate.”
Jesse grit her teeth. It was a trap they couldn’t escape.
Sweat was beginning to line the woman’s face, inner stress breaking through the controlled surface.
With no answer forthcoming, she bowed and headed back to the helicopter. High above them it rose, the pounding of the rotor blades mirroring Jesse’s heart as it disappeared past the canopy of smoke.
Excalibur, do that thing with the colours.
“Vision of Justice, Jesse.”
Just do it.
A sea of red displayed before her. Not that she had expected otherwise.
Neither did she expect to be smiling beneath her helmet, anger mixing with electric excitement in her veins.
Excalibur, can we do this?
“The stronger the enemy, the greater the number, the more our power will grow, Jesse. We are a weapon of war and destruction against those of evil. This is what we are made for.”
Jesse’s smile had only grown wider. She didn't try and hold it back. Embracing the wave of bloodlust and excitement was the only way to ride its swells. To push back only lost her in it; this much she had learned.
“Jesse, if I die today, I want you to know that it would be an honourable death. Thank you again, for giving my life purpose once more,” Goemon said, his voice calm and measured.
“Save it for another day, Goemon. We’re not going to die. You're going to see your family again, and so am I.”
Jesse strode forward and raised Excalibur above her head, the blade ringing as it began to fill with a yellow radiance.
“We smash straight through them, don’t stop moving. Head for the gate.”
Goemon nodded as he raised his huge sword to shield his eyes. They’d fought enough for him to know what she was going to do. Clasping his buckle over his cape, he disappeared.
“Hey everyone!” Jesse shouted, “Look here!”
Blank faces looked on as the blade filled to the tip and began to glow as if capturing the sun itself. With a brilliant flash of gold it released, engulfing everything in blinding light.
Cries of pain and confusion roared from the men, but the drum kept on.
Excalibur still above her, Jesse ran, feeling Goemon by her side as they rocketed forward on the wind. Still thirty metres between them and the dazzled men, Jesse brought Excalibur down in an arc of gold, just as Goemon summoned a mighty gust with his sword.
An expanding wave of energy ripped down the street and exploded into the mass. Goemon’s blast of wind then struck, sending bodies flying back and through the air. Into the confusion they tore. The drumming stopped. Roars filled the air, as loud as a football stadium.
Gun fire exploded from all directions as Jesse and Goemon cut through, moving too fast and too close to be hit. Power roared through Jesse as her strength and speed only grew with each landed blow, Excalibur dancing in her grip as she gave herself to the feeling. All seemed to be in slow motion, screams stretching to drawn out moans, bullets whizzing through the air and thudding with dull impacting echoes that never hit her.
From the corner of her vision she saw Goemon’s blurred shape swatting men around like flies as he ran through them, snarling like a beast.
But still the men came. Hit after hit they stood, bloodied and beaten but still coming.
Zombies. Puppets controlled by Okamoto beyond their mortal limits.
Moments and many precise strikes later they were on the bridge and heading towards the gate, weapons and armour slick with blood. But as the enemy thinned, so did their cover. Yakuza in the turrets opened fire with automatic weapons, as those behind them did the same.
The shields lit up in bright patterns for the first time as Jesse and Goemon upped the speed, weaving and slipping through. The gate neared.
Several, small and metallic objects dropped into their path with soft clinks. It took a second for Jesse to realise what they were.
Goemon didn’t.
With a series of deafening blasts of heat the grenades exploded one after another, launching Goemon in a hail of shrapnel and fire that bloomed over the lurching bridge. An orb of light lit around Goemon for a brief moment before he was engulfed in flames, and he came fully into view..
Jesse dashed toward him, catching his arm just as he fell over the edge, swinging him back around and rolling with him, his body hot and shining chrome gold, his white cape destroyed.
He blinked heavily before jumping up on his feet, ready and alert once more, steam rising from his scale-like feathers under the burnt cape.
A volley of shots smacked off Jesse’s shields as if a reminder to move. Together they sprinted for the gate through the cover of smoke and flame as men closed in from behind. The earthen bridge trembled at their feet, loud splashes of falling rocks sounding below.
At full speed Goemon slammed into the gate, throwing it wide open against its ancient and whining hinges, and rolled through. Jesse followed as the doors recoiled back, almost closing in her face.
As they swung half-open, Jesse watched as the horde of yakuza came across the half-destroyed bridge toward them, weapons blazing through the smoke and flame.
And then the bridge lurched to the left, cracking at their feet. Goemon stepped forward, raised his monstrous sword high in the air, and stabbed it deep into the ground. The earth split open, a gaping wound growing down the bridge. There was a moan of rock and metal, and the bridge collapsed, huge rocks falling to the moat below, taking with them hundreds of Yakuza, screaming as they fell.
Goemon, not missing a beat, swung shut the gate doors, and brought the ancient bolt across them.
Gunshots peppered the metal doors.
For a brief moment they just stayed there, in the beautifully presented courtyard, breathing and regaining strength.
Yells broke out ahead as more men entered through the courtyard exit to the main grounds. So much for a break.
Goemon sprinted forward and jumped off the wall, launching himself like a rocket at the men before making quick work of them.
Onward they pushed, through the main grounds and sprawling gardens, finding little resistance from the few enemies littered inside. Quickly they approached the inner wall and the main tower that lay within. Jesse looked up at the ancient tower, taken back by its beauty and serenity amidst the chaos. Two men she hadn’t noticed suddenly stole her attention, standing as still as statues, as if gargoyles on the edges of the gate. One was thin, the other muscular and big, both topless and sporting tattoos over every inch of skin except their face.
Each held a long blade in their hands; katana. Sparing no time to think, Jesse bore down upon the smaller one as Goemon took the other. As Excalibur swept towards her target, she felt it; Okamoto’s presence, sick and filling, but mixed with something else, rotten and hot. The man disappeared from her attack in a movement so quick it could have been Goemon.
Something hard hit her back. Jesse smashed into the ground, dazed but not hurt. Goemon was faring no better, the other man somehow growing to match Goemon's size, pounding him back as his muscles bulged to the point of ripping.
Jesse jumped up and pushed through the gate, Goemon following behind as the men stayed in pursuit. The castle grounds opened out into a large square beneath the main tower.
Jesse spun around just in time to block the next attack, coming face to helmet with the man. His eyes stretched unnaturally back, as if being pulled by the back of his head. Dark veins grew from his temples and down his neck. From his sword, black wisps rose like steam.
"My power only grows, Jesse," the man spat through gritted teeth, "you cannot win!"
The man's foot slammed into Jesse's stomach, sending her reeling back, but unhurt.
As he drew close to attack again, Jesse took aim with Excalibur and shot forward in a straight blur; her spear-like attack she had honed during training. The sword's aim was true, and the man fell, with no way to recover.
"I've got no time for your games, Okamoto," she said as the man’s eyes glazed over.
A roar Jesse knew too well filled the air, pain in its shrill tones. Goemon. Turning around, she saw him, huge sword impaled through his larger foe whose hands clutched Goemon's head.
Goemon's eyes went white as they rose into his skull. The hands fell away. Goemon dropped his sword, arms limp.
His eyes flicked to Jesse, his back straightening from it’s bent position, lips curling into a smile.
Jesse felt sick. The demon had failed to possess Goemon before. Okamoto couldn't, could he?
"How interesting, a Tengu of all things," he said, looking down at his hands and picking up the sword.
He had.
"And such unused power. What a fool!"
Goemon picked up his sword from the ground and began to walk towards Jesse, his legs flopping forward and catching the ground at wrong angles. Dragging the sword he came, the edge cutting into the stone, as if he was unable to raise it.
The behemoth of a sword began to rise as Goemon's pace broke into a slight, stumbling trot. He stopped, and then tried again. Only a few paces did he step, each one seeming to lock to the ground more firmly than the last.
"Stronger than I thought. No mind. If I can't attack with the piece, then I'll just take it off the board!"
A whirring sound came from above. Jesse arched her back to see the blue and white helicopter streaking across the sky at great speed, headed straight for them. For Goemon.
Goemon's eyes darted to and fro, and then locked on Jesse, pleading. He was back.
"Jesse, I can't move!"
Jesse burst towards Goemon as she heard the chopping rhythm of the helicopter blades beating close behind her, swelling the air.
Never had she moved so fast. Reaching Goemon she put her arms around him and jumped, just as the whine of the helicopter couldn't get any louder.
A gale of wind and heat lifted her and Goemon away as a mighty boom rocked the castle grounds, the air around glowing red. Jesse thought she could hear a woman's scream among the sounds of smashing glass and crumpling metal sliding across the floor behind her.
With loud thuds the helicopter's rotor blades smashed into the earth, lifting up huge swathes of dirt and stone. Rocks and other debris smashed hard against Jesse's armour as she and Goemon tumbled to the ground.
As they slid to a stop and the thundering roar shaking the ground settled, Goemon lay still, eyes closed. Several places on his body had the smear of his black blood, the chrome and gold of his feathers failing to take, as if something had stopped them from forming.
She lifted up his head, trying to check if he was ok.
"Goemon!" she said as her helmet came down around her face.
A smile broke out across Goemon's lips as his eyes fluttered open.
"Too easy," he said.
Goemon's talon-like hand shot out and grabbed the top of Jesse's head.
“Keep your helmet up,Jesse,” he said with a wink, releasing his hand and chuckling.
For a moment Jesse just stared, but Goemon rose and gave her his hand.
“Come on, let's get this bastard, but don’t let anyone touch you.”
Up they rose, avoiding the smouldering wreckage of the helicopter. There was no need to check for survivors.
Before the great steps of the castle, a figure loomed at the top. Jumping down, he landed on the stone floor beneath it, and slowly rose.
He walked up to them, sword dangling at his side, already smeared with dried blood that matched what was dotted over his exposed and heavily tattooed torso. Heat seemed to be rippling off him, making the air thicker as he approached.
Jesse and Goemon raised their weapons.
“I would never have thought, as a young and simple country boy, that my long and arduous path would lead me here of all places, to this,” he began, looking through them both, and breaking out in a smile.
“A girl with a legendary but broken sword. A Tengu, a creature from myth. Both after the power I possess,”
Jesse kept her eyes firmly on him, not for one second letting them stray. Excalibur trembled in her grip.
“But you see, I can help. I can offer you something that was never offered to me. A way out. A way to scupper the hand fate has given you before it’s too late. Like it is for me.”
Jesse only stared, Goemon casting glances to her.
“I offer you death, and all the peace it brings.” Okamoto said with a smile.
“No thanks,” Jesse replied, unable to think of anything better.
Okamoto’s eyebrows raised.
“You are not the crazed beast I saw in the vision. Not yet.”
He stopped for a moment, seemingly lost in thought.
“It matters not, what is done is done. For that, I have to thank you, Jesse. Without you, this power would never have come to me. Without you, I would never have been forced to take such drastic steps and let go of all that was holding me back. And only without you, will I be able to become what I now must. To that end, I will take your power, as you so wish to take mine, and use it to rebuild the world. Starting with Japan.”
Before Jesse could even think to reply, Okamoto shot forward. Jesse raised Excalibur to block and Okamoto was gone. She darted around to look, Goemon doing the same.
“I’m here.”
Jesse spun to meet the whisper behind her, only for a massive blow to crack her helmet from the other side. Never had she felt such power, the force far eclipsing anything Goemon had ever hit her with. Spinning and tumbling it she went, smacking into the ground and coming to a rest several feet away.
Stumbling to her feet and swaying with dizziness, she looked over to see Goemon just standing, body still but eyes furrowed and darting. Okamoto had him frozen in place, Goemon not free of the effects of the possession.
I can’t let Okamoto touch me.
Rallying her strength she sped towards him, Okamoto smiling as he brought his sword up to block in a casual but sure motion.
Excalibur clattered against his sword and held as Jesse pushed forward using all her strength. Okamoto laughed.
“Is that all you have? Is that all this pathetic sword has?”
Okamoto’s blade flashed purple and black, a feeling of pure ice like fear and doom colliding into Jesse’s senses.
Something felt wrong. Excalibur was dull and lifeless in her hands.
Okamoto began to push back, his face edging closer and closer to Jesse’s helmet, so close she could smell his sweat.
“Give up, Jesse. You were not meant for this, and I am not one to play such games.”
“Enough!” Jesse screamed, heaving him back and then in one fluid motion, cutting deeply down the front of his body.
Shock lined Okamoto’s face, his eyes wide, but as Jesse continued to stare, the eyes became soft, the shock turned to a smirk, and the flesh of his body began to heal, sewing the tattoos back together in perfect synchrony, as if the tattoos themselves were pulling the skin together.
“What?” Jesse mumbled, unbelieving. She had cut him, she knew. Had seen it. But why did it feel so empty, and how could he heal so quickly?
Okamoto held out his hands, beckoning her.
Jesse obliged, darting forward and thrusting Excalibur straight through his chest, all the way to the hilt.
“Die!” she screamed.
A woman’s face was suddenly before Jesse, blood bubbling from her lips and eyes wide as Excalibur buried into her chest above a blue and white logo. A camera fell to the side from her limp hands, still active and recording. The woman looked at Jesse for a moment in pure shock, trying to breathe but failing, before the efforts stopped, and her eyes glazed over.
Recoiling in shock Jesse pulled Excalibur out, stumbling back and over and colliding into something at her rear. The woman’s corpse fell over the camera, hiding it from view. Jesse looked up to see the face of Okamoto, smiling widely at her.
“Oh, what a monster you are, Jesse, and now the whole world knows.”
Confusion marred Jesse’s thoughts as she tried to think. Behind Okamoto was the wreckage of the helicopter, a line of red leading to the woman propped against the tower wall. A survivor. All around in a wide circle, stood bloodied and beaten Yakuza. To the side of the helicopter lay, Goemon, injured, but worse than he had been.
Down his chest was a huge slash, writhing with the flurry of feathers locking into place over it to begin healing.
With dread, it dawned on Jesse. What had she done?
“Too easy,” Okamoto said with a laugh.
Anger, fear and confusion reigned supreme over Jesse’s thoughts as she gripped Excalibur and rose, swinging it as hard as she could at Okamoto’s neck. There was nothing empty about the blow.
In a flash Okamoto raised his sword, taking a wide stance and blocking Excalibur in a mighty crash.
Jesse roared, trying to push both the blades closer to his neck, straining with all of her strength.
Okamoto lowered his head, and spoke, his voice quiet and kind.
“You were too slow, Jesse. Nothing can stop my power now, not even myself.”
“Just fight me normally!” Jesse screamed.
“War is never normal, Jesse, but you wouldn’t know that,.” Okamoto said as he pushed with greater force.
Like a bone snapping inside of her she watched as a crack split down Excalibur’s blade, the missing piece inside of her and the blade screaming, bleeding golden light. Jesse cried out in agony that spread all over her body.
Okamoto kicked her away, Jesse falling back to the floor and lying in pure pain, Excalibur freeing from her grip and clattering away.
“Helmet down, please,” Okamoto said as he stalked over to her. Jesse’s helmet retracted, and he yanked her sweat-drenched hair back so she was looking straight up at him.
“And here we are once again, only this time, it’s real.”
Jesse’s heart thundered in her chest as she watched the blade rise.
I’m going to die. I’m going to die. No, No!
“Merlin!” she screamed at the top of her lungs, the thought exploding from her brain and mouth at the same time before any other, “help me!”
The sudden outburst made Okamoto hesitate.
“Merlin?” he said.
Nothing happened. Okamoto raised an eyebrow, and then his sword.
A rush of wind suddenly swept through the space, a feeling tingled at Jesse’s senses like that when she had taken the sword in the cave.
A momentous bolt of lighting exploded from the heavens and crashed into the ground twenty metres away from the helicopter, sending all the assembled Yakuza flying. Only Okamoto stood firm, his grip still on Jesse’s hair.
From the brilliant flash, Kuma appeared, Merlin on his back, staff raised, swirling blue and red, the kimono Tsukasa had given him billowing at his back, the patterns dancing across it as if alive. Kuma smashed through the Yakuza that tried to stand, snapping and crushing them as he went.
Voice like thunder, Merlin spoke as he jumped from Kuma’s back and drifted in the air, the swirling light growing brighter in his staff.
“Release her!”
His staff exploded in a lightning arch of red and blue energy that smashed into Okamoto and launched him back into the walls of the tower.
Screaming in agony, he raised his sword and deflected the burning beam up and above him, the energy cutting through the castle diagonally across its entire length. The old stone groaned. Wood splintered. The castle shook.
Okamoto lifted himself from within the rock just as Kuma was upon him, managing to dodge the wildy snapping jaws and roll beneath the advancing beast.
Raising his sword, he cut through and under Kuma’s belly. The hound howled in pain and fell to the floor in a growing pool of blood. Okamoto circled round the fallen beast and in a swift movement, plunged his sword deep into the mass of shard like fur. Kuma writhed and then became still, Jesse feeling all connection to him disappear.
“Kuma!” Jesse cried, trying to reach but still unable to move.
Okamoto tried to walk back to Jesse, but vines grew around his feet, locking him in place. Desperately he tried to slash at them, but more came each time. Jesse had seen them before. The vines from the tomb.
From above a glowing orb of blue smashed into his chest and sent him reeling backwards once more into the foundations of the castle in a huge impact, the vines keeping hold and then trapping him within.
The castle shuddered again, groaned, and then began to fall. In a growing cascade of tearing wood and stone, roof and window, the castle leaned and then smashed to the ground where Okamoto, and Kuma had been only moments before.
Merlin raised his staff to form a protective shield around Jesse and the still prone form of Goemon as a wall of smoke and debris hit them. As it died down, he waved his staff once more to clear the smoke.
There was no sign of Okamoto. There was no sign of Kuma, she couldn’t even feel his presence.
Kuma. No.
It all happened so quick.
Merlin drifted down and landed heavily on the stone, hunching over and panting, sweat covering his face as red wisps began rising from his back. Jesse summoned her strength and found she could move. She ran to him.
Jesse felt the rampaging energies inside of the wizard, felt them ease as she came close, and settle completely as she took his hand.
“I,” he panted, too exhausted to speak.
“It’s ok Merlin, take your time.”
She helped him rise to his feet, and then suddenly swayed herself as a bout of dizziness swept over her, prompting Merlin to hold her instead. She let her head fall into Merlin’s chest, and held him close.
He had risked it all to come and save her.
“Thank you, Merlin,” she whispered, and then she cried.
All around, Yakuza members began to stand, hobbling and moaning at their injuries and looking confused at the destruction around them. Okamoto’s mind control was over. They had done it.
All they had to do now was find his sword.
Merlin gently pushed Jesse back, holding her shoulders as his breath became steady.
“Jesse, I—”
Something red and hot splattered into Jesse’s cheek as a blade stopped inches from her face, coming straight out of Merlin’s chest. Okamoto’s blade. Jesse fell back in fright, seeing Okamoto standing behind Merlin, blood and dust covering his body.
Merlin spluttered, blood dripping from his mouth as the blade twisted.
A strange look came across Merlin’s face. His eyes widened and glazed over. The blood dripping down his chin from his mouth began to retreat. Silver hair lifted from his shoulders, drifting on an unseen wind. Merlin seemed to grow bigger as the hair flew around him, so much so that Jesse was sure he was actually growing..
Okamoto suddenly reeled back, clutching his hand in pain, as if burnt.
Dark clouds filled the sky, angry sparks of blue forking across them in violent bursts. Merlin’s hands spasmed and then locked tight, the muscles growing and rippling under the skin as bolts of blue and red flickered across them. His staff grew thorns and twisted with growing red veins.
Jesse scrambled back, a sense of dread washing over her that she had never felt before. Worse than Okamoto’s, not even comparable. Okamoto, eyes wide, was feeling it too, slowly backing away. This wasn't his doing.
And then Merlin spoke, the sound coming from everywhere and nowhere, a whisper and a scream that rumbled the very ground upon which they stood.
“Mam, ble dych chi wedi mynd?”
submitted by FatDragon to FatDragon [link] [comments]

The beginning of my dragon tattoo! This was two days ago, freshly inked in.

The beginning of my dragon tattoo! This was two days ago, freshly inked in. submitted by Eilmorel to DungeonsAndDragons [link] [comments]

All references to the other games I noticed in Yakuza 0

This should go without saying but MAJOR SPOILERS to the other Yakuza games, avoid this post if you haven't played Yakuza 1 - 5.
After playing all the other localized games I decided to replay Yakuza 0 and noted down all the references I noticed to the other games. There may be others that I've missed so feel free to mention any in the replies. Here's what I found:
Yakuza 1
Yakuza 2
"To trade unarmed blows with a tiger with a wild tiger would be a fool's errand indeed"
"Only a dumbass would would take on a tiger barehanded" which Kiryu LITERALLY does in Yakuza 2.
Yakuza 3
Yakuza 4
Yakuza Dead Souls
Yakuza 5
General / Misc
Hope you guys enjoyed reading this!
submitted by adil11223344 to yakuzagames [link] [comments]

Yakuza x MHA OCs!

Name: Kazuo Majima.
Age: 15 (At the beginning.) 17 (As of the Perfect Blue arc.)
Birthday: 9/28.
Alternate Names: Kazuo Kasuga, Kazuo Usagiyama, Kosagi, Usagi-chan and Usagi-sama.
Quirk: Rabbit. (Has shorter ears than his sister, and can move them to show expression. He's a lot more speed oriented, using his styles for the dominant power.)
Tattoo: A Hanya mask with a Dragon wrapped around it. Covers his shoulders, back, and chest, legs too.
The Mad Dog of Shimano, Goro Majima, raised Kazuo. The son of Ichiban Kasuga and Kaguya Usagiyama. Rumi's little brother, he shares his adopted dad's rough Kansai accent even though it's fake. Has his father Ichiban's soft heart and helpful 'Shonen' attitude. Still pure, regardless of all the terrible Yakuza assignments he's forced to do. Loves unconditionally and never gives up. Not afraid to throw others under the bus if need be. Gets too carried away. He tends towards the dramatic and drives his adopted father's pink dump truck with pride, as much as he doesn't want to be a Yakuza, he embraces it.
Paired with an aged-down Nemuri Kayama, she's nineteen.
Name: Nishiki Kiryu.
Age: 16. (17 as of the Legacy of the Dragon of Dojima.)
Alternate Name: Meguro Goda.
Tattoo: A scarred-up Seiryu Dragon.
Quirk: Dragon Of Dojima. Transforms into a dragon-like state that uses Heat. Makes him regress into a rougher fighter rather than his normally tight fighting style. Needs to be knocked out to change back from Goda to Kiryu. Rarely used it when being Nishiki Kiryu.
The son of Kazuma Kiryu and Kaoru Sayama. Named after Kiryu's Sworn Brother Akira Nishikiyama. He felt pressure to become the Dragon of Dojima from a young age, seeing as his Big Bro Daigo and Big Sis Haruka held Kiryu to such high regards. That pressure caused his quirk to be personified into Meguro Goda, using his half-uncle Ryuji's surname. After an intense helipad fight with Kazuo, Meguro is knocked out and Nishiki takes over. In contrast to Meguro's tough guy act... Nishiki is sweet and studious, respecting his father and being even dorkier than he is. Ends up with Eri after the Hassaikai Arc and ends up moving to Kamurocho to start a new life. He loves a lot of the same things Kiryu does, but isn't so excited about fighting. Still gets roped into scams and silly side stories. Is good with kids and loves to be the 'Team Dad'.
Paired with Ibara Shiozaki.
Name: Oguma Kuze.
Age: 23.
Alternate Name: The Enma of the Saitama Triad.
Tattoo: A finely inked image of Enma.
Quirk: Oni. Transforms into a mountain Oni if enraged or for intimidation. Has increased durability and strength, but loses speed and agility. If he's in this form for too long, he sometimes gets stuck in it. Leading to him having to adjust how to move through doors, stairs, things like that. He can get forced out of the form if he calms down, gets knocked out, or if his horns break. It shows as a slight mutation. Horn nubs, bigger teeth, lighter hair, a tendency for bats/ornamental clubs.
The grandson of Daisaku Kuze. He was raised outside of the Yakuza, and Daisaku showed him little love or care. Still, Oguma loved his 'Old Bastard' as he liked to call him. Daisaku loved his grandson but couldn't show any attachment because that's how he is. He taught Oguma that in the Yakuza life, there are no KOs. When Daisaku was accused of hurting a rival triad leader's daughter, Oguma quickly came to his grandfather's defense, ending up losing the pinky on his right hand and his grandfather on the same day.
He has a lot of issues showing affection or caring, but can show it to people he closely trusts.
Paired up with an aged-down Yu Takeyama, she's eighteen in contrast to Nemuri, even though in canon there was a sizable gap. I just wanted their rivalry to be even more ridiculous. With the two girls being only a year apart, making it stupidly hilarious.
Tell me what you all think! I'm open to concrit or suggestions.
submitted by Independent_Arm to BNHA_OC_Characters [link] [comments]

The Missing Trickster.

ACT 1:Looking for a friend.
NOTE: The mayority of this story was writted at 3:00 a. m., so expect a number of grammatical errors. Edit: and I think...? Some out of character dialogues here and there. Edit 2: Fixed the way Reddit fucked the spacing of dialogues and such in mobile, along with some grammatical errors I detected while doing the fix.
Three days have passed after the Phantom Thieves returned from their journey through Japan, they returned to Tokyo just in time to prepare for the third semester of high school, but their leader, Ren Amamiya, has gone missing and one of the members of the Thieves, Makoto Niijima was elected as a momentary leader while they're trying to find out what happened to their leader.
Café Leblanc, 22:53.
Makoto—Any progress in finding Ren?
Ryuji—Nope, it seems that we only found Morgana...
Futaba—I'm worried about Ren, but atleast we found Morgana.
Ann—(Exhales) No, and Morgana hasn't been of much help anyways, he just seems to want to be alone.
Yusuke—I'm afraid Morgana won't even exit Ren's room to atleast eat...
Makoto—I just hope that he recovers so that he can tell us what happened.
Futaba—You know, we could really use a little help from you-
Makoto—No! Who knows if she would arrest Re- [Makoto's phone began ringing].
Makoto—Oh um, hello?
Police Officer—Hello ma'am, do you know a man named 'Ren Amamiya'?
Makoto—Yes! Did you find him? Is he okay?
Police Officer—Woah, don't get too enthusiastic miss, we just found his belongings in an alleyway.
Makoto—Wait what?! What happened to him??
Police Officer—We don't know what happened to him yet, but a pedestrian informed us about the discovery two days ago, and just now we managed to access the mobile numbers stored in his phone.
Makoto—Officer, where did you find his belongings? My friends and I searched through all Tokyo to find him.
Police Officer—Well... the belongings where found on an alleyway of Kabukicho.
Makoto—Kabukicho... that's one of Tokyo's most dangerous neighborhoods, i-is there anymore information about what happened?
Police Officer—Well, we found a pair of cracked glasses covered in the blood of 'Ren Amamiya', his phone was also covered with his blood.
Makoto—How d-
Police Officer—Oh, I almost forgot, as it seems, Ren fought his attacker and, as such he dropped a card with the logo of a local gang of yakuza.
Makoto—(Realizing that as the Phantom Thieves they could find Ren) Could you... describe me the logo?
Police Officer—Why woul-
Makoto—Just tell me already!
Police Officer—Well if you insist ma'am, it's like a golden skull mask being surrounded by two green... dragons? (To a background officer) Hey, Ishigawua! Are these green things snakes or dragons?
Background Officer—I-I think they're dragons sir.
Police Officer—They're green dragons ma'am.
Makoto—Thank you.
Police Officer—You're welcome miss, stay safe.
[The police officer hangs up].
Ann—Sooo, what did the Officer say?
Ryuji—Yeah! Tell us!
Makoto—Well they didn't find Ren but they found his belongings in an alleyway of Kabukicho, what concerns me is that Ren's blood was on his phone and his glasses- (She stops and thinks of a plan) Hey Futaba.
Makoto—Do you think you could access the security cameras around Kabukicho?
Futaba—Why? The other times that I 'found' Ren they turned out to be just lookalikes!, we even found a Ren Mamaiya!
Makoto—That's right but, the officer told me that Ren fought back, so that must mean that there should be atleast one frame of the security video in wich the face of Ren's kidnapper shows up, then we can interrogate him as the Phantom Thieves!
Ann—That's... actually a great plan Makoto, do you all agree?
Yusuke—It certainly is.
[Everyone stares at Futaba in uncertainty]
Futaba—Makoto you got a great plan but there's so many things that could go wrong!Like what if Ren's kidnapper face never shows on the surveillance footage?
Makoto—We'll find a way to dis-
Futaba—(Anxiously) Wh-What if the kidnapper never shows up on the footage?!
Makoto—We'll come up with-
Futaba—(More anxiously)What if they're planning something for when we get to interrogate the man?!
Makoto—Futaba! Don't think so nega-
Futaba—(Outright yelling)And what if they become aware that the Phantom Thieves are after them, and kill Ren for that?!
Makoto—(Yelling in response) He'll not die Futaba! Stop being so pessimistic!
Ryuji—(Being completely ignored) Hey, girls why ar-
Haru—(Being ignored aswell) Why are you girl's fightin-
Ann—(Ignored as the others) Girls! This is not-
Futaba—(Yelling even more) BECAUSE IF YOUR SO CALLED 'PLAN' FAILS (Lowering the volume of her voice as she starts to cry) Then It'll be YOUR fault that he's dead, and I won't be able to endure the death of any of you guys!! A-After all the things you guys did for me, I won't be able to... (She says whilst still crying).
Makoto—Futaba... (She starts to hug Futaba to confort her) Don't worry we'll bring him home.
Yusuke, Ann, Ryuji and Haru—Aww Futaba... (They join the hug).
[An hour passes by and the phones of Ryuji and Ann rang from a notification]
Ryuji—Hmm? I got an audio from an unknown number, but the title says '1'.
Ann—Me too, mine says '2', but there's also a message: "They didn't kill Ren, but I was forced to leave him, I'm sorry." 'I'm sorry'? Who even is this person?
Makoto—It doesn't matter for now, now, what's important is knowing what's inside those audios.
[The Phantom Thieves proceded to play the audios that they recieved].
"Black Mask—Com'on Joker! If you're gonna die then it'll not be today! You have to hurry! They're catching up to us and I won't come to save you again!"
"Ren—Thieves, we don't have much time, you have to go their hideout, it is in Ueno, near the Shitama-"
"Background yakuza 1—QUICK! There's the phantom thief! You, get the thief! I'll kill the one in black!"
"Background yakuza 2—How did he knock our guard?! This place it's highly guarded, and we even broke the leg of the phantom thief so that he couldn't escape! You know what? Fuck it, I'll try to shoot the one in black"
"Background yakuza 1—Hold your horses bub!! I'll be the one who shoots the one in black. The boss wants the phantom thief alive, so I'm better suited for this 'kind' of task. VULCANN!!!"
"Black Mask—Shit! He's got a persona! You better hurry Joker! Or else we're done fo-"
[The audio ends abruptly as a barrage of gunshots is heard].
Makoto—What. Was. That? Was Akechi the one on the background?
Yusuke—Wait didn't Ren try to say Shitamashi as in the 'Shitamashi Museum'? I was there one ti-
Ann—Not now Yusuke, did everyone hear that one of the yakuza has a persona?!
Makoto—You're right Ann, Futaba do you think you could try to search possible buildings where Ren's possibly locked? Meanwhile I'll search in Ren's compendium of known personas.
Futaba—Already on it... looks like they're three possible buildings, all three of them are abandoned.
Makoto—Alright, then we'll have to split up into three teams.
Ryuji—For real!? Makoto I know you're a great strategist and all but we can't just split up! WE are the Phantom Thieves! We don't have the necessity to split up because we are a team! Ren may be locked up in one of those buildings, but we still have each other! That's why we're all friends! So that no one would be alone again!
Futaba—He's right Makoto (she says in awe of the motivational speach Ryuji gave), how about this? I can theoretically configure the Metaverse App so that it could access a phone camera and detect how many shadows are in the camera's view, that way we could see which building is the most likely to have Ren, by the number of shadows that are in the buildings, what do you think?
Makoto—That's a great idea, we'll use it... tomorrow, because it's already too late, righ now everyone should go get some sleep because it's gonna be a long day, exept for me, I'll try to find a persona that has a matching name with 'Vulcann'.
[The Thieves leave the café but Futaba stops Ann from leaving for something].
Futaba—Hey Ann.
Ann—What's up Futaba?
Futaba—Do you think that you could convince Morgana to help us?
Ann—Well we just found him today and I don't think that he's gonna be willing to talk to anyone...
Futaba—I know, but can you atleast try?
[After a while Ann gathers the courage to enter Ren's room].
Ann—Heeyy Mona, are you hereee? (She says awkwardly).
Morgana—Go away, I want to be alone.
Ann—(She sits down on Ren's bed, near Morgana is, and she starts to pet him) Hey Morgana we think that we found where Ren is, do you think that you could help us find him?
Morgana—No... He's missing and we won't be able to rescue him..
Ann—What are you saying!? A yakuza gang kidnapped Ren, locked him up near the Shitamashi Museum, and you don't want to help him?!
Morgana—Di-Did you say yakuza Lady Ann? Did he had a tattoo?
Ann—Well... Makoto told us that the kidnapper left a card with a golden looking skull mask with two green dragons surrounding it.
Morgana—But how do you know where Ren is? Ann—Ryuji and I got sone audios from Akechi and Ren, telling us where they had him locked up.
Morgana—Is it true? Knowing Akechi how could we know if he's telling the truth Lady Ann?
Ann—Well because it sounded like he tracked down Ren's kidnappers but ended up being captured whilst trying to help Ren escape, but the thing that worries me the most is that it appears that one of the yakuza has a persona by the name of 'Vulcann'.
Morgana—Wait, are you sure that one the yakuza has a persona Lady Ann?
Ann—Yes Morgana, we heard Akechi say it clearly, that's what worries me the most...
Morgana—If that's true then, I'll help you rescue Ren from those Yakuza, Lady Ann! (The cat said whilst returning to his old self).
Ann—(She jiggles) Sleep well Morgana, we'll need it tomorrow.
Morgana—Thank you Lady Ann, for making me see that I had to be more strong, for Ren!
Ann—You're welcome, now go to sleep or I'll not forgive you!
Morgana—Ye-Yes Ma'am!
And so, as the end of the first act of this story approached, the Phantom Thieves went to rest so that the next day, with more energy than ever, they could rescue his missing leader, his 'missing jokester'.
Edit 3: For those that have read this story I got a question for you.
submitted by RhytmicCone47 to Persona5 [link] [comments]

[Excalibur] - Part 25

Finally managed some time to write this! First Okamoto Chapter, the badass Yakuza boss with the evil-sword who killed the Demon that Jesse and Goemon had been chasing.
A bit on the Yakuza first!
Kumicho – Yauza big boss.
Saiko-homon, senior advisor.
Wakagashira – second in command.
Kobun – within a family, the sub heads beneath the Oyabun. In Okamoto’s case, he is the Oyabun (parent) to Kobun (children) who are all themselves the Oyabun of their own families, in a sprawling web of smaller families that runs through Japan. The clan/gang names I use here are all fictional.
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Okamoto left the girl where she lay, slumbering on his bed. Tying his silk robes around his body, the Leader of the Kameda-kai, the largest Yakuza group in Japan, stood. His gaze followed the light of the moon through the pent-house balcony and to the girls exposed bosom.
Ignoring the call of desire that stirred, he left her to much needed rest and crossed the open space towards the kitchen bar.
Brown liquid sloshed at the bottom of the whiskey bottle as he grabbed it and poured with a shaking hand into a nearby glass. Lighting a cigarette, he stood in the darkness between the silver beams of light, sipping and smoking, staring vacantly across the city’s horizon. Spanning out from his luxury hotel, most of the buildings in his vision were either his, under his control, or paying tribute to his group. It was his city and his base from which he controlled most the illicit operations in Japan.
A cool breeze blew in from the heights, caressing the hair slick with sweat that hung loose at his shoulders.
The alcohol, the soothing wind, nor the girl whom he had ravaged moments before had helped release the growing knot of tension that was gripping deep within.
He glanced back towards her, seeing her exposed modesty reacting to the chill night-air.
Cover up, he thought, the idea merging the foreign pain in his head and becoming different. Alive.
The girl’s arm rose and pulled the duvet atop her. For a moment the pain subsided.
He gulped down his drink. The General had been right.
With every threat, comes even greater opportunity. With every curse, a gift.
Images of the black smoke and screams of both Okaji and the thing inside of him played over in his mind. In killing them, he had received much more than blood.
A knock at the door brought him back into the moment. Stubbing out his cigarette, he went to call his guards, momentarily forgetting he had sent them away. Better away than dead, after all.
Only one man would dare disturb him during a time like this. Onishi Harumasa, his Saiko-homon.
“Kumicho, please forgive me for disturbing you at such…an hour,” Oonishi diverted his rotund face down in a bow as Okamoto opened the thick door, the flesh of his small man’s chin pushing against his suit collar, “but we must talk.”
Okamoto let go of the heavy gold handle and walked back inside. Oonishi shuffled in before it closed with a soft click. Okamoto didn’t have to ask why he was here. After Okaji’s death, the families would be in uproar.
Okamoto took a seat at the far end of the low table before the balcony, motioning for Onishi to sit at the other side. Showing surprising flexibility for such a round ball of a man, Onishi sat in Seiza, a kneeling position with the body’s weight upon the feet below.
It was in stark contrast to Okamoto’s own form, lounging back on a low chair, legs spread, his robes hardly concealing his dignity. Tattoos across his body shone in the low-light, looking alive with the swell of his own breath, a layered myriad of animal forms and nature etched in tanned flesh.
Onishi’s gaze didn’t meet Okamoto’s own, or dare look around the room. Only a few nervous glances at the sword that lay on the dark leather couch to Okamoto’s side were any sign of his fear.
Okamoto grabbed the sword and pulled it close, making Onishi flinch. The scabbard was warm to the touch as always, but it felt different. A tinge of volatility and uncertainty ran through, as if it, too, was still coming to the grips with the mysterious soul it had absorbed.
The silence stretched. Okamoto pulled away from the blade, and finally spoke.
“What did my Kobun say, Onishi-kun?”
“After hearing of Okajima-kun’s passing, and the injury sustained to the heir of one of the Kazeyama-kai clans, tensions are…high, Kumicho. They demanded to see you.”
Okamoto ignored the request.
“Any problems I should be aware of?” He replied, as if he didn’t realise there was.
Onishi took a moment to reply, choosing his words carefully, understanding the pressure his boss was exerting upon him.
“Okajima’s clan are…displeased, Kumicho. They seek justice for the death of their Oyabun and reject outright the claim he instigated the conflict with the Kazeyama-kai. Support from the other Kobun are wavering in favour of war.”
Displeased would be putting it lightly, Okamoto knew. Okajima’s clan were from the poorest and most crime-torn part of southern Osaka. They were violent, rude and nearly uncontrollable at the best of times. Gaining their allegiance had been a bloody conflict, and one that had been reliant on Okajima. With him gone, and many of their men dead, they would be seeking blood.
And what could he possibly tell them? That their boss had been possessed? That he had been the one to kill him? He would not be able to hide it from them. The blood-stained streets would talk. They always did.
If the boy from the Kazeyama-kai died, things would be worse. All hopes of an alliance being reached with them peacefully while his friend was still alive, or war avoided until he was gone, would be dashed.
A hard choice awaited. Cull the mutiny that would swell and fester in his own ranks or embrace the battle he had delayed for so long, at the cost of his only friendship.
“Who attended from Okajima’s family?”
“Okajima’s second son, Junpei.”
Okamoto knew the name, had heard from Okaji himself about his rash heir. One to be tamed, no doubt. The death of his father would be hard on him, but Okamoto’s hand would be far harder were he to seek revenge.
“Call the Kobun for a meeting in two days. If anyone moves against the Kazeyama-kai before then, they will be dealt with swiftly by my own sword.”
He didn’t need to mention the threat against his own position. Anyone foolish enough to take him on would soon find their end, especially now.
“Kumicho, I am not sure if the Kobun will wait that long. Neither may the Kazeyama-kai, if the boy dies.”
“My Kobun will wait, or I will be taking hands and heads instead of fingers. As for the Kazeyama-kai, send them a message stating we do not wish for war. Begin discussions of compensation. Oversee this personally.”
Onishi nodded, wiping a bead of sweat from his brow with a small handkerchief. The threat of hands being taken was not wasted on him. He knew what his boss was capable of.
Onishi seemed to err for a moment, unsure on how to broach a his next subject.
“Kumicho, about the girl—”
“Is she alive?” Okamoto interrupted, keen to hear that which he had not wanted to ask for directly. The mysterious girl had stoked a desire he had never felt from himself or the sword. HIs sword’s intentions were clear; kill her and take the power, whereas he wanted more. He wanted her.
Such raw power combined with a pervading sense of innocence and vulnerability…. he had never seen before. The piercing blue eyes that had looked straight through him, into his core, a beam of disgust, fear and an unmistakable longing were unforgettable. Many women had tried to take place at his side, but none had lasted. She would be the diamond in his crown. A Queen worthy of legend.
“We have no word on her condition, but the Kazeyama-kai have taken her and her companion back to their headquarters. The bigger problem is the media attention being linked to her is casting on our activities.”
Okamoto had expected as much, but he had the media in his pocket.
“Keep me updated. Scale back our operations to stay out of the media’s eye, while giving them some motivation to turn it elsewhere.”
Onishi nodded, wiping his forehead again. He had his work cut out.
A small muscle above Okamoto’s eye spasmed for an instant. The Kumicho straightened in his chair. Whispers began to crawl from the shadows in the room. Sounds of gun-fire. Calls of comrades in help.
“Onishi, leave me now. Send the details of the meeting and do not disturb me until then.”
“But Kumicho, we need—”
“Leave now or die Harumasa!” Okamoto roared, the spasm turning into a pulsing movement seizing the left side of his face. He rose from his chair, sword in grip, his hand moving impulsively to the hilt. Like an old song, Okamoto could hear the sword’s call, mournful and sweeping. Desperation surged in its its power, blurring his vision and elevating the pain raking through his body.
Onishi Harumasa rose and made his escape, bowing multiple times despite the grave danger he faced. As he closed the door behind him, Okamoto fell to his knees.
Blood burned through his veins as they pumped like booming drums through his head. Agony rattled with each pounding explosion as the whispers increased into screams. He gripped the sword, breathing deep, willing the attack to pass. Rage built up in him as the sword began to glow, it’s power only increasing.
Flashes of past horrors displayed before him in a nauseating parade that danced to the rhythm of his suffering. Horrors of war, of his past, of the lives he had taken.
It needs to sing. So much power cannot be restrained.
But I mustn’t let it. Not now. It would be the end.
Only the strongest memories he had served as protection against the attacks, ones of love, of friendship. His wife, his friend, his son. They were all that remained of the man consumed by the sword. Fragments of a lost soul.
Gradually, as Okamoto focused on his breathing, the bout subsided, and his muscles relaxed. Sweat dripped onto the tatami flooring in growing puddles. It was over. Since absorbing the Demon like soul and all its power, he had been plagued with the attacks, but they were finally starting to weaken. The sword was slowly coming back into control.
The image of his wife stayed with him. The only woman he had ever loved. Her memory had not blurred over the 70 years since her passing. As he thought of her, the image changed to that of the girl with the sword. Of Jesse, as he knew her name now was from the media’s reporting.
His wife had been so similar. Young and innocent, lost. Beautiful.
War had ruined everything.
Okamoto stood, snatching up the whiskey bottle and walking out to the large balcony.
The General had said there were never winners in war. Okamoto used to agree.
He threw the whiskey bottle out into the crisp night air, and watched as it tumbled, reflecting the lights around it, soon to crash into the street below.
He would prove the General wrong.
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submitted by FatDragon to FatDragon [link] [comments]

[Excalibur] - Part 21

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“He’s so cool. So handsome.”
“He must be a talent or something. Look at his eyes!”
Goemon’s magnetism for attention as they rode the train into central Osaka was not aiding their efforts to blend in at all. They stood by the doors between the long benches of seats down either side of the train where groups of girls sat, giggling and pointing. Jesse tried to stay concealed behind Goemon’s bulk, tightening the draw strings on her hooded jumper. Along with her large sunglasses, it made sure her face was well hidden.
Goemon had been loving every second of their adventure in this strange new world. Now he was sweating and pale green, hardly even able to speak. How could someone who could basically fly feel motion sickness?
“Jesse, it’s the next stop,” the Priest said directly into her head. It was such a strange feeling.
Goemon nodded with effort.
Merlin’s magic was, for a change, working. But it didn’t sit well with her.
Jesse felt a mix of emotions. Anger. Relief. Frustration. She had almost agreed with Goemon when he suggested throwing Merlin back in the tomb along with the corpse of the giant. He hadn’t been joking.
Merlin had found a weapon, but in the process of doing so, nearly killed them all, unleashing something not only evil, but incredibly powerful. A Demon, no less. In typical Merlin fashion he had then revealed to her the extent of his troubles, what he had been holding back. It wasn’t just his magic, but rather the whole world’s magic that was in peril.
It was a lot to take in. It always was. But that wasn’t the worst of it.
She had taken a life.
It had happened so quick she was still confused. She saved Taro from certain death. She made the right choice, she was sure. But the man had been possessed; an innocent soul for all she knew. She had cried as Merlin said a prayer and Goemon had tossed his body to the roots.
“He would probably thank you for freeing him, Jesse.” Merlin had said, but it didn’t help the guilt.
It was only made worse by the memory of the rushing relief she had felt as his life had flooded into her, easing the pain from the missing piece, and making her crave more.
There had been no silver lining to the incident, nothing surfacing from beyond the veil in her mind. Her memories it seemed, were more firmly locked away than ever.
The phone in Jesse’s pocket rumbled, distracting her from her conflicting thoughts. Pulling it out, she looked at the screen.
“From what I and Excalibur can sense, the Demon is somewhere in this area,” Merlin’s voice rattled around in her head.
The screen highlighted a mapped area, full of narrow roads and shops.
“Exit the next stop and leave the station,” the Priest said.
Merlin’s disastrous attempt at using his power had afforded one breakthrough, however. When he had transformed Kuma he had realised something, a connection between magic and the conflicting powers of technology.
Taking an old phone he had been experimenting with, and while holding Jesse’s hand, he had been able to make it ‘spark to life’, as he called it. Now he could connect to and control it from afar, see everything they could and more. The phone’s screen had a strange blue hue spilling from the edges like leaking gas. Across the back were blue and red pulsing veins. The battery remained firmly at 100%.
“This contraption,” he had excitedly declared, “however small, marks the first joining of technology and magic. A true marvel, and a hope for the future.”
It allowed Merlin to be with them, without being there, which was perfect. He had wanted to come, but Jesse had refused. She couldn’t risk it. Wouldn’t risk it. Even leaving him at the temple with the priest had filled her with dread. At least Kuma was there now.
Kuma : It truly had been a miracle. On a whim she had tried to connect with the canine, for Taro’s sake, not expecting anything. But it had worked, and the pure feelings she had felt radiating from the beast’s heart had been almost too beautiful to believe. It was like nothing she had never felt before. Without a doubt, the dog was now as bound to her as Goemon was and possessed a transformation just as terrifying. Before they had departed he had happily transformed to reach and lick her face with a huge slimy tongue, before switching back to his smaller size in an instant, wagging his tail excitedly in a way that said,” hey, look what I can do!”
There was no question of him joining them, however. As strong as his bond was to Jesse now, it was nothing for what the beast felt for Taro. He would never leave his side.
So now she had an uncontrollable and dangerous wizard, a kind of bird-man beast samurai, and a dog that could transform into a monstrous super-wolf.
She sighed. It felt like she wasn’t quite doing this right, but it was better than being alone.
“Tenjinbashi-roku-choume, Tenjinbashi-roku-choume, ashi moto go chui kudasai”
The train speakers announced their arrival at the station.
‘Tenjinbashi-roku-choume’ station : just north of the heart of Osaka. The train ride had only been 30 minutes, but the scenery had quickly transformed from sprawling country side to big city lights. The only thing Goemon had recognised aside from the creek in the mountains was the wide river they had crossed before arriving at the station. The shimmering water had made his eyes momentarily flash with excitement, before closing as the train rocked from side to side.
The temple, Merlin and the others, were back in Minoh, a city in the North of the prefecture. The temple was deep in the mountains, nestled along a winding creek that led to the waterfall they had heard while escaping the tomb.
Jesse looked around, spotting foreigners of all kinds among the crowds. No doubt they would be holidaying, sightseeing, having fun, maybe even venturing to the waterfall.
And Jesse, what was she here to do?
To kill. Again.
The thought sent shivers down her spine. What was she becoming?
And the Demon, if he kept body skipping, what would she do? Just keep killing? The feeling of wanting to run away crept in her thoughts, but she couldn’t. She had helped Merlin escape the tomb. She had forced him to try and find the weapon. It was her fault, and she had to deal with it. Besides, it wasn’t even a choice; there was no one else.
People bustled past her hurriedly, making Goemon and her flow with the crowd towards the steps leading up and away from the platform. Jesse gripped Excalibur’s hilt in her pocket, willing herself to stay calm.
The sword had shrunk down to just its base, Goemon’s doing the same, much to his disappointment.
“Excalibur can choose its form,” Merlin had reminded them as it had shrunk conveniently into her palm.
The crowds rose up the stairs and out in the night air. It was cooler than the day, but still warm. The smell of food filled their senses. People rushed all around, busy and uninterested in her and Goemon as they made their way home from work or dinner late at night. Bright lights shone from the buildings surrounding them, causing Goemon’s neck to arch back and stay there, frozen in awe.
“Across the street is the Shoutengai. Go there,” the priest said.
Glancing across the intersection that was next to where they had emerged, she could see a large arched entrance that jutted out from under a tall building. Bright lights and shops beckoned within.
After patiently waiting for the lights to change, they crossed and entered the high-ceilinged space. Inside, the long arcade stretched far away into the distance, curving out of view near the end.
Following the phones directions, they walked through, Jesse’s nerves and Goemon’s wonder at everything making the pace slow. Shops, restaurants and strange places passed them by as noise assaulted them from all directions. Adverts and music, noisy arcade like buildings, karaoke bars and pachinko parlours. Shop staff stood in their way and greeted them with a bow, coaxing to them to go inside.
All the smells were getting to Goemon, who was salivating as he stared lovingly through the windows and counters, following slightly behind Jesse. Jesse was too nervous to really take in her surroundings, instead focusing on the phone and the map. The few times she had made eye-contact with the workers in their path she had felt compelled to awkwardly bow as they did.
They had been slowly making their way down the arcade for 10 minutes, and still it meandered on. Merlin suddenly spoke.
“Turn here, Jesse. Go down the small alleyway to the left. Stop somewhere and wait for a moment. He is close.”
To Jesse’s left was a narrow alley, with small shop serving small dumpling like things straight on to the street. They entered the alley, coming to a stop a bit further down by a standing-bar. They stepped up onto the small deck that was bordered by a rail. A western-looking man with dread-locked hair nodded politely as they did, and the barman came to their attention, offering a small bow. Jesse responded in kind.
Goemon started for a moment at the dread-locked man, appraising him with a raised eyebrow, before turning to the barman.
“One beer, and tea for my girlfriend.” He smiled as he spoke, which turned into a laugh as he saw Jesse’s face go red.
“You need to relax, J,” he said as they received their drinks, along with a chilled towel.
How could she relax? Her heart was thundering inside her chest. The Demon was nearby. There were so many people. She would be seen. What if…
“Oi,” Goemon said as he grabbed her shoulder and bent down to look her in the eye, “you’re not alone. I’m with you. It will be OK.”
“I’m fine, G, really I am. Don’t worry about me.”
With a slap on Jesse’s shoulder he turned back to the bar, swigging his beer as he lent back on the rail, wiping his forehead with the towel. Using the letters of their names instead of the full ones was a precaution they had thought to take, but it sounded so weird and forced to do it. Even Goemon’s name, the priest had said, would attract attention.
Jesse nervously played with Excalibur’s hilt in her pocket. It tingled to her touch, as if the sword itself were also anticipating the worst.
“You’re Japanese is better than mine! Where are you from?” the barman asked as he took a note from what Goemon had left on the bar; only a small portion of what the priest had given them.
Before she could reply however, there was a sudden rush of bodies behind. A dozen men in suits swept through.
“Yakuza,” the barman said, his face drawn with worry, “lots of Yakuza. Something is happening.”
The man at the end of the bar nodded. He seemed to be staring intently at Jesse and checking his phone. Had he realised who she was, or was Jesse letting her paranoia get the better of her?
Before she could do anything but nervously smile, there was another rushing of feet down the alley. This time, it was not men in suits, but in uniform. Police.
“Yep, might need to close up early tonight.” The barman said with a wry smile.
“The Demon is located further down in the alley. He’s possessed a gang member of some kind. There are many of his people with him, drinking at a bar that opens into the street. Be careful, Jesse. These men are dangerous.”
It was Merlin’s voice. Somehow he was looking ahead.
Goemon finished his beer.
“Let’s go take a closer look.”
They waited a moment before departing, and then went down the alley. It was like a maze of interconnecting paths and roads that kept to no pattern, with people drinking, eating and laughing everywhere. Hanging lights and lanterns provided soft light that gave the place a warm and cosy aura; completely at odds with how Jesse felt. Various pieces of music played from the myriad of vendors while delicious smells of cooked meat and other food filled the space with a mouth-watering fragrance.
As they ventured further down however, the number of patrons became less, the noise dying out. More shops were closed, people hurriedly moving away in the other direction.
Then they saw the policemen coming back their way. Oddly, they were smiling, laughing and completely relaxed.
“Let’s get a beer or something guys, no problems here.”
Goemon and Jesse exchanged glances. Goemon knew the law when he saw it, and was just as bemused as her, as they watched the men pass. Jesse felt a cold and heavy presence around the mean, like she was wading through cold and thick fog.
“This feeling,” Goemon said, “is the Demon. It’s just like when he tried to possess me.”
It became thicker as they walked on, turning a corner to see a large group of suited men sprawled around some outside seating of a bar that had a Hawaiian theme. They were loud, laughing and drinking heartily. The staff looked scared.
All the other shops were empty. Around the street, a few men lay badly beaten and bruised.
Goemon pulled her out of view as they looked on. Merlin’s voice buzzed in their heads.
“This kind of Demon strives for power, constantly skipping between those it finds superior; it is no surprise he has found such men. He can assume their power, their knowledge, their skills, their very identities. Others are drawn to him. A master manipulator. Proceed carefully.”
It looked to be true. The men around him seemed to hang on his every word as he spat them loudly between gulps of drink. Every now and he would turn to a man slumped back in a chair behind him, punching him harshly across the face to cheers of the others. Blood trickled freely from the mans head and swollen cheeks. Jesse wasn’t even sure if he was still alive.
Like a robot a young waitress neared the table where he sat, passing more drinks to the men. Her expression was blank and unblinking.
“We can just stand here while he hurts people. We have to help,” Jesse said to Goemon.
Now was probably the best chance they were going to get. Few bystanders. Few witnesses. Best of all, they all seemed to be gang members. A lack of innocent definitely helped Jesse’s conscience.
“That body he possesses looks like an ordinary man.” Goemon said.
“Do not be fooled, Goemon.” said Merlin, “Demon of his ilk possess many powers.”
The comment didn’t stop Goemon, who stepped confidently out, ignoring Merlin’s warning. Jesse followed.
Almost immediately the Demon’s head lifted. He stopped talking and stood.
“My friends, it appears we have visitors.”
Without a word, the men around him turned to face her in one smooth motion, and then remained completely still, as if frozen.
“Goemon, I’ll go for the main guy. You fly in and get that injured man out of there. He doesn’t look like he’ll last much longer. Get the other guys who are hurt, too.”
Goemon breezed past, his hair and skin igniting in a flurry of black and golden feathers as he seemed to float before zipping away.
A blast of wind hit the tables where the men sat, sending them flying and sprawling to the ground. In a flash, the man who had been seated behind them was gone, and Goemon was back, depositing him beside Jesse.
Goemon stumbled as he let them down, clutching his head. Black blood dripped from his nose.
“The bastard is doing something,” he said between grunts, “the closer you get, the more you feel it. Argh!” Goemon cried out in pain.
“He is growing in power, Jesse.” Merlin said through their connection. The sound was distorted, as if being disrupted by another, stronger signal.
“Can you do something, Merlin?” Jesse asked.
“I, er, I…”
It was probably better not to ask.
“Goemon, get the other guys and stay with them,” Jesse said as she began to walk forward.
The Demon’s eyes were wide as he recognised her despite her guise, the smile fading from his face into a hard frown.
“Tell me, little princess, how many people are you willing to kill?”
Jesse didn’t reply.
“Let us see. Get her,” he ordered.
Jesse grasped Excalibur’s hilt. She only wanted to use it on the Demon.
“Excalibur lend me your power, but no armour, no sword. Not yet.”
She tried to relax, to feel the power as it surged through her. Follow it, she told herself.
The men rushed forward. The one nearest threw a punch, she ducked, ramming her fist into his stomach. Lifting off the ground he slammed heavily into a nearby shop grate. The next, seeing how easily his ally had been thrown, thought better of his fists, producing a small knife he slashed at Jesse as she rose. It passed her face and she grabbed the man’s arm. Spinning round and leaning her weight into a throw, she let go, his arm snapping as he tumbled over the ground.
Against Goemon, her strength had seemed almost normal. Now she could see that she was much stronger; the man had felt near weightless. It filled her with confidence.
Something else was tingling at the edge of her perception, a sense of those round her and how they moved, like a pressure in the air. Was this something from Goemon?
She darted forward. 5 more men. The Demon just stood, watching. Then he smiled.
Like a thousand children crying in chorus, a scream erupted in Jesse’s mind, as if their high-pitched voices were vibrating red-hot barbed-wires that were dragging through her brain. She stumbled, falling to the floor as a boot of the nearest thug reached her stomach. Slam.
“Just who are you…”
The air rushed out of her. She heard the Demon’s voice, a crawling whisper in her head.
“Kind of empty in here, isn’t it? Hahaha…”
Jesse jumped up, blocking a blow to the head. Her hood flew back, hair whipping around her face as her sunglasses flew off.
Aiming for a chin, she threw her weight upwards, striking hard. The man left the ground as she spun to face the next. But she was a second too late.
A shot rang out.
Searing pain ripped through her stomach.
Bang. Bang.
Jesse fell back.
A gust of wind sailed past her as she felt Goemon’s arms wrapping around her body.
More shots. Thud. Thud. Thud.
With incredible speed they returned to the end of the alley, landing next to the men Goemon had saved. Jesse looked down.
Around her mid-section, gold armour swelled and glowed in pulses, bright spots dotted through it marking where the bullets had entered.
“Jesse, I was unable to stop all of the damage,” Excalibur said, “you are hurt, we must retreat.”
“I’m shot?” Jesse said in disbelief. How stupid. Of course they would have guns.
Goemon too, was in pain, slumping beside her and clutching his side. Looking across at him, she was suddenly overcome at how futile everything seemed. Excalibur was no match for bullets. No match for a Demon who could control people’s minds. What was she even doing here? Was this all a joke?
The men slowly approached, their guns still drawn. Moving in for the kill.
The pain in Jesse’s head still throbbed with every strained beat of her heart, growing in intensity as the Demon strode through his men. Suddenly, he stopped.
“What the hell are you idiots doing?!” A voice roared from behind the group. Alone, a man approached. Tall and slim, he was well-dressed in a sleek black suit. He wore no tie on a bright red silk shirt, unbuttoned towards the colour to reveal a thick gold necklace over complex tattoos. A pony tail that pulled back his slick hair ran down wide shoulders. His eyes were alive with fury set in a gaunt face that was sharp and jagged, the cheek bones high and prominent. His voice boomed through the men.
“Jesse, you need to get out of there, now!” Merlin shouted, his voice in a panic.
From the man’s side, he drew a long blade that slid slowly from its holder, a note of pure misery playing as the sword scrapped against the sheath. Jesse’s heart lurched in her chest as a deep sorrow engulfed her, silencing the screeching that had been in its place.
“That’s it, that’s the sword. It’s….” Merlin’s voice crackled and disappeared.
The sword. All Jesse could do was watch as the Demon turned to face the man. Panic flared in his eyes.
“Shoot him! Shoot him now!” he yelled at the men around him, who suddenly began to move on their own accord, staring around as if confused as to what was happening.
“Okamoto Kumicho!” some of the men said, dropping to the ground and bowing deep, their heads touching the floor.
Kumicho : the head of a Yakuza group. Jesse stared as the translation worked in her head. As if things couldn’t get any worse. These men were all part of the Japanese mafia.
“Shoot me?!” Okamoto shouted, “I am their leader. I am your leader! I took you from nothing and made you the man you are, Okajima! And this is how you repay me? By starting a war? By rampaging across half of Osaka and then doing this? What have you done?!”
The beautiful sword was now fully out from its sheath, reflecting the lights in the small alley down it’s length. As the man’s rage grew, the sword seemed to shine brighter.
The Demon was looking around, as if trying to find someone to flee to.
Jesse felt it too. Okamoto’s gaze seemed to lock all those it gazed upon in place, his aura paralyzing them in fear. It seeped down the alley to her: the most pure and horrific evil she had evil felt.
She wanted to run, but could not, her body crying out at the slightest of movement as her strength failed her. Goemon lay next to her, passed out but breathing. They both needed help.
This was no fairy tale; she had got shot. What did she think was going to happen? How naïve had she been? Was she going to die here?
Sharp pain began to meet her strained breathing as she failed to tear her gaze away from Okamoto. The sword he held seemed to call out to her, mocking her with waves of energy that rocked her like tides at sea, each one viler than the last.
That evil thing was meant to be her salvation. Her only hope. The thought of joining with such a weapon made her want to vomit. There just had to be another way.
“Die!” Okamoto shouted as he sprang forward. He moved in a flash, the sword swinging out as it cut through the air towards the Demon , who didn’t move. Couldn’t move.
The Demon’s body exploded into a cloud around the man as the sword ran through him. As if trying to run, the cloud burst in Jesse’s direction, only to be drawn back in as the sword twisted around. Okajima’s eyes went black.
“Okajima! What the hell is this?” Okamoto shouted.
“Kumicho…forgive me.” Okajima hissed through his teeth as the blackness rippled over his eyes.
Black smoke began to fizz and hiss over the exposed parts of the sword, smoke burning from it as the cloud was drawn in.
Okajima fell away to the floor as the last wisps of smoke trialled up the sword and into the hilt. Jesse swore she heard the Demon scream as a black sheen glimmered over the swords surface, and then disappeared.
Okamoto dropped to his knees, breathing hard and sweating. His eyes were open and wild.
“This power…,” he whispered.
One of the men ran to his aid.
“Kumicho…” he squealed.
The sword flickered, and the man fell.
“You have all betrayed me!” Okamoto screamed as he rose.
Panicked yells rang out in the alley as each man perished in quick order, hardly moving as Okamoto dispatched them one by one, as if resigned to their fate.
Then he turned to her.
Jesse blinked, her eyes failing. She was exhausted, could barely even keep them open. The armour that covered her in places was fading.
“Excalibur…” she called with her mind, but there was no answer. There was simply too much damage.
“You…I know you,” Okamoto said as he approached. Specks of blood covered his face, matching the deep red of his shirt.
“The girl from TV…but more than that. You called to me. Your sword…” He pointed at her hand that clutched Excalibur’s hilt.
“You were looking for us,” he said, running his fingers across the blade as blood dripped from it to the floor.
As he fingers trailed off the end he pointed the sword at her. His eyes flicked to Goemon, drawn to the feathers that were retreating down his neck and growing around the place of his injuries.
“What the hell is all of this?” Okamoto whispered.
“Yoshi!” a voice broke out behind him.
An old man approached, followed by several men in suits who kept their distance, weapons drawn as they stepped through the slain men on the street. He had a long white beard and wore a pure white kimono. Calm seemed to radiate from him as he bowed his head, only a little more than a nod.
“Tsukasa,” Okamoto hissed,” I have dealt with this. Justice has been served.”
“I wouldn’t call this, Justice. Put your sword away, Yoshi,” Tsukasa said, “if you can.”
Tsukasa’s gaze was firmly on Okamoto’s blade, as if he couldn’t look away. At his own waist was an almost identical but smaller version that remained sheathed. Tsukasa gripped it tightly.
Okamoto scowled, but slowly began to bring the sword around, placing the tip at the edge of the scabbards entrance. He didn’t even look as his fingers guided it into position, keeping his gaze on Tsukasa. It paused at the rim.
Okamoto’s arm jerked and spasmed as he began to groan. A low rumble emanated through the alley as a wind swept through, bustling around his body.
“Argggghhh!” Okamoto screamed, slamming the sword into the scabbard with a high-pitched whine of steel. The heavy aura that had pervaded through the space was suddenly gone. Okamoto’s deep breaths were rough against the silence. His hand dropped away from the hilt, bloody and raw.
The men behind Tsukasa ran to the aid of the young man who lay next to Goemon, also helping the others who had regained consciousness. Tsukasa nodded to Jesse and Goemon too, and then men helped prop them up from the floor.
“What are you doing, old man,” Okamoto spoke, his voice low and tired.
“Taking them with me. If the boy survives, war may be avoided. If he dies…”
“You would dare go to war with me? You would risk everything? Who is he?”
“I would have no choice, old friend. Daisuke is the son of a prominent family. They hold great power within the Kazeyama-kumi. We live and die by the rules, Yoshi. Even you and I.”
“Tsukasa…I am so close to our dream. Don’t do this.”
“Your dream, old friend. It is out of my hands.” Tsukasa said, looking down.
Okamoto didn’t answer. He looked at Jesse.
“Why is she here?”
Tsukasa looked over toward Jesse. If he was surprised, nothing was betrayed on his face.
“If she had not been, Daisuke would be dead. We both owe them our gratitude.”
“But she is the girl from TV…she has power…they were looking for me…” Okamoto trailed off, a look of confusion coming over his face. He shook, shaking his head and standing straight, regaining composure before he spoke again.
“Do as you must. I will await your decision. If there is war, you know what will happen.”
“I do.”
Tsukasa fixed his gaze on Jesse and simply nodded as Okamoto walked past. The men behind quickly moved out of his way as he went through, jumping into a car at the end of the alley and speeding off.
Jesse was fading. Fast. Darkness reached from their edges of her vision. The pain didn’t even seem that bad anymore. She felt down to where it was, and lifted her hands. Slick red ran off her fingers.
“Miyakegawa Kumicho, we must move. The police are coming.”
Tsukasa nodded, and Jesse felt herself being lifted as she closed her eyes.
“Jesse! Jesse! Can you hear me? Are you ok?” Merlin’s voice suddenly shouted in her mind.
Jesse gave in to the warm feeling spreading through her body and fell into its dark embrace.
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submitted by FatDragon to redditserials [link] [comments]


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“He’s so cool. So handsome.”
“He must be an idol or something. Look at his eyes!”
Goemon’s magnetism for attention as they rode the train into central Osaka was not aiding their efforts to blend in at all. They stood by the doors between long benches of seats either side of the train where groups of girls sat, giggling and pointing. Jesse tried to stay concealed behind Goemon’s bulk, tightening the draw strings on her hooded jumper. Along with her large sunglasses, it made sure her face was well hidden.
Goemon had been loving every second of their foray into this strange new world, but now he was sweating and pale green, hardly even able to speak. How could someone who could basically fly feel motion sickness?
“Jesse, it’s the next stop,” the priest said directly into her head. It was such a strange feeling.
Goemon nodded with effort.
Merlin’s magic was, for a change, working. But it didn’t sit well with her.
Jesse felt a mix of emotions. Anger. Relief. Frustration. She had almost agreed with Goemon when he suggested throwing Merlin back in the tomb along with the corpse of the giant. He hadn’t been joking.
Merlin had found a weapon, but in the process of doing so, nearly killed them all, unleashing something not only evil, but incredibly powerful. A Demon, no less. In typical Merlin fashion he had then revealed to her the extent of his troubles, what he had been holding back. It wasn’t just his magic, but rather the whole world’s magic that was in peril.
It was a lot to take in. It always was. But that wasn’t the worst of it.
She had taken a life.
It had happened so quick she was still confused. She saved Taro from certain death. She made the right choice, she was sure. But the man had been possessed; an innocent soul for all she knew. She had cried as Merlin said a prayer and Goemon tossed his body to the roots.
“He would probably thank you for freeing him, Jesse.” Merlin had said, but it didn’t help the guilt.
It was only made worse by the memory of the rushing relief as his life had flooded into her, easing the pain from the missing piece, and making her crave more.
There had been no silver lining to the incident, nothing surfacing from beyond the veil in her mind. Her memories it seemed, were more firmly locked away than ever.
The phone in Jesse’s pocket rumbled, distracting her from her conflicting thoughts. Pulling it out, she looked at the screen.
“From what I and Excalibur can sense, the Demon is somewhere in this area,” Merlin’s voice rattled around in her head.
The screen highlighted a mapped area, full of narrow roads and shops.
“Exit the next stop and leave the station,” the priest said.
Merlin’s disastrous attempt at using his power had afforded one breakthrough, however. When he had transformed Kuma he had realised something, a connection between magic and the conflicting powers of technology.
Taking an old phone of the priest’s he had been experimenting with, and while holding Jesse’s hand, he had been able to make it ‘spark to life’, as he called it. Now he could connect to and control it from afar, see everything they could and more. The phone’s screen had a strange blue hue spilling from the edges like leaking gas. Across the back were blue and red pulsing veins. The battery remained firmly at 100%.
“This contraption,” he had excitedly declared, “however small, marks the first joining of technology and magic. A true marvel, and a hope for the future.”
It allowed Merlin to be with them, without being there, which was perfect. He had wanted to come, but Jesse had refused. She couldn’t risk it. Wouldn’t risk it. Even leaving him at the temple with the priest had filled her with dread. At least Kuma was there now.
Kuma : It truly had been a miracle. On a whim she had tried to connect with the canine, for Taro’s sake, not expecting anything. But it had worked, and the pure feelings she had felt radiating from the beast’s heart had been almost too beautiful to believe. It was like nothing she had never felt before. Without a doubt, the dog was now as bound to her as much as Goemon was and possessed a transformation just as terrifying. Before they had departed he had happily transformed to reach and lick her face with a huge slimy tongue, before switching back to his smaller size in an instant, wagging his tail excitedly in a way that said,” hey, look what I can do!”
There was no question of him joining them. As strong as his bond was to Jesse, it was nothing for what the beast felt for Taro. He would never leave his side.
So now she had an uncontrollable and dangerous wizard, a kind of bird-man beast samurai, and a dog that could transform into a monstrous super-wolf.
She sighed. It felt like she wasn’t quite doing this right, but it was better than being alone.
“Tenjinbashi-roku-choume, Tenjinbashi-roku-choume, ashi moto go chui kudasai”
The train speakers announced their arrival at the station.
‘Tenjinbashi-roku-choume’ station : just north of the heart of Osaka. The train ride had only been 30 minutes, but the scenery had quickly transformed from sprawling country side to urban metropolis. The only thing Goemon had recognised aside from the creek in the mountains was the wide river they had crossed before arriving at the station. The dark shimmering water had made his eyes momentarily flash with excitement, before closing as the train rocked from side to side.
The temple, Merlin and the others, were back in Minoh, a city in the North of the prefecture. The temple was deep in the mountains, nestled along a winding creek that led to the waterfall they had heard while escaping the tomb.
Jesse looked around, spotting foreigners of all kinds among the crowds. No doubt they would be holidaying, sightseeing, having fun, maybe even venturing to the waterfall.
And Jesse, what was she here to do?
To kill. Again.
The thought sent shivers down her spine. What was she becoming?
And the Demon, if he kept body skipping, what would she do? Just keep killing? The feeling of wanting to run away crept in her thoughts, but she couldn’t. She had helped Merlin escape the tomb. She had forced him to try and find the weapon. It was her fault, and she had to deal with it. Besides, it wasn’t even a choice; there was no one else.
People bustled past her hurriedly, making Goemon and her flow with the crowd towards the steps leading up and away from the platform. Jesse gripped Excalibur’s hilt in her pocket, willing herself to stay calm.
The sword had shrunk down to just its base, Goemon’s doing the same, much to his disappointment.
“Excalibur can choose its form,” Merlin had reminded them as it had shrunk conveniently into her palm.
The crowds rose up the stairs and out in the night air. It was cooler than the day, but still warm. The smell of food filled their senses. People rushed all around, busy and uninterested in her and Goemon as they made their way home from work or dinner. Bright lights shone from the buildings surrounding them, causing Goemon’s neck to arch back and stay there, frozen in awe.
“Across the street is the Shoutengai. Go there,” the priest said.
Glancing across the intersection that was next to where they had emerged, she could see a large arched entrance that jutted out from under a tall building. Bright lights and shops beckoned within.
After patiently waiting for the lights to change, they crossed and entered the high-ceilinged space. Inside, the long arcade stretched far away into the distance, curving out of view near the end.
Following the phones directions, they walked through, Jesse’s nerves and Goemon’s wonder at everything making the pace slow. Shops, restaurants and strange places passed them by as noise assaulted them from all directions. Adverts and music, noisy arcade like buildings, karaoke bars and pachinko parlours. Shop staff stood in their way and greeted them with a bow, coaxing to them to go inside.
All the smells were getting to Goemon, who was salivating as he stared lovingly through the windows and counters, lagging behind. Jesse was too nervous to really take in her surroundings, instead focusing on the phone and the map. The few times she had made eye-contact with the workers in their path she had felt compelled to awkwardly bow as they did.
They had been slowly making their way down the arcade for 10 minutes, and still it meandered onward. Merlin suddenly spoke.
“Turn here, Jesse. Go down the small alleyway to the left. Stop somewhere and wait for a moment. He is close.”
To Jesse’s left was a narrow alley, with a small shop serving small dumpling like balls straight on to the street. They entered the alley, coming to a stop a bit further down by a standing-bar. They stepped up onto the small deck that was bordered by a rail. A western-looking man with dread-locked hair nodded politely as they did, and the barman came to their attention, offering a small bow. Jesse responded in kind.
Goemon stared for a moment at the dread-locked man, appraising him with a raised eyebrow, before turning to the barman.
“One beer, and tea for my girlfriend.” He smiled as he spoke, which turned into a laugh as he saw Jesse’s face go red.
“You need to relax, J,” he said as they received their drinks, along with a chilled towel.
How could she relax? Her heart was thundering inside her chest. The Demon was nearby. There were so many people. She would be seen. What if…
“Oi,” Goemon said as he grabbed her shoulder and bent down to look her in the eye, “you’re not alone. I’m with you. It will be OK.”
“I’m fine, G, really I am. Don’t worry about me.”
With a slap on Jesse’s shoulder he turned back to the bar, swigging his beer as he lent back on the rail, wiping his forehead with the towel. Using the letters of their names instead of the full ones was a precaution, but it sounded so weird and forced. Even Goemon’s name, the priest had said, would attract attention.
Jesse nervously played with Excalibur’s hilt in her pocket. It tingled to her touch, as if the sword itself were also anticipating the worst.
“You’re Japanese is better than mine! Where are you from?” the barman asked as he took a note from what Goemon had left on the bar; only a small portion of what the priest had given them.
Before she could reply however, there was a sudden rush of bodies behind. A dozen men in suits swept through.
“Yakuza,” the barman said, his face drawn with worry, “lots of Yakuza. Something is happening.”
The man at the end of the bar nodded. He seemed to be staring intently at Jesse and checking his phone. Had he realised who she was, or was Jesse letting her paranoia get the better of her?
Before she could do anything but nervously smile, there was another rushing of feet down the alley. This time, it was not men in suits, but in uniform. Police.
“Yep, might need to close up early tonight.” The barman said with a wry smile.
“The Demon is located further down in the alley. He’s possessed a gang member of some kind. There are many of his people with him, drinking at a bar that opens into the street. Be careful, Jesse. These men are dangerous.”
It was Merlin’s voice. Somehow he was looking ahead.
Goemon finished his beer.
“Let’s go take a closer look.”
They waited a moment before departing, and then went down the alley. It was like a maze of interconnecting paths and roads that kept to no pattern, leading into a different world. People were drinking, eating and laughing everywhere. Hanging lights and lanterns provided soft light that gave the place a warm and cosy aura; completely at odds with how Jesse felt. Various pieces of music played from the myriad of vendors while delicious smells of cooked meat and other food filled the space with a mouth-watering fragrance.
As they ventured further down however, the number of patrons became less, the noise dying out. More shops were closed, people hurriedly moving away in the other direction.
Then they saw the policemen coming back their way. Oddly, they were smiling, laughing and completely relaxed.
“Let’s get a beer or something guys, no problems here.”
Goemon and Jesse exchanged glances. Goemon knew the law when he saw it, and was just as bemused as her. As they watched the men pass, Jesse felt like she was wading through cold and thick fog.
“This feeling,” Goemon said, “is the Demon. It’s just like when he tried to possess me.”
It became thicker as they walked on, turning a corner to see a large group of suited men sprawled around some outside seating of a bar that had a Hawaiian theme. They were loud, laughing and drinking heartily. The staff looked scared.
All the other shops were empty. Around the street, a few men lay badly beaten and bruised.
Goemon pulled her out of view as they looked on. Merlin’s voice buzzed in their heads.
“This kind of Demon strives for power, constantly skipping between those it finds superior; it is no surprise he has found such men. He can assume their power, their knowledge, their skills, their very identities. Others are drawn to him. A master manipulator. Proceed carefully.”
It looked to be true. The men around him seemed to hang on his every word as he spat them loudly between gulps of drink. Every now and he would turn to a man slumped back in a chair behind him, punching him harshly across the face to cheers of the others. Blood trickled freely from the mans head and swollen cheeks. Jesse wasn’t even sure if he was still alive.
Like a robot a young waitress neared the table where he sat, passing more drinks to the men. Her expression was blank and unblinking.
“We can't just stand here while he hurts people. We have to help,” Jesse said.
Now was probably the best chance they were going to get. Few bystanders. Few witnesses. Best of all, they all seemed to be gang members. A lack of innocence definitely helped Jesse’s conscience.
“That body he possesses looks like an ordinary man.” Goemon said.
“Do not be fooled, Goemon.” said Merlin, “Demon of his ilk possess many powers.”
The comment didn’t stop Goemon, who stepped confidently out, ignoring Merlin’s warning. Jesse followed.
Almost immediately the Demon’s head lifted. He stopped talking and stood.
“My friends, it appears we have visitors.”
Without a word, the men around him turned to face her in one smooth motion, and then remained completely still, as if frozen.
“Goemon, I’ll go for the main guy. You fly in and get that injured man out of there. He doesn’t look like he’ll last much longer. Get the other guys who are hurt, too.”
Goemon breezed past, his hair and skin igniting in a flurry of black and golden feathers as he seemed to float before zipping away.
A blast of wind hit the tables where the men sat, sending them flying and sprawling to the ground. In a flash, the man who had been seated behind them was gone, and Goemon was back, depositing him beside Jesse.
Goemon stumbled as he let them down, clutching his head. Black blood dripped from his nose.
“The bastard is doing something,” he said between grunts, “the closer you get, the more you feel it. Argh!” Goemon cried out in pain.
“He is growing in power, Jesse.” Merlin said through their connection. The sound was distorted, as if being disrupted by another, stronger signal.
“Can you do something, Merlin?” Jesse asked.
“I, er, I…”
It was probably better not to ask.
“Goemon, get the other guys and stay with them,” Jesse said as she began to walk forward.
The Demon’s eyes were wide as he recognised her despite her guise, the smile fading from his face into a hard frown.
“Tell me, little princess, how many people are you willing to kill?”
Jesse didn’t reply.
“Let us see. Get her,” he ordered.
Jesse grasped Excalibur’s hilt. She only wanted to use it on the Demon.
“Excalibur lend me your power, but no armour, no sword. Not yet.”
She tried to relax, to feel the power as it surged through her. Follow it, she told herself.
The men rushed forward. The one nearest threw a punch, she ducked, ramming her fist into his stomach. Lifting off the ground he slammed heavily into a nearby shop grate. The next, seeing how easily his ally had been thrown, thought better of his fists, producing a small knife he slashed at Jesse as she rose. It passed her face and she grabbed the man’s arm. Spinning round and leaning her weight into a throw, she let go, his arm snapping as he tumbled over the ground.
Against Goemon, her strength had seemed almost normal. Now she could see that she was much stronger; the man had felt near weightless. It filled her with confidence.
Something else was tingling at the edge of her perception, a sense of those round her and how they moved, like a pressure in the air. Was this something from Goemon?
She darted forward. 5 more men. The Demon just stood, watching. Then he smiled.
Like a thousand children crying in chorus, a scream erupted in Jesse’s mind, as if their high-pitched voices were vibrating red-hot barbed-wires that were dragging through her brain. She stumbled, falling to the floor as a boot of the nearest thug reached her stomach. Slam.
“Just who are you…”
The air rushed out of her. She heard the Demon’s voice, a crawling whisper in her head.
“Kind of empty in here, isn’t it? Hahaha…”
Jesse jumped up, blocking a blow to the head. Her hood flew back, hair whipping around her face as her sunglasses flew off.
Aiming for a chin, she threw her weight upwards, striking hard. The man left the ground as she spun to face the next. But she was a second too late.
A shot rang out.
Searing pain ripped through her stomach.
Bang. Bang.
Jesse fell back.
A gust of wind sailed past her as she felt Goemon’s arms wrapping around her body.
More shots. Thud. Thud. Thud.
With incredible speed they returned to the end of the alley, landing next to the men Goemon had saved. Jesse looked down.
Around her mid-section, gold armour swelled and glowed in pulses, bright spots dotted through it marking where the bullets had entered.
“Jesse, I was unable to stop all of the damage,” Excalibur said, “you are hurt, we must retreat.”
“I’m shot?” Jesse said in disbelief. How stupid. Of course they would have guns.
Goemon too, was in pain, slumping beside her and clutching his side. Looking across at him, she was suddenly overcome at how futile everything seemed. Excalibur was no match for bullets. No match for a Demon who could control people’s minds. What was she even doing here? Was this all a joke?
The men slowly approached, their guns still drawn. Moving in for the kill.
The pain in Jesse’s head still throbbed with every strained beat of her heart, growing in intensity as the Demon strode through his men. Suddenly, he stopped.
“What the hell are you idiots doing?!” A voice roared from behind the group. Alone, a man approached. Tall and slim, he was well-dressed in a sleek black suit. He wore no tie on a bright red silk shirt, unbuttoned towards the colour to reveal a thick gold necklace over complex tattoos. A pony tail pulled back his slick hair down wide shoulders. His eyes were alive with fury set in a gaunt face that was sharp and jagged, the cheek bones high and prominent. His voice boomed through the men.
“Jesse, you need to get out of there, now!” Merlin shouted, his voice in a panic.
From the man’s side, he drew a long blade that slid slowly from its holder, a note of pure misery playing as the sword scrapped against the sheath. Jesse’s heart lurched in her chest as a deep sorrow engulfed her, silencing the screeching that had been in its place.
“That’s it, that’s the sword. It’s….” Merlin’s voice crackled and disappeared.
The sword. All Jesse could do was watch as the Demon turned to face the man. Panic flared in his eyes.
“Shoot him! Shoot him now!” he yelled at the men around him, who suddenly began to move on their own accord, staring around as if confused as to what was happening.
“Okamoto Kumicho!” they said, dropping to the ground and bowing deep, their heads touching the floor.
Kumicho : the head of a Yakuza group. Jesse stared as the translation worked in her head. As if things couldn’t get any worse. These men were all part of the Japanese mafia, and this man, their boss.
“Shoot me?!” Okamoto shouted, “I am their leader. I am your leader! I took you from nothing and made you the man you are, Okajima! And this is how you repay me? By starting a war? By rampaging across half of Osaka and then doing this? What have you done?!”
The beautiful sword was now fully out from its sheath, reflecting the lights in the small alley down it’s length. As the man’s rage grew, the sword seemed to shine brighter.
The Demon was looking around, as if trying to find someone to flee to.
Jesse felt it too. Okamoto’s gaze seemed to lock all those it gazed upon in place, his aura paralyzing them in fear. It seeped down the alley to her: the most pure and horrific evil she had evil felt.
She wanted to run, but could not, her body crying out at the slightest of movement as her strength failed her. Goemon lay next to her, passed out but breathing. They both needed help.
This was no fairy tale; she had got shot. What did she think was going to happen? How naive had she been? Was she going to die here?
Sharp pain began to meet her strained breathing as she failed to tear her gaze away from Okamoto. The sword he held seemed to call out to her, mocking her with waves of energy that rocked her like tides at sea, each one viler than the last.
That evil thing was meant to be her salvation. Her only hope. The thought of joining with such a weapon made her want to vomit. There just had to be another way.
“Die!” Okamoto shouted as he sprang forward. He moved in a flash, the sword swinging out as it cut through the air towards the Demon , who didn’t move. Couldn’t move.
The Demon’s body exploded into a cloud around the man as the sword ran through him. As if trying to run, the cloud burst in Jesse’s direction, only to be drawn back in as the sword twisted around. Okajima’s eyes went black.
“Okajima! What the hell is this?” Okamoto shouted.
“Kumicho…forgive me.” Okajima hissed through his teeth as the blackness rippled over his eyes.
Black smoke began to fizz and hiss over the exposed parts of the sword, smoke burning from it as the cloud was drawn in.
Okajima fell away to the floor as the last wisps of smoke trialled up the sword and into the hilt. Jesse swore she heard the Demon scream as a black sheen glimmered over the swords surface, and then disappeared.
Okamoto dropped to his knees, breathing hard and sweating. His eyes were open and wild.
“This power…,” he whispered.
One of the men ran to his aid.
“Kumicho…” he squealed.
The sword flickered, and the man fell.
“You have all betrayed me!” Okamoto screamed as he rose.
Panicked yells rang out in the alley as each man perished in quick order, hardly moving as Okamoto dispatched them one by one.
Then he turned to her.
Jesse blinked, her eyes failing. She was exhausted, could barely even keep them open. The armour that covered her in places was fading.
“Excalibur…” she called with her mind, but there was no answer. There was simply too much damage.
“You…I know you,” Okamoto said as he approached. Specks of blood covered his face, matching the deep red of his shirt.
“The girl from TV…but more than that. You called to me. Your sword…” He pointed at her hand that clutched Excalibur’s hilt.
“You were looking for us,” he said, running his fingers across the blade as blood dripped from it to the floor.
As he fingers trailed off the end he pointed the sword at her. His eyes flicked to Goemon, drawn to the feathers that were retreating down his neck and growing around the place of his injuries.
“What the hell is all of this?” Okamoto whispered.
“Yoshinori!” a voice broke out behind him.
An old man approached, followed by several men who kept their distance, weapons drawn as they stepped through the bodies on the street. He had a long white beard that fell to the breast of a pure white kimono. Calm seemed to radiate from him as he bowed his head, only a little more than a nod.
“Tsukasa,” Okamoto hissed,” I have dealt with this. Justice has been served.”
“I wouldn’t call this, Justice. Put your sword away, Yoshi,” Tsukasa said, “if you can.”
Tsukasa’s gaze was firmly on Okamoto’s blade, as if he couldn’t look away. At his own waist was an almost identical but smaller version that remained sheathed. Tsukasa gripped it tightly.
Okamoto scowled, but slowly began to bring the sword around, placing the tip at the edge of the scabbards entrance. He didn’t even look as his fingers guided it into position, keeping his gaze on Tsukasa. It paused at the rim.
Okamoto’s arm jerked and spasmed as he began to groan. A low rumble emanated through the alley as a wind swept through, bustling around his body.
“Argggghhh!” Okamoto screamed, slamming the sword into the scabbard with a high-pitched whine of steel. The heavy aura that had pervaded through the space was suddenly gone. Okamoto’s deep breaths were rough against the silence. His hand dropped away from the hilt, bloody and raw.
The men behind Tsukasa ran to the aid of the young man who lay next to Goemon, also helping the others who had regained consciousness. Tsukasa nodded to Jesse and Goemon too, and then men helped prop them up from the floor.
“What are you doing, old man,” Okamoto spoke, his voice low and tired.
“Taking them with me. If the boy survives, war may be avoided. If he dies…”
“You would dare go to war with me? You would risk everything? Who is he?”
“I would have no choice, old friend. Daisuke is the son of a prominent family. They hold great power within the Kazeyama-kumi. We live and die by the rules, Yoshi. Even you and I.”
“Tsukasa…I am so close to our dream. Don’t do this.”
“Your dream, old friend. It is out of my hands.” Tsukasa said, looking down.
Okamoto didn’t answer. He looked at Jesse.
“Why is she here?”
Tsukasa looked over toward Jesse. If he was surprised, nothing was betrayed on his face.
“If she had not been, Daisuke would be dead. We both owe them our gratitude.”
“But she is the girl from TV…she has power…they were looking for me…” Okamoto trailed off, a look of confusion coming over his face. He shook, shaking his head and standing straight, regaining composure before he spoke again.
“Do as you must. I will await your decision. If there is war, you know what will happen.”
“I do.”
Tsukasa fixed his gaze on Jesse and simply nodded as Okamoto walked past. The men behind quickly moved out of his way as he went through, jumping into a car at the end of the alley and speeding off.
Jesse was fading. Fast. Darkness reached from their edges of her vision. The pain didn’t even seem that bad anymore. She felt down to where it was, and lifted her hands. Slick red ran off her fingers.
“Miyakegawa Kumicho, we must move. The police are coming.”
Tsukasa nodded, and Jesse felt herself being lifted as she closed her eyes.
“Jesse! Jesse! Can you hear me? Are you ok?” Merlin’s voice suddenly shouted in her mind.
Jesse gave in to the warm feeling spreading through her body and fell into its dark embrace.
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yakuza dragon tattoo girl video

How the Yakuza Made Tattoo Culture Illegal in Japan ... TATTOO YAKUZA  FULL BACK TATTOO  JAPANESE STYLE  KWA ... Drawing Yakuza 4 Kazuma Kiryu Dragon Tattoo - YouTube Yakuza: Like a Dragon  Announcement Trailer - YouTube YAKUZA KIWAMI - Tattoo - YouTube Yakuza Dragon Tattoo - YouTube Top 20 Japan Tattoos Most Popular  Japan Yakuza Tattoos ... Yakuza 0 - Boss Battles: 17 - Keiji Shibusawa (LEGEND ...

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How the Yakuza Made Tattoo Culture Illegal in Japan ...

SEGA and Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio are happy to announce that the latest entry in the RGG / Yakuza series, Yakuza: Like a Dragon (Japanese title - Ryu Ga Gotoku 7... About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators ... After a long, tough battle through the Nikkyo Consortium Ship, Kiryu at last finds Shibusawa at the end of it.Special thanks to Hannya Tier patrons: MiyuRon ... Working On My Third Tat About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators ... About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators ... Sombo Beb Channel : Thank You for watching, Like, Comment, And Help Click Subscribe to get new Video Everyday... hope this was helpful ️ Tebori describes the hand-carven technique of Japanese tattooing. It's a traditional method that dates back to the 17th century, but was once completely bann...

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